
Land of Karchan

Release notes - version 2.0.5
Published Date 2019-12-16T16:54:26

Howdie, people of Karchan

This is more what you'd call a deputy release. It is for the admin pages, to be precise.


server metrics
there's a server metrics option under Help now. You can see how the server is doing.

rooms, methods and commands admin pages

there is a large amount of rooms, methods and commands. I tried to make a view into this, but it didn't work very well. Now, when you wish to edit rooms, for instance, ALL rooms are downloaded to the client. Yes, this takes a while (10 seconds?), but the download for rooms for example is less than 1 megabyte. Once it is downloaded, it will not be downloaded again, unless you hit "Refresh".

I hope this improves on the user experience for deputies.

Release Notes

  • added server metrics option to the help menu
  • added help function to the karchan admin pages.
  • Fixed #95. Forgot that the rooms now have a Long as id, and for a new character room 1 is looked up in the database using an Integer.
  • Fixed #39. You can now search on room title, owner, area and description. The description requires a refresh, as that is processed on the server side (to prevent having to fetch all the descriptions client side.)
  • Fixed #71. The command admin page can now sort by id, command and methodname And you can search for methodname.
  • Fixes #83. replaced the windowing thingy with just getting EVERYTHING and caching explicitly, until the administrator says otherwise (hits Refresh). Also fixed the href, replaced them with routerLinks.
  • added proper buttons -> split up into Update and Create (no longer a Save button)
  • Fixes #94. fix rooms in karchan admin
  • added a little animated santa clause to the karchanpersonal bar
  • tried to use the JSON functions in the MARIADB. Happily, this works like a charm. Decided to use Native Queries, and not to put them in the entities, as they are basically something completely unrelated to entities, when you think about it.
  • fixed layouting of karchanpersonal/play

By Karn.