Karnmas Mystery - Part Six - The Arboretum
Thaeloc picks himself up off the floor not seeing what Hevlarn, Aolinn and the magician did; he thinks his attempt is what popped the door loose. With a triumphant smile on his face he holds the door open. "Ladies first."
Greta is relieved to see the door open without any problem, even after Thaeloc had decided he was gonna do what he wanted, no matter what. Venturing on toward the Arboreum only after Aolinn is through, she pauses only when the new room is entered, having to stop as the floral perfume overwhelms her temporarily. After recovering, the vampire focuses, trying to pick up any trace of someone else deeper in the lush foliage.
Zaria || Ignatius drifts in behind everyone else. He looks around the arboretum and tisks. "Oh dear, we've really let this place go," he says softly. The ghost reaches out to thumb a leaf, but his hand passes through it instead. "We used to have all sorts of exotic plants - flowers and trees! And everyone would breakfast here in the mornings. Mother and Marianne loved the orchids, but my son's favorites were the carnivorous plants; I do wonder what became of those."
Aolinn doesn't seem to like the term carnivorous plants, and she has no poker face, so it's right there, written across her features. The Magician decides he's seen enough and disappears, and Aolinn doesn't try to stop him. Instead, she looks around at the lanterns that were already lit, curiously pondering over who lit them and why the door was locked. She slinks in closer to Hevlarn and Greta, chewing on the inside of her cheek again. "I feel like we're not alone, exactly." She pauses, feeling things out. "This room does not pass the vibe check."
Hevlarn rolls his eyes to Thaeloc once again, "Oh, there's a blood curdling scream in the next room. Ladies first..." The last part is said in a mocking tone, "What kind of brave strong hero are you?" He keeps his Karambits drawn while moving into the next room. Some of the residual dust and pollen tickles at his nose, causing the Magistrate to sneeze into his shirt sleeve. "Carnivorous plants...great. They know how to scream too?" Because he doesn't really see anyone around.
Hevlarn notes that Tommie flew in with the group, she is perched on Hevlarn's shoulder and chirping a little nervously beneath her breath.
Greta tenses up again at the scent of blood, concern the reason for why it bothered her so. Like Aolinn, she too is alarmed by what Ignatius has said, the thought of such danger keeping her alert. "I smell blood somewhere in this room, but the flowers are making it hard to tell exactly where," is spoken then to the Psychic, followed by a step toward the lush foliage taken.
Aolinn's glasses are fogged up by the heat and humidity of the Arboretum. She can't see anything!
Aolinn turns to look at Greta with a frown. "I sense great fear in here. Someone or something is terrified. I can't quite place where the fear is coming from, but it's super intense." Her glasses fog up then and she pouts. It was one problem after another for the tiny psychic, and she tries her best to defog her glasses with her scarf. She places them back on her face and looks around, trying to hunt for more clues. "I have no idea who or what is so scared, but it's almost oppressive. It's rubbing off on me a little."
Zaria says : Hevlarn and Aolinn spot the same thing that Greta had just a moment before: A heavily watered-down trail of blood droplets leading all the way to the south. It disappears into a thicket of dense plant growth. Any of you three can roll to see what kind of plants these are.
Hevlarn reaches and pets Tommie in an effort to soothe the Hybrid, though she seems to sense something or someone is not in a good place here. Just then, Hevlarn spots the trail of watered down blood, likely something Tommie had sensed before he saw it. Keeping his weapons drawn, the Magistrate moves to carefully check the dense thicket for any sign of someone in danger.
Thaeloc looks around the room and the thought of man eating plants sounds intriguing. As well as the trail of blood that Hevlarn has spotted. Drawing a short sword from its spot on his back. To help cut down some of the foliage to get a better look around.
Greta turns away from the edge of safety to ask Aolinn if she knows anything about the plants before anything else. After this question, there's another scowl toward Thaeloc's actions, this one visible, while she says, "Why is your first choice always violence, before you even know how dangerous the plants are? His family took care to make sure they grew originally and you're just hacking them away, like it doesn't matter," angrily. Needing to calm down, she then asks, "Will you make sure Miss Aolinn stays safe?" to Hevlarn, while walking toward the west Arboreum wall, intent on climbing the metal and glass surface to permit a quicker look and to purge her hostility.
Aolinn hears Greta's words to Thaeloc and silently agrees. "Those flowers are some kind of...version of a bird of paradise. They're not in great shape, but could probably be easily brought back with some proper care. They're also safe unless ingested." She walks forward a few paces and summons the ace of swords, brandishing the weapon carefully and beginning to trim away the rougher parts of the flower. "There, there," she croons. "It'll be okay."
As not one but TWO people approach the clump of plants with swords and begin hacking away, a high-pitched scream splits the air. Now that it's so close it is obvious - this is the scream of a child.
