
Land of Karchan

I Need a Cover-Up

TIME: 2/8/17
Place: Ink Stains in Rajan

Majo is in the back room.

Casimir asks about the back room of the tattoo parlor.

Casimir strides up to Emiko, who does not seem to interested in his presence for his lack of large breasts and possession of 'junk', "Is Majo in today?" The boy states blandly to Emiko with mirrored disinterest and possibly wry sassiness.

Majo :: Emiko nods and motions to the back room, indicating that the witch can be found back there should he go looking. Assuming he follows, he'll see that Majo is currently parked in a chair, flipping through some random magazine with a rather large wolf stationed beside her. She couldn't really go anywhere without her Hatsu-shadow. Her crystal blue eyes lift when she spies someone, tilting her head to the side a fraction, deepening the shadows of her skull mask. "Can I help you?"

Casimir follows Emiko's gesture towards the back of the room, strutting swiftly to the lounging woman and her massive wolf. His black gaze meets with the mutt's once he notices the mutt is glancing him up in down in a suspectful manner. Casimir chooses not to dwell on it and focuses on the witch. "You specialize in magic tattoos. I need something to cover up. I have the money. Can you help me out?" The boy does not seem the least disturbed by her skull mask nor her overly paranoid canine.

Majo looks thoughtful before placing her magazine to the side. "What kind of cover up are you needing? I'm certain I can help, but I'll need to know what I'm dealing with before I begin." Her hand reaches down and she idly pets Hatsu, the witch not budging from her spot just yet.

Casimir peers over the shoulder at the door to make certain it is closed. If not, it closes 'by itself' instead. Turning to the witch again, he reaches into the right sleeve of his shirt and tugs out an ugly, old bracelet strung with bone fragments and human teeth. All at once, his human facade drops like a bag of bodies. His skin becomes unnaturally white, he grows a pair of horns, an extra pair of eyes--both pairs black in whole except for his irises-- and limbs, and a tail. Quite a mess in its entirety. "All of this. This trinket." He half-spits with a scowl at the bracelet, "..is about to fall apart."

Majo crosses one leg over the other as she regards Casimir's explanation. She watches his shift, unfazed, and when he shows the trinket, she gives a slow nod. "You seek to channel the magic in your bracelet onto your body, I take it? Would like to be able to shift back and forth or strictly remain human looking in appearance?" Her eyes regard him coolly, though she can nearly feel Hatsu's hackles rising beside her. The witch reaches out to take the bracelet if Casimir will allow it, trying to feel out the power source and trying to feel if she can duplicate it. "I'm certain I can work with this. Just clarify exactly what you want and we can begin. I receive payment before I start tattooing, however. For something of this power, I require one thousand gold. Is that going to be a problem?"

Casimir smirks at the lack of a reaction but he refuses admits it is a breath of fresh air. The wolf's reaction is more expected, but he pretends not to notice it with an air of pride. The boy crosses his arms, one pair above the other and repositions his weight onto a leg and hands Majo the bracelet. "Shifting between this and a normal human at will would be great." He pats his pocket, "I have enough. Do you take check? Carrying around that much gold isn't wise."

Majo smirks and shakes her head. "I do not take checks from anyone without insurance. I'll add a little dot to your tattoo. If the check clears when I go to cash it, it will disappear. If not, well, that tiny little dot will rot you over the course of time. I've been cheated in the past, and I don't take kindly to that. If you agree to my terms, we can get started. I do believe that I can help you."

Casimir narrows his eyes steeply and sucks his teeth, "The damn check will work." He resists the temptation to roll his eyes at her, unsure if this is her normal business practice or if Majo also picks on his heritage. Of course, the boy is not going to argue this, especially with the angry glare her dog friend is giving him. "It's a deal," Casimir states finally, "Where do you suggest the tattoo should be? Since you're the professional here.".

Majo lofts a brow, though it is hidden behind her mask. "I don't like the tone you've just taken with me. I have to put in safeguards to ensure that I do not get f***ed over, but I also do not do business with people that disrespect me or get an attitude for no apparent reason." The witch idly plays with Hatsu's fur, her voice steely cold. "If you think it is because you're a tiefling, I honestly do not care. I do business with anyone as long as they are respectful to me, which you are not. Now I have to reconsider whether or not I want your business at all. Hmm, decisions."

