
Land of Karchan

Release notes - version 2.0.3
Published Date 2019-09-02T22:34:28

Howdie, people of Karchan

Well, because of some small bugs introduced in the previous release, these had to be rectified in this one.

You've been playing it for some time already, but got only around to the release notes now.

Release Notes

  • Fixed #89. Logged in as "null". (Remove localStorage, replace with cookies. Forgot to do this in one place.)
  • Fixed #90. "You are not logged in as undefined". But this resolves itself appropriately. Related to the bug above.
  • add beta release support. Could still use some improvement, working on it.
  • fix logging out in karchanpersonal and karchanadmin. Now logs you out and back to the main page.
  • fix for some passwords (Victorias for example) -> it happened when the hash was preceded by one or more zeros in mysql, but my code was without 0-padding.
  • Fixed #88. Blue bar for mobile users. Added [play] in both karchan website and the karchanapp for small screens.
  • play was unclickable on small screens, as the toast was invisible but still in the way. Toast now only rendered/added if there's new mail.
  • fixed some imports on MenuFactory.

Note: If you log out, but you haven't stopped playing (by pressing the big Quit button), you remain on the who list and people can see you. At least, until you idle out.

By Karn.