Hevlarn nods to Greta, "Sure thing. I know he can wear on your patience and nerves." He watches the vampire scale the wall and leaves her to that. Seeing something moving in the brush, Hevlarn leans down to get a better look, though is careful with the plants as he doesn't know what it is just yet. "Hey...what are you?" he asks the shape within the plant, hoping maybe it's just a cat or something. He remains vigilant when the scream is heard and all the cutting has him worried, "Hey, hey..." is said, when the scream is heard and he puts his weapons away and just reaches in to hopefully pull the kid out.
Thaeloc stops cutting back the plant life as he hears the child's screaming and Hevlarn reaching in. Not wanting to hit either.
Zaria says : Hevlarn pulls a very small child from it's hiding place within the foliage. The child is perhaps six years old, with mousy brown hair squashed down by a knit cap. They are wearing a brown coat several sizes too large, brown pants that have been patched many times and bunch at the ankles, and shoes woven from reeds along the river. One of the kiddo's hands is scratched and bleeding, and their cherubic, round face is flushed red and stained with tears. They sniffle a drip of snot back up into their nose, and look up at Hevlarn with large, brown eyes. The child's other hand is consumed by the sleeve of their coat, but they seem to be gripping something tenaciously. The child is of indeterminate gender (for now).
Greta gets only so far as making contact with the iron when the metal burns her near instantly. Forcing back a cry of pain, as it was hardly the proper time, the confusion at what happened is shoved away for now, while the group is turned back to. Seeing the child that had been discovered, this walking ceases and she looks back to Ignatius, asking the ghost if he recognized the child at all. Upon this question being posed, attention is split between him and those gathered near the youth.
Zaria || Ignatius is startled to see the ragamuffin in his home. He recoils slightly, drawing his arms inward to his chest before composing himself. "Oh dear. Oh my," the ghost frets aloud, "Well, now at least we know who is in the house! Poor little lamb," the spirit coos, "Must have been looking for something to eat."
Aolinn's maternal instincts kick in and she begins inspecting the child for injuries. "Oh, sweetling," she purrs, mulling over her cards and what could best be used for healing. "What's your name and how did you get in here? How long have you been on your own, dear heart?" She kneels carefully, narrowly avoiding the trail of blood. "You're so scared. Do you know the source of this blood? Did you see something terrible?" She reaches forward as if to smooth the child's hair from their face. "You can tell me, okay? I'll protect you."
Hevlarn frowns at Greta's cry of pain, though keeps his hands on the child he'd grabbed from the plants. When Aolinn takes over, his hold eases up just a bit, but not completely letting the kid go - just in case. He studies the state of them and a frown forms. With his close proximity, Tommie leans in and sniffs at the kid with curiosity. "You hungry?" is asked, digging about in his pocket and procuring some venison jerky to offer - never know when you might need some protein.
Thaeloc not seeing a threat as the scream was coming from the child, puts his short sword back in its spot. With Hevlarn offering food and Aolinn doing the motherly thing. Greta's cry of pain from touching iron makes him a bit more intrigued about her nature..
Zaria || The Child swivels wide eyes from Hevlarn to Aolinn and back again. The jerky from Hevlarn is accepted and nearly inhaled in one go. The child usees the bloodied hand to accept the jerkey and begin stuffing it in their face. Between bites they breathe heavily, and pin Aolinn with a mahogany-hued stare. There's something wizened in the stare, though it's neither unsettling nor off-putting. "My name's Millie," the squirt speaks finally, in a voice definitely older than six. "There's this horribl-iiiieeeeeee...." Millie's next sentence is cut off as her feet are knocked out from beneath her and she's dragged toward the peaked glass roof.
Zaria || A monstrous Pitcher Plant drops down from the ceiling, it's bulbous flower flapping and waggling as it shoves Millie wholesale into the pale green bulb. Tendrils lash out, curling around the iron framework of the greenhouse to allow the mildly sentient flower to move around like some sort of grotesque trapeze artist. A thick vine squirms its way in from the back wall and cracks violently, whipping menacingly toward Aolinn and Hevlarn.
Thaeloc, making sure the child is safe, sees the large plant emerging and attacking Aolinn and Hevlarn. with it missing it leaves an opening for him to attack from the flank. Drawing his two short sword he runs at the plant swirling the blades like a crazed gardener to cut down the plant.
Aolinn watches in horror as Millie is stolen away into the pitcher plant, her eyes wide as nervousness coils in her middle. "Those plants are acidic! We have to get her out of there!" She summons up the Ace of Swords and brandishes the magical blade like a pro, charging at the pitcher plant. There seems to be just enough light in the room to show Millie's outline inside of the pitcher, so Aolinn seeks to carve out a space for her to escape in an area where she has little chance of harming the child herself. She makes a stabbing motion, intending to slash downward should she connect while hoping for the best.
