
Land of Karchan

Absolutely Fae-bulous Episode 1


The mischievous tea addict of Solol comes to cheer up a depressed deity in a whirlwind of a visit.

Contains Bad Language

The Roleplay

Neith was not a fine example of her specimen at this very moment, nor was she often within the walls of her home. She could manage to get dressed tidily, paint her face in make up and wear a mask of a smile when outside but here she didn't have to bother. She had worn her scruffy clothes for two days straight, even having slept in them, she was in need of a shower but she was in need of a lot more than just a shower too, she was in need of help. Stuck in a downward spiral and currently no hope of escaping the loop, she stands stood in her study that like the rest of the house, is a tip. The floors were in need of a clean, littered with papers, empty wine bottles and the particular patch the goddess was staring at, a stain from her vomit a few days prior. A heavy sigh as she sort of toys with the idea of tidying, getting her life in order but that seems like the least appealing thing in the world so instead she flops down on the armchair in the corner and pulls over the bottle of rum, not even bothering with the glass as she takes a sip from it.

Faelon could smell desperation from miles off, and Neith's had a particularly attractive whiff to it that led the wee man to plotting merrily. Which led to today, in which he could be found sweeping cheerfully into Neith's study as if it were his home rather than his. Mayhap she'd noticed some noise in the kitchen - the clatter of some dishes, the scrape of a chair against the floor. The wee creature had spent the time to make the most divinely perfect cup of tea, with the side of an indulgent cinnamon sugar scone with a wee cup of thick, Dunholme cream to spread on it, "My dear!" Declared Faelon as he wheeled right up and set the tray with it's cargo upon Neith's desk, shuffling aside some papers and what seemed a bit of a raunchy novel buried beneath them, "You look a terrible mess. Come-" Whirling over with a bounce in his step, Faelon gently placed one hand beneath the Goddesses elbow, while the other softly rubbed at her back with the subtle pressure to encourage her to sit up straighter, "-Come now. Do you like a touch of sugar in your tea? This is a most delightfully floral and fruity mixture so I fear I rather don't recommend any milk or cream, my dear." Busy hands would be looking to take that rum away next.

Neith had been lost in a world of her own and had missed the clinks of china in the kitchen but when the wee man comes into the room, her body jumps and she stares, frozen and surprised. Not a word is said as her eyes follow the man as he moves to the desk, exposing her little indulgent like of novels of wet shirted men and she can't help but wonder if she has sunk to a level where she is imagining things now. However if she is, why? The first noise she makes is a laugh as she puts the thought together that perhaps her mind has decided that Faelon of all the people she knows would be a fairy godmother like creature in her imagination but the laugh suddenly stops in favour of a sharp "Oh." as he touches her elbow and she realises this is no concoction of her mind. Her rum gets taken from her and she struggles with the most basic of questions, staring at him with a raised brow as if he asked her to explain how exactly pi was discovered "Uh..Fae...one..one sugar please." she nearly stutters out with no grace or eloquence and like a puppet, she sits more upright. "I...sorry...it has..." how does she explain the mess, the mess she is in? What excuse can she use? Giving up with a token tuck of a curl behind her ear she then moves to the edge of her seat "Make yourself at home Fae....are you here for a particular reason?"

Faelon tittered, tucking the rum under his arm and giving Neith a pat upon the shoulder. He shuffled off like a doting little grandmother, cheerfully humming to himself as he tucked the rum away at the other end of the room. A sugar was added to the tea next, and stirred up into it, and after a moment of consideration he cut the scone lengthwise down the middle and spread the cream over each half for the divine woman. The both of them were brought over at once, the tea offered first, "Why of course, my dear." Answered Fae, wide smile keen upon the Goddess, "I came to see how you were, lift you up as it stands. We can't have you wallowing for an age, now can we?" A gesture, a tut and he was entirely encouraging her to drink and eat up.

