
Land of Karchan

An Explorer's Heart

DATE: 11/13/17
PLACE: The Psychic Setup in Central Karchan

Romero is sitting under the psychic tent, the table littered with candles of various sizes that never seem to burn out. His fingers drum an impatient cadence on the table as he awaits possible customers.

Jean strides up, a narrow path, boot heels crunching along dry leaves. Black slacks hugging her legs, gold and black haavian, style top accenting her torso. Complementing her tanned complexion. Blonde hair, flawed with silver, despite her youthfulness a permanent crease set in her brow. Watching her step jade eyes lift to the tent, her steps slowing to a stop. Just outside the tent, looking in, she call out. "Are you available for a reading?" a low husky tone flows forth.

Romero hears Jean's arrival before he sees her, the tell-tale crunching of leaves signaling approach even from a distance. The incubus sits upright, and when the blonde comes into view, he wears a half-smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes. Being cursed for so long seems to have put a damper on his appreciation for even the most obvious of beauties. "I am, yes. Today has been slow. It's fifty gold per question. I use tarot cards, divining dice, and runes. Customer chooses which tool I use to foretell the future. Which do you prefer?"

Jean steps into the tent, her foot falls quiet this time. Her movement's sleek and graceful, a faint smile that she really didn't feel formed. A time of practice of giving, such pleasantries, but it to also didn't reach her pretty eye's. "It doesn't matter." taking a seat, long legs crossing over the other. "Dealer's choice." is plightly spoken. Lowering her eyes towards the table, the lovely smile gone.

You say [to Jean] : Anything in particular that you want to know? *shuffles the cards*

Jean says [to you] : My future? That is why I am here, am I not? Surprise me, draw your card's.

Plucking a card from a deck, you draw The King of Cups. A fair-haired king sits on a throne before a calm ocean, his arms outstretched in a welcoming gesture to the asker. The card is reversed.

Plucking a card from a deck, you draw The Fool. A being that is Gnomelven with large lobster arms can be seen standing beneath the waves, close to a net full of sea life. A bashful grin is on his face as bubbles from his nostrils rise to the surface of the water. The card is reversed.

Jean quietly watches, as every card is flipped over.

Romero shrugs when Jean sasses him, continuing to shuffle the cards. "Cards work better when given a question, but I'll do a general reading and see where we wind up." After shuffling the cards a few times, he draws the first one - The King of Cups, upside down. He ruminates on this card for a moment, trying to feeling out what it has to say. "You are currently very deeply troubled about a few things, and it has to do with a man in your life that is unsavory. I don't get the impression that this man is a lover, but it is definitely someone that has caused you some intense grief, whether directly or indirectly. Despite this, you are drawn to this individual and refuse to sever ties, even though he is not a good person and will only further damage your relationships with those around you." A pause. "Sound familiar?" After he gives Jean a moment to let that sink in, he draws his second card - The Fool. "The card in this position in this particular spread stands for what your next move should be. Right now, you are not thinking rationally, but in extremes, which is leading you to making some poor decisions. You should give extra consideration to each step you take in the future to build the future you want. Connected with the first card, your poor decisions in the past have brought you where you are today, and you're not happy with the consequences of your actions." He then waits for Jean to make comment, fingers lightly touching the top of his deck, free hand tucking some of his long, rusty-red hair over the bend of his ear.

Jean stares at the card's, her face becoming impassive, a deep breath could be seen as it is taken. "There is no man in my life, there hasn't been for quiet some time." Jade eyes flicking up to the Incubus. "Your right about the pain part. There has been a lot of pain, but I'm a big girl..." clearing her throat, a peek of her tongue as she moistens her lips. "I have no ties to anyone, not anymore. They chosen as I did, even though my heart still goes to them. I know that it will never be, we had are time, and now it's my turn to move on... " her tone took on a hollowness. Suppressing the pain she felt. Jade eye's still dry, but the remembrance of pain showed within them. "Is there anything else you see?" lips parting another deep breath taken, this one was to center herself.

Plucking a card from a deck, you draw Strength. An autumn-haired Marawen is in a beautiful forest, the head of a large, black bear in her lap. She comforts the creature with gentleness instead of wrangling it into submission. The entire area sudden smells like deep forest. The card is reversed.

Plucking a card from a deck, you draw The Knight of Rods. A red-haired knight that looks similar to the Mondegos, but not quite, is wielding a long spear that glows with power. He looks battle-weary but determined. The smell of blood and dirt wafts from the card fleetingly. The card is upright.

Plucking a card from a deck, you draw The Five of Cups. A man stares at a chalice that has spilled blood red wine onto a white cloth. He is so distressed by the empty chalice that he fails to see there are four more in front of him that haven't been touched. The card is reversed.

Romero draws the third card in his horseshoe spread, but elaborates on what he said earlier. "I didn't say the man in your life that has caused you so many problems was a lover, just that there was a man in your life that has helped you make some very bad decisions." He taps the third card at the height of his spread. "This card stands for obstacles, and you got strength reversed. The only thing standing in your way is you, it seems. You are afraid of confronting your past long enough to make amends with those you care about, and you have a basic lack of self control, your impulsive nature making it difficult for you to put your best foot forward." He draws the fourth card and taps it. "This card stands for your strengths or resources. You have an explorer's heart. You want to be happy, and if you need to change your surroundings to do so, you will. Given that you are currently unhappy, it is this traveler's heart that I think will help you grow. You should definitely move around until you find the place that makes your heart sing." He finally offers a kinder smile, his words softer than before upon realizing he may have sounded harsh earlier. "Finally, the last card stands for the outcome or a new focus. It seems that you are pining for friends and family you have lost along the way. The Five of Cups usually indicates a reunion, a happy one at that. You should definitely reach out to the people you've let go. They may be more open-minded and accept you back into their lives. I know it is hard and you are scared, as the cards have told me so, but you have nothing to lose by trying." Romero collects his cards and shuffles them back into the pile in practice motions, looking at Jean thoughtfully. "I hope you find what you're looking for. Price is fifty gold, and I do accept tips but they are not mandatory. Is there anything else you want to know or want me to expand on?"

Jean again quite, taking in all of the information. "Funny thing about the first card. There is no man, or so called lover in my life. Maybe it's a metaphor for something else entirely... There is no one to embrace either, my family is dead so I doubt there is any happy reunion." fetches out the acquired coin, and places it on the table. "Thank you for your time... The cards did get one right, I can't never stay in one place to long." smile forming, it seemed all most strained. Getting from her seat, she leaves the tent just as she came. In the distance, a quick shift of form, the Jaguar pads off into the nearest line of trees.

Last modified on November 13, 2017, 14:37:59