
Land of Karchan


17th Feb


Neith is drinking away her sorrows of a divorce. Her dear friend Rodolphus comes to talk to her and mistakes are made. Then Yasec comes later to see the mess that is Neith.

Contains Bad Language

The Roleplay

Neith was sat on one of the wooden bench like pews in the middle section, staring blankly at the front of the large room. Upon her lap an envelope, sealed and closed, a little dog eared as if it had been carried and touched far more than the paper was designed to be. Next to her a glass of wine and an ash tray, a cigarette stuck in the groove of the glass and smoke slowly curling upwards. The goddess is silent for quite awhile, solemn and no trace of smile on the face of the woman who could often be described as mischievous. Eventually though her hazel gaze drops to the envelope in her lap, turning it around to where it is sealed, the wax emblem unbroken as she whispers to herself "Come on, you can do this." She even goes as far to touch the dried wax but then pulls her hand away, still unable to do the deed.

Rodolphus shows up in the ghostly way he was known for, not even the sound of his breathing heard while Neith is observed from close by. At last, failing to come up with a satisfactory explanation for what Neith was up to, he says, "What seems to be the trouble, Neith?" his tone curious, while lacking any of the usual sarcasm that was reserved for most.

Neith jumps visibly as Rodolphus breaks the silence. His presence a surprise and the anomaly is looked at with shock before she taps the seat next to her. "Make yourself at home...Please." That last word sounds desperate, pleading with him to do so and not show any of his usual obstinance to her request. And then the question, how does she answer that? Gaze dropping once more to the sealed envelope, and having to put it into words for the first time, her eyes water, leaving the redhead battle the need to blink so tears do not fall. To late, they fall, and she turns her head away to hurriedly wipe her cheeks and remove them, muttering "Shit. I'm sorry." A sniff and trying to pull herself together as she explains with the tap of the envelope "I think this is confirmation that my divorce is now final."

Rodolphus ponders whether to refuse and, like usual, conjure up that pretentous illusionary throne he was fond of sitting in. Noting Neith's tone of voice, that desire, borne of arrogance and a slight bit an inferiority complex, is ignored in lieu of sitting near the deity. With her words, while a cigarette of his own is fetched and lit, there's a sharp exhalation, followed immediately by a black bottle of bourbon being taken from his coat. "Here, you'll need this then. It was going to be a bribe, but that's not important now," while leaving out it was distilled in such a way that it would get gods drunk after two swallows, no matter what.

Neith manages the faintest of smiles as the bottle of bourbon is handed over, it is one of appreciation and gratitude not so much for the gift but for his presence. As much as he might find it awkward to be in her presence in her emotionally fragile state, Rodolphus was there for her, regardless of all his quirks and aloof attitude. The bottle uncorked and a long swig taken, just the one for now, lifting to take a second but then she has another favour to ask of her friend. "Can you open it for me and let me know? I just can't." The sealed document which indeed is confirmation that the divorce is final, is held out for him to take but she needs that second gulp while she waits for his answer and it goes down her throat quickly.

Neith manages the faintest of smiles as the bottle of bourbon is handed over, it is one of appreciation and gratitude not so much for the gift but for his presence. As much as he might find it awkward to be in her presence in her emotionally fragile state, Rodolphus was there for her, regardless of all his quirks and aloof attitude. The bottle uncorked and a long swig taken, just the one for now, lifting to take a second but then she has another favour to ask of her friend. "Can you open it for me and let me know? I just can't." The sealed document which indeed is confirmation that the divorce is final, is held out for him to take but she needs that second gulp while she waits for his answer and it goes down her throat quickly.

Rodolphus makes no comment at all about the fragility of Neith presently, since he'd gone down the divorce road as well, a couple lifetimes ago at this point. Obliging the request then made of him, the hand which held the booze now grasps the letter, one well-manicured nail used to slice the seal open. Reading in silence, he at last offers, "Want me to do something horrible, like make sure his sword becomes too heavy to wield when he's in the heat of battle?" as way of confirming, and of trying to make her feel better.. in his own sadistic way.