Neith continues to watch the curious creature that is the witch doctor as he bustles around like something out of a fairy tale, peculiar, bizarre but endearing as seemingly just as sweet as the sugar he is spooning into her drink. The cup of tea is cradled into her hands and the plate with the scones left to balance on her knees and a look to his hat, a look to the drink she can't help but make a flat, half hearted joke by quoting from a well known children's book about a young girl falling down a rabbit hole "You're mad. Bonkers. Off your head. But I will tell you a secret, all the best people are." Then it comes time to lie "Faelon, thank you for this but I am fine." Even as those words spill from her lips she knows it would never be believed, not even by a stranger but she tries to bolster it by adding the word "Honestly." And the redhead knows it is not going to work so with a sigh, the confession comes out "I am not fine Fae. I don't know what to do. I feel lost, pointless, useless and I don't know what to do about it." The cup however is brought to her lips that become pursed as she gently blows over the scorching liquid for a moment before braving the heat and taking a sip.

Faelon :: With the tea and scones deposited into Neith's care, Faelon deposited himself to perch like a preening little bird on the arm of Neith's chair. Arm extended, it curled around Neith's shoulders as he tsk'd and shushed soothingly, "Well you just have your snack there first, my dear, then we shall worry of it, hm? Though might I suggest a shower? A touch of cleansing water always does one quite well, wouldn't you agree?"

Neith winces apologetically as she is reminded of her little lapse in keeping up with self maintenance. A nod is given to the man perched at the side of her though he may be like a bird, he might also be like an angel or a devil at her shoulder, question is which one? once the sweet treat of the scone is bitten into, her stomach reminds her quite rudely that she had not eaten that day and it is polished off with vigour, rising and taking her cup with her. "I will be back. If you want to go into the lounge if you find that more comfortable?" It would be slightly less of a state there, it had received a half tidy up just a few days ago. However she then disappears to the bathroom, gone nearly half an hour before she returns with hair wet and tightly tied up, clean clothes and on and trying to figure out if the man had gone a-wandering, calling down the hall "You were right, being clean does help a little."

Faelon took to the lounge, and whilst Neith was busy showering, busied himself with tidying up a bit more. He didn't know where everything went, nor did he particularly care but leastways he could stack things up neatly and arrange this and that nicely. By the time Neith came back, Faelon was already done, perched once more and this time with a cup of tea of his own, loaded down with a significant amount more of sugar than hers had had, "T'is a lovely feeling, don't you think? Even if it feels a terrible effort it's always rewarding to be freshly showered I think."

Neith can muster a smile that isn't forced, it may not be bright and sunny but it is genuine as she finds the man in the lounge. A little look around and she is relieved that it isn't dire but makes the mistake of assuming the tidying up was soley on her part and she hadn't remembered getting it this way. A refill taken as she settles in the corner the overly large couch, making herself comfortable and finding herself in the position to try decent and normal conversation "It is certainly easier to think. How have you been anyway Faelon? It has been a little while since I saw you last. Have you been up to any adventures down in Solol?"

Faelon leaned forwards to put his weight upon his toes and his elbows upon his knees as he regarded Neith a touch like a girl ready to gossip. Alas, the rigors of daily life are hardly exciting and he shook his head, "Oh I fear i've been so terribly bored as to consider trying to introduce one of those little... ah, street festivals? One centered around food, however. I rather don't know that anyone in Solol will be quite on board to make it a rather regular thing, but perhaps we might convince them to do it once, hm? It might be an entertaining disaster if it isn't a grand success!" Neith lifts her brows just a little fraction in mild surprise as the witch doctor tries to explain his little plan for the village of horror and of course she thinks of it in a way that she herself has experienced food festivals of high priced home made cakes, cooked savoury dishes with enough chilli to leave one's tongue numb and a vegan stall trying to provide substitute foods that taste quite foul. "Well regardless of what sort of folk you have that way, they still have to eat. Food is a common need for all so I imagine it would fare far better than if you were trying to host a craft fete or vegetable growing contest. I am sure you can find a way to market it in such a way that it appeals to them...." Her voice drifts off as a thought wanders into her mind, reminding her of a little trinket she had kept unused for a coupe of years now, a ring gifted to her that would give her a day as a mortal with a different look, perhaps this would be a way to use it, feel the risk of the village without the protection of what she is. "Perhaps if you don't mind, if you do arrange it, I could visit it covertly?"

