
Land of Karchan

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Published Date 2021-12-31T21:46:13

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you!...

By Karn.
Release notes - version 2.0.10
Published Date 2021-11-02T21:46:22

Mudmail should work again. SSL Certificate extended, so that's good....

By Karn.
SSL Certificate extended again
Published Date 2021-08-12T06:28:59

The certificate has been extended for another three months (by me by hand). I need to automate this....

By Karn.
Introducing Chatlines and the return of other features!
Published Date 2021-05-20T22:22:01

Hello everyone!

Recently there have been a few new interesting updates to game, courtesy of Karn, that I would like to explain to you.

The biggest change is the introduction of CHATLINES.


In the past, groups that didn't have guild status had no chats available to them. There were also instances, for example, where someone wanted to be in a guild AND in another group, but couldn't join two guilds. This new functionality allows the deputies to program chatlines by attributes, which anyone can have.

I will be using the attribute/family family Barker for the examples below.

Say you have a family group that isn't a guild, called the Barker family. Deputies could create a chatline for anyone with the attribute 'barker' where those with the attribute have access to a private chatline just like a guild. Being part of a chatline will not interfere with your character later joining a guild, as they will still have access to the chatline due to the attribute.

Using it would look like this:

chat barker message.

[barker]Victoria: Hi.

You can also leave and join the chatline as needed for IC or OOC reasons by typing leavechat barker and rejoining by typing joinchat barker. If you want to be permanently removed from a chatline, just as a deputy to remove the attribute that gives you access.

No one can join a chatline without having the appropriate attribute, so if someone tries to joinchat barker, it will say 'Chatline not allowed.'

Chatlines can also have their colors customized within reasons. For a full list of available colors, reach out to me and I will compile one.

Other news:

Guild Colors and OOC Color

For a short time, guild colors and the ooc channel were the default color. Karn has fixed this feature, but with a list of preset colors to select from in the guild tab. The feature is accessible to guildmasters only. From a dropdown menu, you can select a color for your guild chat command. The colors there should look fine in both light and dark mode, but you can always change the color again as necessary/desired.

UNFORTUNATELY, that means that all guildmasters must now reset their guild colors to one from the dropdown menu, as they have defaulted to green, that's a small price to pay for having this functionality back. :)

New Races

When making a new character, you can now select from a wider variety of races. The ones on the list were the races that the Deputy Team thought were the most common in Karchan. If your character is not one on the list, a deputy can still be contacted to changes the stats (look) of your character, including whichever race is appropriate for it. Only ask.

New Races Available:


A final reminder that race can be changed to anything if you make a reasonable request to a deputy.
A list the deputies with active status can be found here:

Finally, a huge thank you to KARN for all of these new features and all of the recent work he's been putting into the game. If you see him around, be sure to thank him!

Questions about this blog post? I can be reached on Discord on the Karchan Server. My name should be listed as Victoria - Deputy of Karn. Even if you don't see me, I might be there, so feel free to tag me with any questions or concerns you have about this post!


By Victoria.
Release notes - version 2.0.9
Published Date 2021-05-15T07:20:45

Well, the server move worked a lot better this time. You shouldn't notice anything....

By Karn.
Release notes - version 2.0.8
Published Date 2021-02-22T07:32:41

Well, the server move did not go as planned. I hit a few problems, and decided enough is enough....

By Karn.
Moving Karchan
Published Date 2021-02-18T08:34:42

Karchan will be moved from one server to another, as I'm planning on using a (slightly) different architecture....

By Karn.
Karchan went down
Published Date 2021-01-22T06:35:04

Hi, guys....

By Karn.
Merry Christmas and a Happy Newyear!
Published Date 2020-12-24T15:20:05

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you!...

By Karn.
Release notes - version 2.0.7
Published Date 2020-12-03T22:29:44

Howdie, people of Karchan...

By Karn.