Neith watches Rodolphus carefully as he opens the letter, watching his face scan the letter. Though he doesn't read it out, his reaction is all the confirmation she needed and the tears that she had managed to stop fall again at full force, her breath irregular as she just about holds back sobs as she once again mutters but this time a "Shit." The alcohol she had drunk surely didn't help, the warm fuzzy feeling wrapping around her, her mind clouded and clearly a third gulp needed. "No. I don't want you to do anything to him. It's not his fault. It was mutual. We just didn't work." Her own cigarette taken and inhaled deeply, hand shaking as she says "Perhaps gods aren't meant to love. Perhaps that is for humans...non gods only. Perhaps only they get it, allowed to have it. I just thought...this one thing would be mine. My whole life is devoted to everyone else, the world, balance. I just thought one thing I could have but no. Now I have an empty house, I have no one Rodolphus. No one."

Rodolphus lapses once more into silence, remaining stoic even when disappointed he wouldn't be able to interfere and leave the mercenary helpless. When finally he spoke, the shifter replies with, "Even gods do.." careful to leave out his feelings toward most of the pantheon and his grudges against them. Before that can be picked up on, hopefully, he adds, "What are you going to do now? The options are getting me to make more of that brew, being miserable alone, or just going out and doing things," which wasn't really true. He was just not that great at offering advice which didn't lead to things on fire or people being stabbed.. or both.

Neith doesn't know, she truly doesn't so when that question is thrust upon her, a frown falls upon her face. She brushed the mouth of the bottle with her thumb as she looks at it, unaware of the full potency of the brew though she obviously is feeling the effects. "I might need more of this." An empty laugh comes from her, interrupted by her tears which kills it. "I don't know. I don't know what I am meant to do. I don't know how people continue with life after this. How do people even do this?" The bottle is set down next to her and the remains of her cigarette squashed out onto the ashtray as she then turns towards Rodolphus, reaching out to touch his hand, needing physical comfort at that moment in her vulnerable and weak moment, hoping to squeeze his hand. Yet perhaps the booze wasn't the greatest of things to give her, but she leans, forward to him, other hand brushing Rodolphus's jaw as the goddess who has breath that stinks of bourbon and tobacco, cheeks covered in salty tears and a broken heart inside her chest, moves to press a long hard kiss upon the married anomaly's lips.

Rodolphus ponders a moment, saying, "You just find something to distract yourself, like putting yourself.." only to be cut off by the unexpected action. Surprised, there's no resistance, though a moment later he's drawing back, going on to add, "in mortal danger, or learning new languages." That said, he adds, "That was unexpected," now fully prepared if a second attempt should be made, for he wouldn't actively strive to hurt the deity.. not just because she could make things nightmarish for him.

Neith in a sense was doing exactly what Rodolphus recommended, trying to distract herself, trying to feel anything but sorrow and pain. Naturally she is confused as he reacts so...calmly in a way, she is confused by her own self on doing so. So when he carries on talking, she just sits there eyebrows raised, hand that had been touching his jaw now in the air motionless as she waits to see what his reaction would be as if she could react accordingly too. Yet nothing so she is left with the choice of how to react, the small sensible part of her tells her to apologise and sober up, the far more dominating part of her that is drunk, in pain and desperate for affection from someone, anyone, even the inappropriate with it being her married friend, tells her to try again. She turns a bit as if to face back forward as if sense won out but it does,t instead she moves to sit on her knees upon the bench, elevating herself up again, this time moving slower, plenty of warnings and plenty of signs that Neith would attempt to kiss Rodolphus again.

Rodolphus wisely, now that he's been alerted to things, stands once he's finished speaking. Once he's moved so there's a bench between the two of them, and is sitting on the edge of the one in front of that, he says, "Why not create a new world, populate it then speed up time, to see how long they survive?" to offer a suggestion that didn't involve having to fend off an inebriated deity's advances.

Neith nearly topples forward as Rodolphus disappears to walk down the hall a little, just catching herself by her hand pressing on the seat where he had sat as she watches him walk down the hall. He maybe a gent in his polite manner of rejection and not addressing it in his words with trying to take conversation in a different route but there would be no winning for anyone this day, no distraction would work. The tears, the crying turn into sobs of a broken woman, raw and unable to be restrained, stopping the ability to speak words for a few moments as she sees the letter he had read for her left upon the bench, the black and white confirmation that Neith is a divorcee, Caius is part of her life no more. Bringing her knees up to her chest, one arm wrapping tightly around it as she stays like that for awhile, she finally apologises "I am sorry Rodolphus. I don't know why...I just wanted it to spfeel like someone cared, someone wanted me and I know that's not you, you were just there..it was wrong."

