
Land of Karchan

Are you in

5th March


Gable has returned to Karchan with the aim of taking up his deceased brother's spot in the highwayman group. He bumps into Sloane but not before a brief conversation with Sabri in the office.

Contains Bad Language

The Rp

Gable is in the office that masquerades as a tax collector's office though it is anything but. Tom has for once had to leave to go home and Gable, having recently returned to the land is at the desk. Feet up upon the desk, large mug of coffee in his hand and cigarette in his mouth. His scruff of his stubble on his chin is given an idle scratch between long drags as he slowly looks through a pile of papers on his lap, occasionally circling something as he mumbles "Jeremy Jeremy, what were you up to?"

Sabri on brake from her patrol, took it upon herself to investigate on a lead. Stepping through the door, her foot falls hushed, an easy sleek stride in her movement's. Silverish blonde tresses cascades freely, down her back and over her shoulder's. Golden brow hues scanning the gloomy interior, spying a man behind the desk, the werewolf anomaly make's her way over. Her the soft feature's of her diamond shaped face, held a passiveness, a neutral take no shit presentation. Quite for a beat, wine colored lips part and a low sweet husky undertone is voiced. "I'm new to meet Aroura, a devilish pixie, cute and sweet looking but far from it. Has black and purple hair."

Sloane had been jolted awake by noise from downstairs, the woman having been sleeping on the couch on the floor above. She's momentarily disoriented after having been up all night managing the club, and she stumbles around, finds a discarded pair of shorts and tugs them on. A shirt is found too and pulled over her head haphazardly as she shakes out her mane of rumpled hair and grabs her gun before padding down the stairs barefoot. She creeps slowly, weapon drawn ready to meet whomever has broken into the tax collector's office. All at once Sloane is suddenly there, gun aimed at the pair at the desk. The woman is unfamiliar, but not the man seated in Tom's desk, and that's where Slim's dark, almond shaped eyes fall. "Shit, it's just you," she says as means of a greeting, dropping her gun to her side.

Gable drags his booted feet off the desk once it is apparent he has company, not knowing what to expect or if there is any chance of swindling money from them. The papers set down on the side of the desk and claiming his mug of coffee instead, politely nodding to Sabri but then arching a brow as she talks of and their "Sorry love, I don't know of any Aroura. Pixie huh? Can't stand those creatures, or fairies. I think they all should he killed." Then lo and behold, Sloane arrives. An arch of a brow at her slightly ruffled appearance but he grins "Like the hair. Especially the sticky up bit...." Though he nods over to Sabri as he asks the club manager "Know of this Aroura for this lady?"

Sabri brow creases slightly at the information of a no show. Damn pixie's, always an unreliable sort. Golden brown hues slide Sloane's way, noting the gun, and the way the woman looked. But doesn't comment on it. "The pixie had information for me, said to meet up here. Perhaps maybe you could give me some details." Look's between the two. "Tirosites, I have heard their on the move. Close to here, have you noticed anything? Perhaps a small child been seen traveling with them?"

Sloane huffs at Gable before shoving her gun in the waist of her shorts before reaching up and doing her best to smooth out her hair with her fingers. To the question she turns her gaze to the stranger and gives her head a small shake. "Nope, sorry." Still, she listens intently at the information given, filing it away for her travels through the town. "Tirosites, huh? Can't say I've seen anything suspicious as of late."

Gable strums the tips of his fingers against the desk in faux thought as he humours Sabri's request. The man in truth isn't from these parts nor has he long returned so he didn't even know of the place or the people that Sabri spoke of. As Sloane gives more help on the lack of knowledge, he decides to go for a ride on it. Standing up and walking around the desk to the other side, slowly sipping on his coffee before he leans on the opposite side of the large piece of furniture "I have heard they are on the move too. They have heard that Pendulis is having a great sale on haberdashery goods and with the Tirosites being keen crafters, they had to come. If I was you then I would go look in Pendulis in a week." Then a glance back to Sloane or more precisely, her bare legs in her shorts "You look good Sloane." and then eyes flick up to her face as he says with a wink "We need to go for drinks soon. We have a lot to talk about. Did you miss me?"

Sabri 's plump wine colored mouth, forms into a small frown, not liking the information. She was hoping she was closing in on her once capture's. Again, another dead end. Her golden brown eye flicking back to Gable, following his every move, her frown slowly deepening at the man's not so humorous comment. But doesn't speak her displeasure. "If you two happen to know anything, I would appreciate if you one of you to send word." Pause. "I live in Frostheaven, an Officer of the Winter Patrol. Send any bird's to the Inn, thank you for your time." With a bow of her head the werewolf anomaly, leaves just as she arrived.