Greta turns away from the arboretum's walls, intending to return to where the child was. This journey is stopped as the sound of movement is heard just as Millie is dragged upward toward the newly revealed plant. Alarmed by this sight, there's only a moment of delay longer before she's getting the remainder of her borrowed supplies out. With haste, an alchemic drawing is made in the soil, combining chair legs and brass into a pair of pruning shears that are nearly a foot long in total. These she then wields, following Aolinn's lead and striving to go for the vines themselves. It was best not to get in the way after all, and ensure less retaliatory capabilities in the long run.
Aolinn makes a heroic stab at the pitcher plant's flower. She's right on target, and the sword pierces cleanly through the petals. The resulting slice wounds the plant and springs a leak in the acidic well, but does not open a rift wide enough to free Millie.
The plant is flailing just a bit too much for Greta to get a clean snip at a limb.
Hevlarn audibly gasps when Millie is dragged away from them so quickly, causing the Magistrate to spring to his feet. He follows everyone else in their lead and draws his karambits, frowning at Aolinn's mention of the acidity of the plant. They need to get Millie out of there, and fast! "Watch not to get too much of that acid on yourselves then," he says, springing into action. Keeping a firm grip on the weapons, Hevlarn dashes forward and attempts to make first one slice where Aolinn had, and then another with the brother of that Karambit. He was determined to free the child.
The pitcher plant bobs and weaves like a champion prize fighter, intent on avoiding Hevlarn and his karambits.
Zaria || A monstrous Pitcher Plant seems aware that it has been pierced and is now leaking its acidic entrails. In a rare moment of intelligence, it begins to swing itself back and forth, casting the rivulet of acid in a stream that threatens to shower everyone in burning pain.
It is not difficult to predict the plant's path, and everyone successfully avoids the stream of acid. It is, of course, now all over the floor and creates another hazard.
Aolinn isn't sure how she manages to avoid the initial spray of acid, but with the floor covered in the stuff, and given her clumsiness, she's soon slipping and sliding a few paces with a hiss of pain. She pushes herself up as best she can, but she's coated in the acid now. She can feel her exposed skin beginning to burn and she cries out, dropping her sword, which means that it disappears to return to her card, and she backpedals away from the fight to summon forth the Ace of Cups. She uses this to cleanse and heal her wounds, hoping to neutralize the acid. She only re-enters the fray when she feels she has adequately protected herself, plucking another card from her deck - The Star. She guides it toward the pitcher plant with the intention of using the jagged edges depicted on the card to further carve open the plant in an endeavor to free the child within it.
Greta stays focused on the carnivorous flora even though her attempt at pruning has failed, this time. Such caution proves beneficial as the spray of acid is unleashed, reflexes ensuring she's evading even before fully conscious of the decision. Now out of safety, and aware the plant's body is being targeted in a three-fold assault, it's still those vines that are targeted. Even then, she's watching in case anyone needs help, owing to knowing she wasn't a fighter and thus would only get in the way otherwise.
Hevlarn does his best to avoid being sprayed with acid, though clenches his jaw when watching Aolinn slip and slide in the stuff. After she is better, he calls out, "You got a janitor card in there somewhere?" Because this acid spray was going to cause a problem. Hevlarn keeps an eye on Thaeloc and Greta, tightening his grip on those Karambits. He runs carefully over the floor, seeking to jab and cut at the pitcher plant again. The Magistrate means to make that hole bigger for the child, if possible.
Thaeloc backs up as the pitcher plant twerks and sprays its acid all over the floor. Hoping leather holds up for the time being he doesn't worry too much about the acid eating away at his boots, he has more at home. His main concern is the young child trapped inside the plant. Still on the flank so as not to hinder anyone else?s attack he charges in again, slashing away near the midsection hoping to make a hole big enough for the kid to fall out of.
Greta allows for only the faintest display of elation once she's succeeded in there being one less appendage with which the plant could hurt the group. Not once is there over-confidence though, while attempting to get another one of the vines severed and further diminish the combat capabilities. To help with this, she says, "Look at me. I have my pruning shears," having noticed the pitcher plant's sapience, to try and ensure she could keep its attention and provide a distraction until Millie was rescued. The idea of being hurt was also acknowledged, but it was for the greater good and she would just regenerate from any damage inflicted.
Aolinn hears Hevlarn's ask about a janitor card and frowns a little, but eventually reaches into her deck to procure the Seven of Cups, the wizard and all of his cups therein arriving in a poof of green smoke. He casts his staff forward, and all of the cups splash onto the floor, taking the acid way to the back of the room in a quick current that gets underfoot without taking anyone with it. Afterward, Aolinn directs the Wizard toward the pitcher plant, and he once more waves his staff forward in a circular motion, casting magic in that direction. The intention is clear. The wizard from the Seven of Cups tries to erode the bottom of the plant so that Millie can hopefully fall through the bottom relatively unhurt, while also ensuring no one else can be trapped within the blasted plant.