Faelon says [to you] : "Why of course, my dear. I should be delighted to have you there." With a wave of his hand, Faelon fended off the topic to pratter back to the previous, much more interesting one, "Ah, that's quite enough about me though, hm? Do tell me all your woes, won't you? Why you seem about fit to burst, my dear." He shook his head at that, "In fact, you looked so frazzled I shall have to insist upon making you dinner a bit later, hm? One can't leave you in such a state in good concious, you know." What a terrible lie, "Besides, Ii'm a rather wonderful cook, I shall have you know."

Neith 's smile falters as the distraction of the lives of other's comes to an end and her own empty one is questioned on. Her lips move in slight, not forming words but trying to find them to utter and her mind contemplates trying to turn the subject of conversation back to him, being a typical ostrich with their head in the sand and trying to avoid. They might not be bosom buddies but she knows him well enough to know she wouldn't be able to avoid the topic even if she takes a little detour first. "I am sure you are a wonderful cook but you would have to be lucky to find anything in my cupboards apart from maybe a few tins of food years past their expiry date.." Another sigh, heavy and saturated in frustration and self pity at the topic he must broach. "I don't know if you are aware, my marriage failed. No great explosion, no act of trust broken. It didn't work and it was stupid to think it ever would. We made each other unhappy. I find myself now in a state of unhappiness, I have nothing of my own, nothing to bring joy to my life, nothing I can selfishly have for me, me as a person. I am just...public property, there to be an ear for those who what to whinge and moan and receive something. Nothing that brings me joy."

Faelon found a peculiar little smile flying over his lips for a brief split-second, though it was easily brushed off as he chattered on, "Oh? You needn't worry over the state of your pantry, my dear, I came prepared." Assuredly, there were stacks of groceries waiting in the kitchen - a significant portion was devoted to desserts, it seemed. Of course it was with him, "Well, if you were making each other miserable in the first place, then there's really nothing for it. It is rather terrible, isn't it?" Purred the wee fiend, shuffling closer to Neith with a friendly grin, "Everyone always demanding this and that of you, hm? IT rather sounds like you need a vacation, my dear. Or--ah, a staycation? With someone to fuss over you."

Neith knows full well what he says is the truth but sometimes she can't help but think it would have been better to stay together just so when she walked through the door, there would be someone there, just to ask how her day was even if they didn't listen to the answer. This isn't said though, instead her gaze drifts to the window to the sun slowly sinking in the sky "I need something...anything." A drop of desperation clearly heard in her voice before she washes it away with the last remaining cool drop of tea in her cup. Then a laugh, dry and empty looking as her gaze dances back to Faelon "With someone to fuss over me? Who? I even gave my damn cat away as it reminded me of him. Rodolphus of all people is the closest one to fussing over me but that is just him coming into my house when I am passed out drunk and leaving a glass of water and aspirin by my head, that is hardly fussing. Of course if you are such a great cook, then I am more than happy to invite you here for a week." The redhead though offers that as a joke, not expecting the witch doctor to do such a thing.

Faelon clapped his hands together as he perked up in delight, bobbing his head with an agreeable nod that also had a sense of finality to it, "Well, that's quite settled then, isn't it?" Faelon chirped, giving Neith an amiable pat on the leg, I shall come stay a week. I'm sure you'll find it's quite relaxing, hm?" There was no deterring this joke train gone off it's rails, it seemed, "Now, tell me, my dear, what are your favourite things to eat?"