Sloane arches a brow at Gable at his assumption about the Tirosites--clearly alternative facts, fake news. But she doesn't say anything to correct him. She does however catch his eyes on her legs and she moves to jut out a hip and cross her arms over her chest. His compliment surprises her and she eyes him suspiciously before flicking her eyes towards Sabri and giving a curt nod. "Sure thing. Bird to Frosthaven with information." Once she has taken her leave, dark eyes move back to Gable. "Sure we can go out for drinks. Swing by the club I manage and I'll even spring for them," she adds with her own cheeky wink. "And sure I missed you." Not really. "I guess you missed me, too."

Gable becomes semi distracted at the thought of building a wall around Tiassale and making the Sololians pay for it and his little day dream takes a second before he snaps out of it with a blink. A slow nod to Sabri but perhaps this is where he is more honest than Sloane "Perhaps we will. I have to be honest with you, it isn't as if you have given any incentive to do so. It isn't our business or job to pass on information. Of course if you made a monetary exchange for information...." He lets the anomaly mull over that and either respond or depart with that in mind. Then with a confused blink, having been out of the land for long enough to not be caught up on changes "Club? What one? But if you are buying, I am in. As for missing you, well if you had dressed like you are before I left then I would have."

Sloane waits for Sabri to perhaps counter her request for an incentive but it doesn't come. Taking the gun out of her waist she pads over to the desk Gable leans again and tosses it on it. "If you like this outfit you'd love my work attire," she says with a smirk. "It's a club in town here, not far." Sloane hops up on the desk and gives the man a once over. "So what brings you back to Tiassale?"

Gable tilts his brow as if inviting Sloane to divulge more "Oh? Highwaymen now have work attire? That's a new one on me." but he starts to roll down his sleeves to button them back at the cuffs as he delivers the news to Sloane. "Well went back home, carried on with life, work. Things were in perspective though and rather than continue to help banks with security, safes and keeping their profit. I decided, fuck it. If Jer could live a life with a bit more meaning and risk, why not take up where he left off? So sold my house, quit work and here I am." With that bomb of news let off, he gives a few seconds of the explosion to style. "And that is where we need to talk. So did you want to get those drinks now?"

Sloane rolls her eyes at Gable's question of attire for the group. "The club," she corrects him before falling silent to hear his confession. Her lips part and her mouth falls open slightly at his dropped bomb. "So...you are here now. For good." Sloane blinks a few times before he suggests those drinks. She would need to change, even if she wasn't on the clock, but she didn't want to divulge that she was living upstairs with all of her stuff. "Uh, sure. Let me just get ready. I'm not working but have to keep up appearances you know? Wait here." Hopefully he would listen and Slim would snatch up her gun and head back upstairs to slip into a black dress that was too short and too tight paired with matching heels that were too high. She does her best to work with her messy hair and applies some makeup before coming back down the stairs. Should Gable ask about her having spare clothes she would simply use the excuse of keeping outfits here in case she have to cover shifts at the club.

Gable expects to be kept waiting awhile, as is the way that normally happens when a woman just needs a moment to get ready. So he prepared himself for a lengthy wait and was back sitting at the desk, going through Jeremy's old plans once again by the time she returned. Looking up once he hears the click of heels near and letting a low wolf whistle out before he says "You better not have turned upstairs into a giant walk in wardrobe to hide your excessive shopping addiction from your boyfriend." Still he stands, his navy wool blend coat pulled off the back of the leather chair. Flung over his shoulders and the sheet of paper he had been writing on is folded and shoved in his pocket. A more critical eye to Sloane's outfit as he asks "Strip club is it? I'm game. Times have been tough huh? To answer your question, I am here for good now." That said, he expects Sloane to lead the way.

Sloane rolls her eyes at that wolf whistle but smirks despite herself as she gives a tug on her scooping neckline. "One, no closet. Just a few dresses in case I need to pop into the club. And two, i don't have a boyfriend." Sloane waits at the door for Gable and chuckles at his assumption. "Something like that," she agrees in reference to the strip Club but gives no further details. "Won't your wife or girlfriend miss you?" She asks as the walk leading the way until the reach the club where she holds the door open for the man with an innocent grin. "Welcome the The Purple Ladies Club."

