Symbol: Skull
Last Known High Priestess: Faoir
Sphere of Influence: Death (Plague, Extinction, Destruction)
Osnodon is the God of Death and Destruction. He is one of the original Thauranko, 'brother' to Dagorii and Kulanin. It was given to him the task of destroying each and every being that was given Life, his ultimate goal to drive all beings to extinction. He has many tools to accomplish this, but most noted among his many evil contributions to the world are perhaps his Vampires and his order of Necromancers. He is also the progenitor of a number of plagues, the 'creator' of disease at large, as well as the evil being Khelendros, his 'son'.
He was the first bearer of the Book of Destruction, but saw fit to allow it to fall into mortal hands where it caused, and continues to cause, great damage despite the inability of mankind to utilize it fully.
Certain followers in the death cult honoring him (Drong de Bas) have use of a culling song that can cause death when the whole four lines are sang aloud. It has different degrees of accuracy and success. Most adept with this song are his bard, Coda, and Moreth, his son.
Familial Relations:
Creator of Khelendros.
Father of Almahvius.
Father of Moreth.
Creator of Xia, his companion and mother of Almahvius.
Grandfather of Renee and Aurore.
Grandfather of Coral.
Grandfather of Arenthos.
Grandfather of Auric.
Great Grandfather of Coraleen, Moray, and Wade.
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Last modified on March 15, 2024, 18:07:11