
Land of Karchan

Go for the Gut

PLACE: The Road
DATE: 7/5/17

Xenith taps his chin as he reads the board, before musing aloud, "Maybe I should hire an assassin."
Xenith bows to Aurea.
Aurea looks at Xenith.
Aurea bows.
Apep nods to Xenith, then to Aurea following. The fury's hands are shoved deep into the pockets Apep says [to Xenith] : Assassins take the fun out of everything. If you want satisfaction, do it yourself.
Apep says [to Xenith] : ...Unless you're a coward with no combat skills, in which case, hire away.
Xenith blinks his surprise to Apep, then smiles. Apparently he didn't realize he was using his outside voice. "Oh, absolutely, absolutely. I meant hire one to target me. Should keep me on my toes."
Apep also blinks her surprise, but it is at Xenith's reason for hiring an assassin. Her mouth ticks up into a smirk and she crosses her arms beneath her chest, her stance casual otherwise. "That's dumb. What if they attempt to kill you while you're sleeping? That's how I died, after all. I was born a wyrm, and some hero-wannabe came into my lair while I slept and killed me with one strike. I wasn't even causing problems, just...didn't like people trying to steal my things. I guess I injured a couple while defending my home and they considered me a menace." The fury pauses, pensive. "I'm Apep. I'm a Fury of Victoria now. I've been reborn. Still getting used to that." After another pause, she inquires, "Who are you?"
Xenith frowns politely as he hears Apep's personal tragedy, "Well I'm sorry to hear about your murder, Apep, but I'm glad you're making the most of it. Not a sand wyrm? I might have to fight a sand wyrm soon, dont know where to start. I'm Xenith de Lourdes, by the by. And if an assassin kills me in my sleep, that means anyone could have killed me in my sleep so it would have happened sooner or later anyway."
Apep doesn't offer her hand for a shake, but she does say, "Well met, Xenith." Mention of fighting a sand wyrm piques her interest, and she cracks a grin full of dragon's teeth. "Not a sand wyrm. Are you a shifter?" The most renowned wyrms seem to be in the Galila Dunes, after all, which leads Apep to guess, "Hunting Tirosites?" The redhead levels her intensely yellow gaze onto Xenith again, studying him more. "I guess you aren't a coward, then. Wyrms move like snakes. We're quick and ruthless and some of us are poisonous. I wasn't poisonous, but I could be quite the terror when I wanted to be. Victoria allowed me to keep my wyrm form since it was part of who I was, so if you ever want to duel sometime and get a sense of what you'll be up against, just ask. I figure fighting Tirosites is a just cause worthy of a fury's aid. Still figuring out what is and what isn't, but it seems noble enough."
Xenith grins brightly and nods, adjusting the cuffs of his suit coat as he does so, "Hunting Tirosites. It's not right for them to enslave and hurt shifters, so I intend to put those culpable to the sword. I would love the opportunity to duel you for some practice. Are there any special recommendations you would make by way of preparation? "
Apep listens when Xenith poses his questions, quick to answer. "When fighting a wyrm, especially a sand wyrm, you should always keep in mind that our underbellies are our sensitive zones. While we are snake-like, our scales are much thicker, and as such, hard to penetrate. Some of us fly, and some of us have front legs, but most of us are basically draconic serpents, thus the name. As with most dragons, some of us have a propensity with an element or sub-element. Mine was shadow. Sand wyrms in general deal with earth, but I also know of some that can command the weather. In cases like that, some armor is suitable. Sand storms in the desert can be hell. I don't know anyway to describe it other than you're fucked if you don't suit up." Think road rash. "Given the heat, I'd go the way of magical armor to keep the metal from heating up."
Xenith nods as he takes in Apep's advice. "The sandstorm prove a continuing thorn in my side. I need a more tenable defense. The heat I should have sufficient precautions for, and my blade is enchanted, so I should be able to find a way to utilize it."
pep nods in response to Xenith, rubbing the back of her neck and muttering expletives and something about mosquitoes needing to stay in the Cove under her breath. She answers in a timely manner though. "I still say armor, but that's my personal advice." Her free hand slips into her pocket and she rolls her neck from side to side. "I think on that note, I'm out. Best of luck, Xenith. If you need anymore advice in the future, just let me know. Later." If not stopped, she's likely to leave.
Xenith bows to you.
Xenith says [to Apep] : Until then.
Apep nods to Xenith.
Indigo wings crafted from hellfire ignite suddenly behind Apep, spreading as she takes to the skies.

Last modified on July 5, 2017, 17:53:42