Zaria || The Pitcher Plant is injured and angry. It eschews strategy in favor of damage, flopping to the floor from its twined suspension among the ceiling. A writhing mass of tendrils retreat from the extremes of the Arboretum to the center of the pitcher plant. Plucking the needle-like hairs from inside what's left of it's "mouth", the plant arms each tendril with a weapon. Some slashing, some outright throwing, the pitcher plant begins an all-out assault. Millie, for her part, has been freed from inside the dastardly deciduon's inner sphere. A brief glimpse of the girl is allotted before the plant lands on her like a mother bird upon an egg. She is red and raw where skin shows, and small wisps of smoke curl up from clothing and hair. The pitcher plant lashes out at the part, seemingly all at once.
Hevlarn spots Millie when Aolinn frees the girl, placing one Karambit into the holster to ensure one hand is free. He rushes forward in an attempt to snatch the girl up, however, his plans are foiled when the plant crashes back down on the child. He grits his teeth and attempts to stop, though finds he is slipping a bit on the acid spilled from their foe. Alighting the hand holding his blade in flame, he attempts a slash at the plant, while then turning and trying to stick his hand inside of the plant's ragged shell, acid be damned. If he is able, he will fish around and look for Millie.
Hevlarn's attack is misplaced, and sails wide of the Pitcher Plant. The attempt to seek out Millie and free her also falls short, allowing the pitcher plant to wrap a series of tendrils around Hevlarn, instead, and begin to pull him in. OH NO.
Aolinn notices Hevlarn's predicament and her mouth drops open. The Seven of Cups, wizard included, disappear, and she begins rummaging for her next bright idea. Eventually, her fingers find what she is looking for - Justice. A woman holding a set of scales emerges from nothingness, and her hand extends toward the pitcher plant. After singing a gentle hymn, she disappears, leaving behind karmic retribution on the pitcher plant. It seems as though any damage it inflicts, it will receive in return, so if it goes on a murderous rampage, it will only be hurting itself. If the plant is truly sentient, that hymn will basically inform it of this after effect...if it even hits at all. In the interim, Aolinn moves forward, once again summoning the Ace of Swords and attempting to hack away at the vines attempting to draw Hevlarn inside of the murderous flora.
Hevlarn gasps when the vines reach out and grab him, attempting to pull him into the same fate that Millie is suffering. He needed to get her out and fast, she was already in a bad place as far as her skin went with the acid - hopefully someone could cast a good healing. The Pyro summons more flame on his arm that is being drawn in by the plant, hoping to burn away at the vines themselves. Hevlarn tries his best to flail and get free of the vines, trying to reach his holstered karambit to cut himself free.
Hevlarn manages to light the plant on fire. Provided the rest of the party members don't put it out of its misery before the end of the round, the fire will continue to inflict 1d10 damage on the plant per round.
Greta once more does not allow the success of her pruning efforts to be dwelled on, now that Hevlarn was in danger while trying to rescue Millie. Intent on helping, there's now an abrupt pivot and the shears are tossed toward her bag. While they're still airborne, it's toward the plant she goes, mindful to not hamper Aolinn's conjuration. There's an attempt then to grasp as many of the vines as possible, with her full strength then being employed if so, all the better to crush them into dust. That outcome depends on it not getting wise to her though, which was up in the air considering how angry the flora was now.
Thaeloc rejoins the party after cleaning off all the green goop from the pitcher plant
Zaria || The Pitcher Plant releases a high pitched rush of air as Greta crushes most of its appendages between her hands. The bewitched bulb shrivels and collapses in on itself on the spot, leaving a foul-smelling, brown blanket over a lump that can only be presumed to be Millie. The lump begins to stir as Millie flails beneath the not-so-fruity rollup that remains of the pitcher plant.
Greta goes to assist with freeing Millie the moment there was no more danger, by first getting her belongings and then dashing back toward the child. While the healing items received as a gift are then removed, she's also waiting to make sure Aolinn isn't planning healing of her own first.
Aolinn reaches for Millie when she begins flailing, dragging her out of the wretched plant and away from the acid. She looks her over with a frown, and summons forth the Ace of Cups, which happens to be just big enough for the child to climb into and soak in. "Hey there, sweet pea. Why don't you get into this and soak a bit? It will make your skin all better. Be sure to go under a few times too, okay? It should also help neutralize whatever acid is left in your clothes. Be a sweetheart and do this. Nothing bad will happen to you in the cup, I promise." If she needs help, Aolinn will do her best to give the kid a boost into the brew, which smells wonderful and clean.
Aolinn says [to Greta] : You did a great job finishing off that wretched thing, by the way. You really packed it a whallop!
