
Land of Karchan


Symbol: A Red Candle
Last Known High Priestess: Simmon
Last Known Avatar: Leliel.
Sphere of Influence: Lust (Passion, Intrigue, Attraction, Desire)

Almahvius lives on the Island of Mahtohs, otherwise known as the Isle of Lust. It was created by him in the Kuri equivalent of the Caribbean, lorded over by the deity himself and his trusted High Priest, Simmon and his most treasured lover and Avatar, Leliel.

He is the son of Osnodon and his created companion, a beautiful succubus. After years worth of hiding it, the truth finally came out about his mother. His servant Xia admitted that she was his mother, and now he dotes on her to make up for Osnodon's neglect of her.

As the son of Osnodon, he has a pronounced vampiric nature, often mixing the carnal pleasures effortlessly with quenching his blood thirst. It is reported that only ten of his lovers have ever survived his deeper affections. Though such a number may belie the threat of his love, take into consideration that he likely beds a woman or man for every day of the week. And on some days, several.

Almahvius has made himself sterile for the purpose of not bearing any offspring, he is not and will never be in competition with Obsidian or Kulanin. He can also make people magically sterile by request. He has gifted his high priest with this ability. (All you need to do is ask!)

Mestocolese (He was hatched from a black egg laid by Jaldrud. After a night of rampant fornication, the Lust god decided to punish the barbarian for his arrogance. The brute ordered a god to bow down to him, so he had to pay the price. Jaldrud was made to endure the pain of laying an egg, the thing similar in size to an ostrich egg. From it hatched Mestocolese, an incubus-like creature of lust. Gvaudoin is none too happy with the lust deity, but Almahvius was never the best at making friends.)

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Last modified on April 18, 2024, 17:59:22