
Land of Karchan

Release notes - version 2.0.4
Published Date 2019-12-03T21:22:08

Howdie, people of Karchan

Do not get your hopes up! This is what I call a housekeeping release. Some things have changed, but you might not notice.

For those of you with no wish to read the release notes, here's some highlights:

game moved to karchanpersonal app
the gameui is now also available straight up in the karchanpersonal app, which might work a little better (or not). Let me know, because I will remove the old gameui.
Christmas implemented
Christmas now starts at 7th of December and runs until 6th of January
added admin pages
new adminpages for the rooms, commands and methods

Release Notes

  • moved all entities into a separate module, this way the entities can be used by the website as well as the game.
  • started using CDK from Angular Materials, to be more specific the Virtual Scrolling component. It is only used in the admin pages, and can be a bit of a pain.
  • added a library to support the new LocalDate and LocalDateTime of Java in the Wiki.
  • angular upgraded, of course.
  • added a parent pom
  • Fixes #93. Also increased the list of recently updated wikipages to 8 up from 5.
  • started moving the actual game into the karchanpersonal app
  • card-block replaced with card-text, card-block was only available in the bootstrap alpha
  • implemented Christmas
  • needed to add a property to tell EclipseLink that its database is MySQL4 compatible
  • added adminpage for Rooms
  • added adminpage for Command
  • added adminpage for Methods

By Karn.