Thaeloc says [to Aolinn] : I might need that cup next since I got covered in that green muck. I smell like a ranger, all plant like.
Hevlarn wrinkles his nose at the awful smell of rotten vegetation, peeling the limp vines from his shirt and throwing them to the ground. He stomps a couple for good measure, then holsters his Karambits. "Well that was a fuc-" Noting the presence of the child, he changes his words up a bit. "Well that was a fudging delight," is said, shaking his head. Then laughs and looks at Thaeloc, "It's probably an improvement on your normal smell."
Aolinn says [to Thaeloc] : I'm a little weary. I'll try to summon extras in a moment, but this is the most labor-intensive summoning I've done in a long time. I promise you, I will do my best. Just need a quick breather.
Aolinn also winks to Hevlarn when he circumvents his own potty mouth.
Greta steps back and goes to check on Hevlarn instead, following the magistrate's own ordeal, now that Millie was in good hands. Upon inquiring if he needs help, Aolinn is then spoken to, a soft, "Thank you, Miss Aolinn," offered in a genuinely appreciated manner. "I was just trying to take care of it the most direct way, the way my grandmother showed me, for getting rid of invasive plants... though I never learned about this kind of plant, or the ones in this garden," with a pang of remorse.
Thaeloc nods to Aolinn. "Take your time, it is ok. Turning to Hevlarn he gives him a quick bite of his thumb in his direction.
Hevlarn pulls down his lower eyelid and sticks his tongue out at Thaeloc. He then turns to Greta and nods, "I'll be okay. A little burning on my hand from the acid...but not as bad as the kid there."
Zaria || Millie nods solemnly to Aolinn and accepts help climbing into the cup of balm. She remains not only fully clothed, but also clutching the aforementioned thing in her hand. It is concealed up her sleeve, along with the hand, and she takes great care in making sure it's kept clear of everyone.
Ignatius has stopped clutching his figurative pearls, and now steps forward to take a closer look at Millie. He stands silent, simply observing the urchin for now, but she definitely has his attention.
Greta answers Hevlarn by nodding first, then offering one of the red potions to him if he needed it. After doing so, it's back to Aolinn she heads, asking if there was anything she could do to help the psychic, all while scouting to see if there was anything to make a temporary pot from. There was definitely the intent to ask Ignatiuss if she could take some plant cuttings as a keepsake, once she speaks to the ghost again.
Thaeloc starts to look around to see if there is anything else alive in here before they are ambushed.
Aolinn blinks a few times, rather wearily. She summons forth the Two of Cups and tries to usher Thaeloc and Hevlarn into them, side by side. "Go on. It will help just like it helps Millie, in all the ways that count."
Greta remains vigilant and ready to help Aolinn if she needed assistance, while noting just how exhausted the mystic looked at present. This makes the vampire frown in concern, and more determined to be helpful now that the battle was concluded. Since the others were also being tended to, she also makes sure to ask Ignatiuss if it would be alright to take home a bird of paradise clipping and some of the other plants too, since just presuming would be wrong.
Hevlarn shakes his head to Greta, "You might need it later on. But thanks." He does have a few of his own, after all. However, he does take the aid of Aolinn since she has already summoned up the cup of balm. The healing soothes his burns and helps out with any scrapes and cuts, ensuring he is okay for the next round of shenanigans. A look is cast at Ignatius, as if inquiring where he might have been. Tommie flies back in and lands on the cup, taking in her reflection. Hevlarn glares at the little flying rat, wondering where she was too.
Zaria || Millie's wounds quickly abate, leaving her skin pink and healthy. She is also now much, much cleaner. Thanks to the pair of impromptu duo of baths, the little hobo can be more clearly seen.
Ignatius nods to Greta's query, though he cannot seem to tear his eyes away from Millie. "If they don't immediately shrivel," he hedges, "I don't know what will or won't survive outside of the house." The ghost shifts uncomfortably in his stance before reaching a hand out to pat Millie on the head. He chuckles lightly, "She looks just like my Isabelle," he says softly, almost reverently.
Thaeloc enters the cup and brews, lays back and relaxes feeling better already.
Aolinn has a seat close by, summoning a very small version of The Tower to be able to do so. While everyone soaks, the little mystic tries to catch her breath and regain some of her stamina. Truth be told, anyone that looks at her would be able to tell that she's completely wiped and stretched beyond her means. She rests her head back against the wall and closes her eyes, and though the power in those cups is very real and tangible, eventually, it's going to give out. She's pushing herself to help the party as best she can despite being entirely sapped otherwise.
Greta shows appreciation at the permission given, but for the moment isn't going to make good on that goal. Her focus is instead still on Aolinn, she asks, "Is there any way I can help you, Miss Aolinn? You've aided them and deserve to be assisted," while showing sincere concern.