Neith makes a strange and peculiar sound as Faelon accepts the invite, it might have been a word, it might have been several all layered on top of each other or it might have been utter nonsense that came from her throat and yet again the little man managed to surprise and confuse the goddess. Lips close and purse together to silence herself as she hunts for the words to politely retract the offer but w whispering thought, though quiet, could not be unheard. Wouldn't it be nice to have some company? Isn't it better than being lonely? What is the worst that can happen? . So because of that thought, no retraction, no refusal comes from her lips but instead a smile and a "Okay then. This will be fun." It would be memorable and a drastic change from the path she was on at the very least. ." As for food, I am easy, I will eat anything but pasta and fish win hands down and I can eat a whole tub of ice cream or half a cheese cake in one sitting....one day I am going to manage to eat a whole cheesecake." Well everyone needs a goal in life, right? "I will make up the spare room for you. Is there anything you need me to get for your stay here?"

Faelon shook his head, raising his finger to waggle, "Oh dear me, no. I shall send for a few things but it won't be a thing at all. There's quite enough to eat for tonight so I shall do the shopping tomorrow and we shall have a grand time, hm?" A hearty, boisterous but genteel laugh follows and the wee man pats his stomach, his thinness beggaring belief, "I've eaten an entire cheesecake before, you know." Neith would soon find out just how much sugar was involved in his diet. Intimately. The cupboards will look like a war happened and sugar won.

Neith might have to get used to being in shock for it seems to be a state she might remain in for some time as it dawns on her "Oh the week is starting now...like right now. " There is a dumb nod that follows, no option but to roll with it and she makes a mental note to check the room Glwys stays in when he is around though Faelon would have to deal with the super knight patterned duvet cover that Neith keeps on putting on her son's bed despite him having far outgrown it and she would have to check that none of her son's conquests had left their underwear hidden anywhere so Fae wouldn't come across it. However she is soon carried away with ideas of what they can do in their time together, what she can do without being by herself "It will be great. We will go to the theatre and watch a show, shopping...did you know Marianne's has changed back to clothing? Perhaps they will have a nice adornment to add to your hat but oh...I do have at least one work event I have to go to. There is this charity event I have to show my face to, fundraiser for probably dogs with diabetes or monkeys with migraines or whatever it is this week the kept woman of Tiassale have decided to pretend to support in order to have an excuse to spend money on dresses. You want to come?"

Faelon 's unique combination of primness, never ending energy and enviable waifishness simply gave him the look of a man who was ready for a fashion show, "Oh! That sounds quite a delight. All of it." A small tap of his finger to his chin followed, and then a nod as he seemed to have decided something, "We shall have secret discussions about the taste of some people whilst we are there, hm?"

Neith has been well and truly infected with Faelon's natural energy and vibe, her smile was growing brighter and broader with each minute, perhaps just a small temporary fix like a plaster on a cut but one would tell, for now she was clean, not drunk, no vomit in her hair and actually not dreading her time at home for the next few days. "Secret discussions? You mean bitching right? Count me in. I am more than happy to make fun of some of the atrocities they wear and let alone how they act and shit they say." A wink is quickly shot his way as she moves to the edge of her seat "I am just going to quickly make sure we have enough clean dishes for dinner first..." In other words, surprise surprise the kitchen is a tip and she wants to do some damage control.

Faelon nodded enthusiastically before he got up to stand, setting his teacup on the coffee table, "OF course, my dear. I shall take the opportunity to nip off quickly to send for a few things, hm?" It wouldn't seem much when it arrived later; a suitcase, an elaborate picnic basket including tea set, and several boxes from the tea collection, naturally. As he half turned, bringing his expression away from Neith, a devious, toothy little smile broke through for a moment before he took upon himself his nearly manically cheerful demeanour, "Do give a bit of a yell if you need anything, won't you?"


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Last modified on November 20, 2017, 10:09:56