
Land of Karchan

Guild Items

Various guild items have had a tremendous influence on RP in the past, and they continue to do so. Below you will find two lists.One is for remembrances of old guild items that are either no longer in the game at all or else not currently available for new distribution (although older players may possibly still retain them). The other is for current guild items. This second list can also aid players in identifying whether or not they accidentally carry an item they are not supposed to have.

If a character is seen wearing one of these well known guild items, it can be assumed that any common person could identify that person on sight as being a member of the guild whose token he or she bears. The symbols of these guilds are considered to be "common knowledge."

Some items that belong to some guilds may be considered a "secret." If the existence or association of the item is a secret, it will not be listed here.

(note: If any given guild has zero guild items, it will not be listed here. For a full list of guilds, see the parent page. Also, former items from guilds that are either inactive or no longer in existence may also be listed in the appropriate section - as long as that guild at one time had at least one special item of their own).

Currently Available Guild Items:

The Rangers of Karchan
intricate, carved, oak tree pendant
camouflage, rangers, forest cloak
etched, bone-handled dagger
beautiful, carved, rangers longbow
useful, small, brown acorn

The Knights of Karchan
elegant, shield-emblazoned, Knights tabard
leather, shield-etched, archers arm guards
sturdy, virtue charged, Knights shield
steel, wire-hilted, double-edged dagger
silver-chained, blue-stoned, Squires talisman
well-balanced, polished steel, arming sword

The Knights of the Dark Rose
polished, silver, rose-etched talisman ( formerly called a bejeweled, silver, Dark Rose Knights talisman)

Crimson Paladins of the Dark Castle
sturdy, magical, dragon-etched shield
subtle, silver, paladin-crested ring

Guild of Judges
rich-purple, official-looking, judge robe

The Kindred of the Mist
deadly, crimson, double-bladed dagger

Church of Corruption
menacing, sentient, tentacle whip
rusted, tenuous, vibrant sword
green-trimmed, black, hooded robe

The Red Rogues
a vial, of hallucinogenic, snake wine
a sharp, ten-inch, steel marlinspike
a filthy, tattered-edged, rum card
a suspicious, nestled in a paper bag, alcohol-smelling bottle
a mug of, unappealing, hangover remedy
a manly, 180 proof, bottle of rum

Retired or Past Guild Items:

The Magii of the Inner Flame
blue, shining, MIF staff
dark-blue, hooded, MIF robe
cream-filled, golden cake
sparkling, purple, piece of chalk
glowing, orange, black-speckled seed
glowing, blue-stoned MIF ring
glowing, red-stoned Red Guard ring

Blood Knights of the Inner Circle
dark, bloodstone ring

The Shadow Guard
gray, rose-shaped shadowy ring
gray, crimson-trimmed shadowy cloak
A gray, crimson-trimmed, shadowy cloak
A gray, crimson-trimmed, shadowy hood

The Children of Dagorii curved, ruby-capped dagger
blood-red, jeweled talisman
bejeweled, blood-filled cup
flowing, dark-blue, hooded cloak
flowing, sky-blue, hooded cloak
flowing, green, hooded cloak
flowing, black, hooded cloak
flowing, crimson, hooded cloak

The Knights of the Dark Rose
black, leather, Dark Rose Knights dress (think Xena)
fine, silver, Dark Rose Knights sword

The Crimson Paladins
A keen, diamond-bladed, power-wrought sword
ominous, sterling, faintly-curved scimitars
Paladin's, silver-etched, ridged breastplate
Squire's, silver-etched, smooth breastplates
sterling, lightweight, ridged gauntlets
A deep ruby, paladin-marked, lightweight tunic
A gleaming, sterling, short-bladed dagger
gray, ruby-studded, shadowy gauntlets

Last modified on May 2, 2016, 01:46:05