Hevlarn gets out of the cup when he feels he is ready to, because he can tell that keeping it up is taking a lot of Aolinn's strength. He studies Millie now that she is no longer dirty and injured, though he wonders what Ignatius keeps looking at with her - until the ghost speaks up and says what is on his mind. "Hmm, well, what's next in this house? Haunted bed sheets? Man eating wardrobes? Killer Grandfather clocks?" Seriously, this place is insane.
Zaria || Ignatius blinks unbelievingly a few more times at Millie before it dawns on him that the rest of the world still exists. He straightens his posture and assesses the party at large. After a moment, he crooks a finger in Greta's direction, bidding her to follow. Now that the pitcher plant is no longer strangling the arboretum, the variety of plants is astounding. Straying toward the left side of the greenhouse, he gestures to a plant with white and mint colored leaves bearing purple flowers. "Two of these flowers," he says to the vampire before again leading her on. This time, it's the right side of the greenhouse that draws the spectre, and a flower with deep yellow blooms and dark, velvety green leaves. "One flower, one leaf," he specifies to Greta again. Back toward the center of the room and witin the confines of the fountain, the ghost gestures toward the flowers and fronds floating atop the water. "And one root of the pink flowering plants. Make a paste in your hands, and anoint the psychic's head. She should be feeling up to snuff presently."
While the pair are floating around the greenhouse and collecting medicinal plants, Millie follows suit with Hevlarn and scrambles out of the cup. She takes care to keep the hand and its quarry concealed, and nervously looks toward the door before asking Hevlarn, "Can we get out? Or are we stuck here?"
Thaeloc not wanting to be a bother or a hindrance on anyone like Aolinn. if it was Hevlarn he might make him suffer a bit more just as payback but not Aolinn. Getting out he shakes much like a dog getting the brew out of the creases of his armor cause we don't want rust or wolfgard would be mad. Pulling out from one of his pouches is one of the scarfs/headbands/pieces of cloth with Bytor symbol on it. Asking his god for strength he blesses it and hands it to Aolinn. "Put this on it should help give you some strength back to you. Thank you for your help so far."
Aolinn opens her eyes when she feels her cups disappear, only set to once the person they housed has left their confines. She sees everyone going around and starting to fuss over her, and she starts to argue before realizing how weak she feels. It couldn't be helped. She over-exerted herself. If Greta approaches and tries to anoint her with the medicinal herbs, she'll allow it, but she'll keep hold of the headband that Thaeloc hands her too. "I think I'll hold onto this for later, in case I need it. I'm a magic user and psychic, but that much summoning that fast can be super taxing. I feel like I've ran a marathon, all tuckered out." She looks to Greta then and smiles gratefully. "Thank you," then to Ignatius, "And thank you, as well. I'll be fine. Just exhausted." Eventually she has a renewed vigor and she rises, just a little achy, but much improved. "Where are we headed next?"
Greta makes sure to carefully pluck every bloom listed, noting the location of each for when she could write the recipe down. Once all the individual elements are then gathered, the pasting occurs and she does indeed apply it to Aolinn once permission is given, all while avoiding being too close to Thaeloc. As the question of where to go next is made, the harvesting of plants is then done, the cuttings put in a single pot and then stored carefully. To the group she then goes again, ready to head elsewhere inside the home.
Virginia finally appears in the arboretum, her cloak wrapped tightly around her. Her eyes travel from each person and around the room, "You know what, I'm not even going to ask because I know I've missed something drastic. So, how can I help? Anyone need help with injuries?"
Thaeloc feeling better after the soaking he took thanks to Aolinn turns when Nia shows up. "Yeah a killer plants found a lost kid, but I think we are all good Nia"
Hevlarn keeps one weapon out, just in case, the other placed in its holster. He stretches a bit and cracks any bones that feel like they need it, gearing up for what he knows is going to be another fight soon. "I think we can get out of here," he tells Millie, studying the young street rat. "What are you holding under your coat?" is finally asked, noting her death grip on the item. A look cast to Ignatius, though he is soon distracted by Virginia's entrance. "Might want to check Aolinn, just to be sure. She used up some energy helping everyone out." Although, Greta helped the Mystic greatly.
Zaria || Millie shifts uneasily in her stance. Her eyes dart to Ignatius and then to Hevlarn upon the latter's query about her treasure. She wiggles a finger to Hevlarn, beckoning him closer so that she can whisper to him.
Ignatius nods in approval as Greta makes the energy-restoring concoction for Aolinn. "Rare plants from all over the world," the merchant states proudly, "And my wife was a master of them all. She could cure anything with the flowers, leaves and roots contained in this glass room. I was always amazed by her." He casts a sidelong look at Millie once Hevlarn brings her sequestered secret to light.