Gable mumbles along the lines of "Fiancé." as he leaves the tax collector's office. Giving a brief explanation of "She wasn't supportive of the career change. She liked the money I got in the legitimate job. She had an excessive shopping addiction. Therefore she decided not to move with me and we decided to end the relationship." He doesn't particularly seem too distraught by it himself, likely a relationship that existed because it made 'logical' sense rather than any emotional. Once the club is introduced and the plush purple interior seen, he not only inwardly groans but outwardly too. "Is it possible to go snow blind from over exposure to purple?" He then goes to pull his coat off, about to drape it over the bar and then mutters a "Fuck, probably if I put this down anywhere it is going to reek of fairies, unicorns and flowers right? At least tell me you have decent drinks and a dart board in this joint."

Sloane gives Gable a sideways look and utters a quit apology for the loss of his relationship even if he doesn't look too broken up over it. Still the mood shifts once they enter the club and she cannot help but laugh at his reaction. A bar tender sidles up in front of Gable wearing nothing but said banana hammock. "We mostly have fruity drinks with little umbrellas in them. And that's a negative on the dart board," he adds with a wink. Sloane loans casually against the board as she continues to grin at Gable. "I can get you some knifes you can throw at the back of my door in my office if you'd like."

Gable purses his lips and to be frank looks a little awkward being presented by a man who wears less cloth than is in a handkerchief. His eyes lift up to the ceiling and an awkward avoidance of looking at anyone as he scratches the back of his head before he plucks the menu to be assaulted by an array of cocktails available and not his usual tipple. "Right mate, I will have a margarita but hold the salt, hold the triple sec and hold the lime juice. Put it in a shot glass too." The bartender looks a bit confused as he tries to figure out exactly what would be left to put in the drink but then cottons on "Straight tequila then?" which gets a nod from Gable before he adds "Make it two while you are at it." Then while Titan fixes the drinks, Gable with narrowed eyes looks at Sloane "So what exactly do you do here if you have an office? Also what is the decoration like in there? If it is worse than out here then..." Whatever he was going to say is stopped as his drinks are served but with what is likely a mandatory gaudy umbrella with morello cherries on the stalk in both ones, leaving the man who has left his life behind to start anew here, staring and lost for words.

Sloane slips up into the stool beside Gable and crosses her long legs. A few servers pass by and call out to her and she smiles to them and offers a wave before attention returns to Gable. "It's really quite boring in there. Plain white walls, rickety furniture. It's not so much an office as a converted storage space. It gives me a place to get paperwork and such done with my senses being assaulted." When their drinks arrive Slim grins and takes out the umbrella, placing the cherry between her teeth and tugging it from its stake before lifting her shot glass and toasting Gable. "To...new beginnings?" She offers rather lamely, waiting for the clink before shooting down her tequila. "Hey, Titan!" She calls out, tapping the bar. Eventually he saunters back over and places the half empty bottle before the manager who quickly pours out some refills.

Gable is not going to entertain having a drink with an umbrella or fruit that does not belong so his gets unceremoniously dropped on the bar top much to the distain of the bartender who must clean it up. His glass lifted, clinked in the toast and down it goes with the natural wince that comes from drinking an alcohol that tastes as such. Still as much as it might insult his tastebuds, he is going to continue drinking "To new beginnings." However business is in order and he takes a seat on what he believes to be a foul silk cushioned stool, clearly not the intended clientele "So seeing as you have this place...what is happening with the old business? I am here with the intention of taking Jeremy's old place. Have been looking at some of his old plans and they are certainly doable. You in? Or too busy having to oil up the lads here every half an hour?"

Sloane immediately goes about refilling the shot glasses before drumming her fingers along the bartop. "Well, Jeremy is gone. Caius hasn't been around, probably busy with his wife," she adds with a bit of a sour tone despite her attempt to keep it even. "I needed money so I started working here." Sloane takes up her glass once more and tilts her head back to shoot it down with a grimace. She studies Gable silently for a moment, as of measuring him and his offer up. In the end she once more adds more tequila to her glass, and Gable's, too, if he needs it. "Yeah I'm in."

Gable lets an easy grin slip on the moment Sloane confirms she is in with the plan, down his shot goes. Though the numbers might be small it seems with Caius being out, the younger brother of Jeremy has confidence about it. "We might have to have a look for another then. Some things are do-able with twos only so we can have a look into that. Perhaps even convince Tom to leave his desk once in awhile until we find another that would be of use" The glass is set down and his fingers curl around the bottle of tequila, topping up the manager's own glass before standing up, still with the bottle "I might need this and I am going to get the fuck out of here before my eyesight is damaged. I am staying at the gatehouse for the moment but if it takes awhile to find a place, I might pitch up in the office. Catch ya later Sloane." Then off he is with his pilfered bottle of booze and no permission from the woman about staying in the upper floor of the tax collector's office.

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Last modified on March 4, 2017, 23:33:36