
Land of Karchan

Karchan Down
Published Date 2015-12-17T20:18:58

This morning, at about 01:58, Karchan went down. To be more specific, Glassfish, the application server, went down as it was short of Memory....

By Karn.
Published Date 2015-12-17T20:18:24

To anyone who is even vaguely interested in encryption and security and all that, the term HTTPS should have a familiar ring....

By Karn.
We're back,... sort of.
Published Date 2015-09-20T12:08:46

It is now once again possible to login and play the game and when finished log out....

By Karn.
Land of Karchan Hacked!
Published Date 2015-09-20T09:43:42

Well, for those of you who haven't noticed yet, recently the website Land of Karchan had been hacked....

By Karn.
Game will be online today!
Published Date 2015-09-20T09:42:36

Time for an update!...

By Karn.