Aolinn feels revitalized the longer the concoction is on her face, and now that she's all stood up, she leans against the nearest wall and focuses her energy on Millie. "Sugar drop, if you have something that doesn't belong to you, it might be why you're in danger. Why don't you let us see what it is so that we can hopefully put this whole thing to rest, yeah?" She extends her hand, palm up, as if expecting Millie to place the item in her hand, other hand on her hip in an almost motherly stance. "It can't be that bad, right, sweet pea?"
Greta greets Virginia once the cleric has returned from her cleansing the chapel, the intended answer to what's asked cut off by Thaeloc's terse summary. With that not needed, it's Ignatius to whom the teen vampire then responds, smiling happily at the praise given as she decides in that instant to really delve into herbological healing as her next hobby. There isn't anything else done yet either, while she just gets ready to resume the search for the still missing item.
Virginia notes Aolinn's improved condition and the turquoise glow around her hands that comes with her healing abilities fades before she ever employs them. She then looks towards Ignatius, "Your wife was quite the healer. I would have loved the chance to work with her." Nia's attention is then brought to the little girl, to whom she offers a warm smile as her friend questions her about the missing item.
Hevlarn casts a look to Aolinn, frowning just a tad. He hoped all of this attention on Millie's item didn't make the child draw back from the group, he didn't want her to feel ganged up on. The Magistrate comes to a knee near the girl and draws in close, keeping an eye on her and her hidden treasure.
Zaria || Millie is not keen on being the center of attention. When Hevlarn takes a knee, she grips his sleeve and levers herself onto her toes before using her free hand to shield her mouth as she whispers to him. In true child fashion, her whisper is less of a whisper and more of a harsh speaking voice. "I'm gonna sell it for food," she explains, "I found rich stuff - gold. I can eat for a long time." As she speaks, she carefully eases the object partially out of her sleeve, cupping it in her palm protectively while casting a wary glance at Aolinn. Would the psychic take her treasure?
Ignatius sighs, one hand coming up to squeeze the bridge of his nose. The ghost gestures toward the shallow curve of gold and ivory that sits in Millie's partially obscured palm. The spectre clears his throat in a fatherly fashion, and folds his arms over his chest. "If you'd have asked, we'd have given you food," the revenant states gently but firmly.
Aolinn frowns when she realizes that the shape in Millie's possession is the void in the dust. Does this mean that it is the missing item that Ignatius wants to recover. She keeps her hand out and gently answers, "Precious, if you need food, there are better ways to get it than stealing. You can always come to my place during the day, and I will get you a meal. There's also a soup kitchen in Pendulis that doesn't turn people away. There's ways to fill your belly without resorting to taking things." She continues to smile softly. "How about this. You give me the item and I will give you some money in exchange for it. That's what you really want, right? That way, everyone wins. Would you be interested in doing that as a compromise, sugar cube?"
Greta can see that Aolinn and the group have things with Millie well in hand, and so busies herself with putting socks and shoes back on. Only after this is done, to avoid scaring the child with yet another person approaching, she only speaks to Ignatius, proclaiming, "I'll be sure and take great care of these cuttings if they survive once we leave, and shall learn how to be a great florist, to make both your wife and my grandmother proud." Another expression of happiness follows this and thereafter, she awaits whatever is to come next.
Virginia looks towards Greta, "I'd be happy to help you out. My husband built a small greenhouse behind our home and I have some starters you're more than welcome to have."
Thaeloc frowns when he hears that Millie was stealing in order to eat and in Ammerville no children should be hungry. "Millie I am Thaeloc leader of the Dengs. Have you heard of us? I am saddened to hear you are hungry. I can get you a job with the stable and I am sure Nia has a spare room to spare. The degns will pay of course. "
Hevlarn frowns when Millie shows them the item and admits her plans for the stolen goods, one hand comes to rest on her shoulder. "Yeah, I second everything that everyone else is saying. The honest thing would be to return it. We can get you food and a nice place to stay. You shouldn't have to be on the streets." The Magistrate gets to his feet again, offering a smile to the young girl. He dips in, "I mean...that lunkhead got me a job at the Blacksmith when I was...not in so good of a place. What do you say?"
Zaria || Millie frowns, her fingers gripping the curve of the item. The girl's eyes well with tears. She sniffles and nods, sliding the intricately carved smoking pipe into Aolinn's palm. "Okay," the child concedes, nodding a little more, "But not Pendulis. The guards are mean." She frowns again briefly, then looks up at Thaeloc before saying through a shaky voice, "I like horses."
Ignatius smiles and nods approvingly at Greta before intoning, "I'm sure you'll make us all proud." His attention is quickly stolen by the revelation of the pipe. "Oh! I remember," he says joyfully, "All of the men in my family have smoked from that pipe. It was the first thing my great-grandfather purchased after a successfuly maiden voyage - it's always sat on the table by the armchair in front of the fireplace."
