
Land of Karchan


Crocodile Cove

NOTE FROM MIDEVIA: Please remember that I retain the right to transfer ownership of establishments if a player goes inactive for an extended period of time. It will be played off as you not being around to pay your property taxes and you will be evicted. If there is a particular building you would like to pursue an RP with, please contact me and we'll see how feasible it is. Thanks!

Many thanks to Sabrielle and Eilan for their NUMEROUS contributions to the Cove be it help with pictures, room descriptions, shop ideas, event ideas, or contributions to the Cove's section in the wiki.

A Forgotten City

Crocodile Cove was once a booming port city, renowned internationally for the caliber and content of the goods that could be found there. The city, surrounded by seemingly impassible marshlands was a haven to those who made berth there as it was practically an island city. To make matters even better, the seasonable climate and friendly currents made for an easy sail in and out of the port. So beloved was it, that a great deal of money was sunk into the city, building it up using the finest craftsmen money could buy. Much of that work is what remains standing in the city today.

Then disaster struck. Perhaps due to the spells that freed the northern shores of storm and danger, perhaps simply the will of the gods made it so, but the currents surrounding Crocodile Cove changed. Perpetually surrounded by storm, the city can now only be found at sea by those who have been there before. To make matters worse, these currents did not simply surround the port in storm, they engulfed it. Hurricanes wiped out much of the city's population. Those who could left. What remained were the impoverished locals who tried their best to make their living off the sea and the skeleton of the city of their ancestors. For a time, the people and city of the Cove was simply forgotten, turned into the stuff of legends of the sea.

Weather and Climate

Crocodile Cove is a slum built on top of the salt marshes of southwestern Karchan. Part of the city is built on solid land while some shops and homes have been constructed on stilts accessible by floating walkways or by boat. The swamps are vile and the coasts are picturesque. The climate is typically warm, though unlike most of coastal Karchan it is not under the protection of the spells that keeps away unpleasant weather. Crocodile Cove is, in fact, plagued by storms. With hurricanes being the worst of what washes ashore, the sea just off the coast is in a near constant state of turmoil, making sailing into port possible only by experienced sailors. It's rumored that only those who have been personally shown the route to the cove or those who know the seas well get there in one piece.


As if Crocodile Cove's weather was not enough to make arrival difficult, the wildlife of the Cove provide a difficulty to the journey. The marshes are inhabited by a vile species of massive animal, similar to a dragon, known as a crocodile. It's rumored these beasts can leap from the water and chase after people on land. The seas however, are a favorite home of the mermaids. Known to eagerly lure sailors to their deaths, these beautiful half-fish sea-women are a threat to any who would swim in the Cove's pleasant waters. Mermaids are not the only creatures to plague the seas near the Cove. There have also been rumored shark sightings as well as a large sea beast, resembling a dragon. Beyond the the threats, the fauna of the cove includes a vast array of stray cats and the flora includes mostly cypress trees, but also a favored specie of medicinal plant.

The Locals

Obviously enough, Crocodile Cove is a bit more active than it was in the past, though for the locals the squalor is little improved. Not to be mistaken with those who merely live in the Cove, locals were born and raised with the traditions of the Cove.

The most identifiable traits are the accent, a deep southern drawl, and the extreme distrust of outsiders. Though poor, they pride themselves in being above the common pickpockets, and blame the outsiders for the rise in crime, and just about everything else that goes wrong. There is strong solidarity, a tendency to help each other in spite of hardships, and an absurd propensity for gossip. Typically a local will choose a locally owned business over that of an outsider

Politics and Government

Crocodile Cove is currently run by Commander Velia. Information on how often the mayor is elected and what the duties of the mayor are can be found here. As it is sturdy building that is partially sheltered from the storms due to the mountain it has been built into, The Quagmire doubles as City Hall for weddings, court cases, and other such official things. Interested in running your own store? Well then you'll have to go through the Commander.

The Quagmire

Its owners and head workers have quite a lot of influence on the cove's politics. It has a reputation for attracting the lowest class Karchanian but being an all around good time. Every night, there is a live performance at the inn, except on nights when there are weddings or court cases. At the inn, one may enjoy food and drink, watch a show, acquire some fine company for the evening, and likely find the good drugs. Rooms at the inn can be rented for 10 gold a night for up to a week, or in increments of 2 gold an hour. If private rooms are beyond your means, the Quagmire boasts an economical option as well! Hammocks are available for three silver a night, first come first serve. Reservations are for one night only.

Criminal Activity

Crocodile Cove is an autonomous region, exempt from the laws of the The Knights of Karchan. Instead the Cove is patrolled by its own Militia, the head of which currently being Velia. Pirate Ships allegedly make the Cove their home port, and you can find any variety of drug if you know who to ask. Rumor has it that a massive gang occupies and influences the Cove but most are hard pressed to actually speak the name of the gang. Being that the cover is free from the laws of The Knights of Karchan, there is an invested interest in keeping it that way. The area can serve as a safe haven to criminals looking to escape the law as members of The Knights of Karchan are not welcome within the Cove's boundaries. That means those who might be of The Red Rogues or have alliances with them have an strong inclination to keep their criminal misdeeds outside of the Cove...and within other areas of Karchan.

Businesses and Job Opportunities

Crocodile Cove is a town of detritus and decay. Unlike in northern cities, where nobility simply has gold sitting around and waiting to spent, the locals of Crocodile Cove work for their money. When it comes to the class system, they are at the absolute bottom, thanks to the elimination of slavery. Typical jobs of the cove can be found at various shops:

For more information please visit the very long list of businesses and employment!

Real Estate


See Also

Last modified on March 20, 2016, 21:16:43