Rodolphus lets show a slight frown, once it's clear that his efforts to be reassuring weren't going to be effective this day. Rather than saying "It's fine," as that would be an acceptance of the act, he offers instead, "What are you going to do now? What about getting a pet that will live for as long as you do?" since that seemed reasonable enough. Neith probably would be unconsolable today and for the few days next, there were no strings of words that anyone could put together to make things ok, there were no squeezes of hands, pats or hugs that would make the pain away. There were no kisses or gentle touches of affection that anyone could give her that would heal her. Trying to wipe the tears away that keep on falling from her eyes before she speaks, trying to pull herself together and seem somewhat capable of getting past this, she then says to Rodolphus "I have a cat. Caius gave me a cat a couple of years ago. It is called Caru. That means love....what am I meant to do? Keep the cat? Rehome it? Make it live forever....I gave Caius that gift, an eternal life as we were meant to be together forever. Is that stupid of me? Everyone talks about 'the one'. I thought he was that one for me. "

Rodolphus frowns again, showing he hadn't been aware of the feline in question. Keeping himself quiet, the question asked of him is thus given the amount of pondering it deserved. A relatively long time later, and he then responds, "No, it isn't stupid. There's nothing wrong with wanting to be happy, even if the one you cared for proved to be a disloyal snake. As for what you should do.. the cat shouldn't suffer because the one who gave it as a gift proved to be unworthy of your attention in the end. However, in the end it's up to you to decide what's best, for you and it," since he'd learned long ago never to force his will on others, due to being a parent and all.

Neith shakes her head faintly, enough for her loose locks of hair to move with her own action. "If he had been a disloyal snake, I could hate him, this would be easier. Perhaps I would even be one of these women who throw divorce parties. He wasn't, he isn't. He is a good man. As much as there were issues, for awhile, he did make me happy. It just wasn't enough, we weren't enough for each other." Then settling back on the bench, legs crossed in front of her, she takes the bottle of bourbon again as if seeing the bottle of the bottle would provide an answer or comfort for her as she drinks from it. "Caru is just a reminder of when we were happy. When we loved each other. I don't know what to do. Perhaps just wait a little longer. Does it ever stop hurting though Rodolphus?"

Rodolphus still remains seated, perfectly perched so that his weight was perfectly balanced. As he did so, the cigarette which had burned down is destroyed, replaced with another, before he replies, "In time, yes, if you have things to keep you going. Find a near impossible goal and strive to achieve it, such as learning every language in the world, and even some which originate from other places, find someone for whom you'd be willing to make the world burn, just so they were safe, and who'd do the same for you," with that last one being spoken from personal experience.

Yasec appears.

Neith is not someone interested in learning every language in the world, and even though her life had been long and she had gone through now three husbands, the first two had been purely for children, no love, Caius was meant to be the man where there wasn't logic or benefit involved, just love. "I think it would be dangerous if a god was willing to watch the world burn for someone. Perhaps that is why gods aren't meant to love, because if we do then the world could be at risk."

Rodolphus isn't sure now what to say, other than, "Then it's up to you to decide on something, because letting emptiness grow will ultimately result in the same thing. I'll see you around, Neith." With this, he did then slide forward to stand, cigarette still in hand as he prepared to leave, following what was next said by the deity.

Yasec appears from seemingly nowhere. It's as if the God has simply popped into existence, or like he was never gone in the first place. He saunters slowly to the middle of the room. "On the contrary, I am always in love. I would make the world a conflagration merely to save love. It is the sole saving grace of the mortal and immortal races alike." The God says in a familiar, seductive voice.

Neith nods faintly, knowing full well the truth behind Rodolphus' words though not willing to face them just yet. As he announces his departure, her gaze drops to his cigarette and she holds a hand out as she asks for one of her own of his blend "Can I?" Yet there is Yasec, it was one thing to break down in front of Rodolphus, a friend who had been there through Neith's highs and many lows but an audience for her breakdown was not particularly wanted. Looking away from both, over to the opposite wall and once again wiping her cheeks with her hands to remove the tear streaks though redness would remain in the deity's eyes as she turns back, the half a bottle of bourbon held out for the other deity to take and help himself to as she says "Nice of you to pop in Yasec. Here for business or pleasure? And really? You always struck me as a man who loved to be loved not loved to love."