Casimir inhales through his nose, then slowly exhales through his mouth, his gaze peering away at the wall begrudgingly for a moment. When he gathers himself again, the tiefling scratches his head from feeling a bit awkward. "Alright.." He begins a with a sudden softness, sighing off the rest of his attitude. He shoves one pair of hands in his pocket and lets the other pair cradle his waist. "That was a mistake on my end. I'm sorry for disrespecting you. I thought you were assuming I was a thief of some sort or some other troublemaker.. and I spoke rashly." The boy lets his gaze fall to the floor. With how his shoulders shrug, he might even look a little... embarrassed?

Majo nods slowly, considering Casimir's words. "It's fine. I am the farthest thing from a bigot, you'll find." She leaves out the part about her weaving together various essences and thusly, creating mutts. Her hands feel the energy in the bracelet and she approaches her work station. "As for your question on placement, would you prefer it be visible or not? I've found when altering someone's appearance, a tattoo somewhere along the spine works best, though I have also had good fortune with tattoos on the upper arm, inner wrist, and in some cases, the hip. Where you get it is up to you, so I'll let you mull that over while you make out the check." Majo adds that she gives an almost predatory look to Hatsu. What was that about?

Casimir does consider the placement for a moment, whilst also catching that strange look the tattooist gives her furball. The furball seems to grow especially alert from whatever signal she is sending him, ears perked, head lifted high, tail wagging. What is it they are planning? Casimir hopes it has nothing to do with him. "A tattoo along my spine should be fine. Lower back if that is okay, I plan to get a pair of wings soon, too, if everything goes smoothly." The boy dig the check out of his front left pocket and offers it to Majo when she has finished eyeing Hatsukoi.

Majo accepts the check and places it in a pocket of her skirt, motioning to the table she uses for tattooing. "Remove your shirt and lay face down on the table. Hatsu's tail wagging did not go unnoticed, and her mask hides the knowing little smile behind it. While Casimir is laying where he is supposed to, Majo begins mixing inks. "What kind of design do you want? Anything in particular? I'm really good at tattooing mandalas, but also words in various languages." Once Casimir has answered her, Majo will soak the bracelet in the inks she has mixed, chanting over the bowl in a strange, archaic tongue. The candles around them all seem to flicker, and the sun seems to burn brighter where it comes through the single window in the back room. After she is satisfied with her ink, she brings the bowl over to Casimir, cleans the area he wants the tattoo, then begins working. It doesn't take her but maybe an hour to get the tattoo on plus the dot of insurance, and when it is finished, Majo rubs some salve over top of it and directs him to the mirror. "Go have a look. After that, I'm going to bandage it with some salve, gauze, cotton, and tape."

Casimir lifts his shirt and pulls it over his head, then lays belly on the table. He is definitely a physically active child, he has a good build and a lot of scars on his torso and arms--much of them decoratively raised as bumps and streaks like spikes and elaborate patterns on the back of his arms and across his shoulders. A few tattoos already speckle his body, though smaller to work in design with his scars. "A mandala will do well." He does not flinch or stir at all while Majo works away, in fact, he nearly fell of sleep a few times. Once the witch finishes, Casimir examines her work in the mirror and approves it with a nod and a little smile. "It's really good."

Majo cleans up her work station after tending to Casimir. "You have other tattoos, but I still am going to give you the after-care speech. Don't let the tattoo dry out. Keep a scentless lotion on it. Leave the bandage on for the first twenty-four hours. Do not soak the tattoo or the ink will come out, so showers instead of baths. Given the location, I'd say wear loose-fitting pants so that it doesn't rub at the tattoo. If you have any questions or concerns, i am usually at my shop in Youkoso. Have a good day." The witch finishes up her station and pours the ink in her bowl down the drain of her sink, rinsing off the bracelet and offering it back to Casimir. "No more magic in it, but I don't know if it is a sentimental piece or not."

Casimir heeds Majo's instruction regardless if he has heard it before. "Thank you, Majo," he states accepting the bracelet again. "I'll be back." And with that, the tiefling grabs his shirt, carefully slips it back on again before running off. Casimir left the game.

Last modified on February 8, 2017, 18:57:51