
Land of Karchan


Devil I am Forsaken of Light

A Little Background

So this story arc spurred from the conclusion of a different story arc back in 2015 in which Diafol, a demon of the Cult of Solol, kidnapped three people. One of those people was Lotte, a member of the Tumma Kyusia. Emppu and Juhani came to rescue her, only to find an extremely able foe in their demonic counterpart.

Now that the year is up, what will become of them? What diabolical plans does Diafol have next? Will the brave felines of the prowl band together to stop her? Feel free to post any RPs related to this.

  1. The Deal - 5/28/15
  2. Pay Up - 6/8/16
  3. All Dressed Up With Nowhere to Go - 6/9/16
  4. Home is Where the Muffins Are - 6/29
  5. Family Matters - 7-22-16
  6. Darkness Falls - 7-26-16
  7. Another RP!

Last modified on March 12, 2017, 14:26:12