Aolinn rummages around in her coin purse before taking out a single coin carved from a red dragon scale. "This is worth quite a bit when taken to a moneychangers. I was saving it for a special occasion, and looks like this is just that." She places the coin in the girl's hand after accepting the pipe. "You live in Ammerville, right? I'm the mystic." She proceeds to give directions to her place. "If you need anything ever, just let me know. You're always welcome to pop in, but I might be working or taking care of my twins." The little mystic pauses, placing a hand on Millie's shoulder if she'll allow it. "You did the right thing, gum drop. Let us help you with whatever you need, okay? You're a citizen of Ammerville. That basically means you're family." Aolinn smiles softly and looks toward Ignatius. "Would you like for me to return this where it belongs for you?"
Greta responds to Virginia's offer with, "First have to make sure they survive outside, because of what Mister Ignatius said. If that happens then I'll be able to visit every day after I wake up," the response in an appreciative manner. Once that's done she again is quiet, save for, "I'm glad you found what you were looking for," even if there's some sadness since it meant the adventure was apparently over.
Virginia nods in response to Greta before chiming in on the others' conversation, "You're always welcome to come to the Fyrelite too, honey. We'd be happy to offer a warm bed or a meal."
Thaeloc smiles when Millie says she likes horses. "So do I. I will introduce you to my horse Thunder he is very special and very big. If you give him carrots he will love you." See has how things are seemingly over Thaeloc turns to Aolinn first. "Thank you for the assistance your cards are always amazing. Then to Nia. "Don't worry i will do the report for the church on all of this you can go home and take care of your kids." Next is Hevlarn. "Always good to see your wise ass and Eamane wants to know if you guys still plan on coming to dinner on Sunday." Finally he turns to Greta. "Thank you for your help and you can stick around just keep those fangs clean or we have a problem. "
Zaria || Millie grips Hevlarn's sleeve with two fingers, and accepts the coin from Aolinn. She looks at it once it is in her hand, turning it over in her palm before lifting shining eyes on Aolinn. A silent nod is given. Another silent nod is given to Virginia and Thaeloc in turn.
Ignatius titters with glee and gives an affirmative nod to Aolinn. "Oh, yes, please," he says happily, "Put everything to rights!" With that, he begins to sweep out of the Arboretum, intending to pass through the hall and into the already opened Parlor.
Aolinn smiles as Millie accepts the coin, attempting to ruffle her hair a little bit. "I don't know if you caught my name, but I'm Aolinn Gatewood. Just in case you need to know in the future." She then looks to Ignatius and follows him into the parlor.
Tommie appears!
Hevlarn smiles to Thaeloc, "Of course." Then he sticks close to Millie, because the kid needs someone and she is apparently comfortable enough to hold on to his sleeve. He nods, "Glad everything is going back to the way it should be." Though he is always on the lookout for anything that might attack. "Thanks for your help, everyone. Things turned out...okay."
Greta tries her best to hide the terrified expression which comes forth due to Thaeloc's veiled threat, regardless of the fact she'd only taken one life in all her existence. Again she's careful to keep far away from the Degn while gathering her things and moving hastily to the parlor. Once there, she promptly gravitates toward Virginia and the others for safety, intent on remaining far away from the armored individual thanks to his wanting an excuse to be able to attack her. To Hevlarn, "Thank you as well for helping with keeping the grates open," is said in reply, showing an appreciation for that.
Zaria || Ignatius makes a show of settling into the chair next to where the pipe belongs. He gestures to the fireplace and begins to regail the group with one last story - his final memory. "That Karnmas night, we saw the guests out or to bed, gave the staff their presents and sent them home to their families. Marianne and I put the kids to bed. She was exhausted; too tired to even help me close up the house. So I sent her to bed, closed up on my own, and settled down in the quiet and the dying embers of the hearth to have one last smoke before heading up, myself," he explains. The merchant then pantomimes taking a puff off of his pipe, tapping it out, and placing it on the tray.
Virginia shoots Thaeloc a warning glance before stepping between him and Greta, but remains quiet as she listens to Ignatius's story.
Aolinn places the pipe on the tray where it belongs, stepping away from Ignatius afterward to listen to his story.
Hevlarn joins in on giving Thaeloc a stern glare over the threats to Greta, sticking close to Millie still as they head to the new room. He moves over to where Ignatius is and offers for the young girl to follow, if she would like. Then the story is listened to.
Greta relaxes and shows appreciation to Virginia through a smile, as Ignatius begins his story. Like the others, she too is listening in a rapt manner, her weakness for hearing the reminisces of others showing plainly. All the while there's care made not to even breathe, to ensure the ghost isn't interrupted while the memory is recounted.
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Last modified on May 27, 2024, 15:56:37