Rodolphus , because he enjoyed showing he'd learned to do the things deities could do, does vanish as well in due course. Before that though, there's just the slightest bit of concern, mingled with amusement, at the thought of Yasec imbibing bourbon that was designed specifically to leave gods super inebriated and with far less motor control than normal.

Rodolphus simply disappears.

Yasec shakes head gently to the offered drink. "I am afraid it does little for me." He says, holding one hand out to stray gently in the shafts of dying sunlight. "Business or not, your presence is a pleasure to me." He says to her, smiling his seductive smile."But no, this is not business. I heard you were...in a bad way. I thought to check on you. That is what friends do, isn't it? I do love to e loved, but you cannot have true catharsis if you do not reciprocate it. And so, here I am. Is there anything I can do for you, lovely Neith?"

Neith stares at Yasec, trying to line up her thoughts in order, trying to compose herself, be the god that people expect, the regal, the aloof, the ...composed. Deep inhale in, shoulders raising before falling as she controls the exhale and she says the most common lie ever told in the world. "I'm fine." She has to repeat it again to try to convince herself, eyes closing as if shutting down everything else in the world would help "I'm fine." Eyes reopen and focus on him, watering once again as the threat of tears start once more "There is nothing that can be done Yasec. Apart from supposedly learn every language in the world or get a pet according to Rodolphus." A hollow laugh escapes her mouth before she admits in defeat "I don't know what I am meant to do Yasec, tell me what I am meant to do, how I get past this."

Yasec steps forward and places his arms on her shoulders. He looks deep into her eyes, and frowns deeply. He has never seen her distraught before, never in shambles like this. His concern for her is clear and real, eliminating that aura of swagger he likes to present around himself at nearly all times. "Calm a moment, my lovely friend." He says in that melodic voice, pausing as e considers how best to approach this. "Sleep is what you need, rest from that bottle you have been draining. Go to your chamber and climb into bed. I can take you there, if you need it. And then..." He sighs deeply. "You have begun a terrible grieving process. I myself have gone through it as well. But you cannot do what I did...it isn't safe. You must face this disappointment with a clear head and a heavy heart. With time...with time the pain will dull. And you can count on me to check up on you often."

Neith waits for Yasec's answer, expecting some similar advice as Rodolphus had given but it is different, vastly different. Her gaze meets his, unwavering and unblinking as she listens carefully. Words are hard for the redhead in this time of grief and she struggles to concoct anything in her mind that would be a response. Time is bought by lifting her hand to his, fingers wrapping around his wrist and squeezing lightly in strange way of giving him thanks where her lips were failing. Though she needed to break away from his eyes, it seemed too much to endure for long as if he was seeing too deeply into her than she was able to cope with so momentarily her eyes dart away to the walls of the hall to give her that brief break before they return. "Sleep and time. Sleep and time. I don't even think that will be enough...I can walk to my room I am sure." That grip on his wrist tightens a little more as a replacement for something else, something she needs in this moment. With Yasec being there, with them being friends, he is the one who is subjected to it as she steps forward, his wrist released from her hand as she does the very human thing of a hug, arms wrapping tightly around his ribs, mouth against his shoulder and for a moment holding tightly onto him as if this simple thing had the power to hold her together for a little more time.

Yasec seems slightly taken aback by this simple gesture of affection, but it pleases him. Over her shoulder, he smiles out into nothingnes. He places his head on her shoulder after listening to her every word. "It is better than walking the easy path...Though some exist that dull the pain. But you are stronger than I. I have no doubt yo will persist without such drastic measures."

Neith would like nothing more than an easy path out of the world of consuming pain she is in. Her words echoing the sentiments of her thoughts, she murmurs "I doubt that. Something to ease the pain would be better. Anything." Then finally Yasec is released from the hug the redhead had forced upon him, she even manages a shadow of a smile, just and with a lot of force. "Until then, I will listen to you about the sleep but this..." She grabs the neck of the bottle of bourbon "Is staying with me. Take care Yasec, really. " That and a final more of just touching his cheek with the tips of s few fingers in a brush is done before she turns to walk out on unsteady feet, a sway in her journey from the alcohol and pausing by a pillar just to regain her balance before she makes her way back to her home that is empty, where she would empty the bottle, throw up the contents into the toilet and crawl into bed a mess as she had done for the previous few nights too.

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Last modified on March 4, 2017, 23:49:58