This Page is a WIP.
Rakah, The Universe, The Creator
I think it would be very fitting to summarize the importance of Rakah here using Karchan's history. Is someone willing to write an eloquent summary of Chapters 1-4 of Karchan's history?
Karn - Good <--How does Karn not have a page?
Chapter 4-5 summary? Someone willing to tackle?
- Atalaya / Glendra - Daughter of Karn, Goddess of Every Living Thing
- Furchin - Son of Karn, God of Earthly Landscapes <-- Write up needed.
- Kel - God of Fate
- Manatoba - Son of Karn, Smith of the Gods
- Meadel - Son of Karn, King Under the Sea <-- Ephinie
- Mielikki - Daughter of Karn, Queen of the Forests
- Baymeth - Goddess of Grief, Pity, Mourning, and Sorrow. - Popular in: Khneo.
- Cinash - God of Fire - Popular in: Haavi.
- Cyrion- God of the Hunt - Popular in: Dunholm.
- Isodien - Goddess of Healing
- Marawen - Goddess of Nature
- Mudith - Goddess of Seasons - Popular in: Frosthaven, Gyllene.
Riwen - Goddess of the Oceans- Rhianneth - Charitable Goddess of the Oceans - Popular in: Crocodile Cove, Elusen, Khneo, Rajan.
- Shara - Goddess of Rivers, Streams and Waterfalls - Popular in: Sharana'ar, Styxx Gorge.
- Mordygan - God of War
- Pela - Daughter of Karn, Celestial of the Afterlife. - Popular in: Ammerville, Elusen, Frosthaven, Pendulis, The Spirit Realm.
- Qonna - Goddess of Time - Popular in: Gyllene, Haavi, Mahtohs.
- Verity - Goddess of Truth
Zhanos - Evil
The original God of Evil, created at the same time as Karn but perverted by a piece of the Darkness that existed before all things, he is also the author of the "Books of Evil"; Power, Wrath and Destruction. These are said to be given to his Three Sons.
As the being called Zhanos, the God of Evil still held all of the godly might that had made him equal to Karn at his creation, but without the Shard of Darkness and that destructive force of Darkness to draw upon he was not as potent as once before. His Thauranko, created of that same power, were stronger than he now through his gift of The Books and they were taking their own paths that led away from Destruction.
In this time his workings were subtle and wide, but it is known that he manipulated his Thauranko's doings through their underlings as well as the workings of Karn's children and their progeny. His plans for the destruction of all things can be assumed, but his methods were obscure and illogical, and seemingly have failed to blossom as he plotted. He was often seen in the land as a human madman carrying a picnic basket and often sitting in a chair. His insanity never seemed to be an act.
Ultimately Zhanos was apparently destroyed by his former follower and possible bastard son, Obsidian, who tricked him into casting a spell at The Picnic Basket, which at the time was containing a large grey rabbit, the doing of which destroyed the God whole. His place as "God of Evil" was then claimed by Obsidian, a move that brought him the ire of The Thauranko that had been battling over the throne for years.
The Thauranko
Dagorii- Son of Zhanos, Lord of Battle- Osnodon - Son of Zhanos, Lord of Death and Destruction
- Kulanin - Son of Zhanos, Lord of Shapes
- ?? - God of Evil, popularly believed to be Obsidian.
- The Maleficus
- Gvaudoin - Goddess of Predation and Scorned Love
- Havara - Goddess of Lunacy
- Tyvarliek - God of Sacrifice - Popular in: Styxx Gorge, Rajan.
- The Maleficus
- Hestia - Goddess of Greed - Popular in: Elusen.
- Nightshade - God of Terror
- Yasec - God of Corruption - Popular in: Crocodile Cove, Tiassale.
Divine Beings
- Almahvius - God of Lust - Popular in: Mahtohs
- Bytor - God of Valor - Popular in: Ammerville.
- Bjorn (WIP) - Divine Polar Bear - Popular in: Frosthaven.
- Caelwyn - God of Justice - Popular in: Ammerville.
- Cedri - Goddess of Irony
- Erasmas - God of Love
Neith - Goddess of Childbirth and Hearth- Popular in: Tiassale.- Preagord - God of War
- Pincus - God of ???
- Pirate - God of Cats, Creation of Qonna
- Ryoko - Godesss of Love
- Silvaras - God of Dreams and Visions - Popular in: Elusen.
- Victoria - Goddess of Fury - Popular in: Khneo, Rajan.
- Viola - Goddess of Music
Other Beings Of Note
- Ancestral Calenwolf Spirits - Notes on Calenwolf religious practices
- Apollo and Dogoda - Angels of Love
- Crustaceo - "God" of Integrity, Curiosity, and Seafood
- Erato - "Goddess" of the Arts
- Elwood - "God" of Tequila
- Emma and Hazard - Creatures of luck, "Fortuna Spirits" created by Rhianneth.
- Furies - The Warriors of Victoria
- Iandel - Angel of Love
- Kashti - Haavian Spirit of Shade
- Leliel - Avatar of Almahvius
- Moreth - Son of Osnodon
- Orvuus - Hound of The Underworld, Bonded to Almahvius
- Sadira - Nymph of the lake of Sjolen
- Sakah - The Porcelain Goddess
- Sarva - Haavian Spirit of Sun
- SkyeFyre - "Goddess" Of Margaritas
- The Guardians - the divine triplet daughters of Victoria
- Zavyr - A Cursed Reaper under the employ of Drong de Bas
- Zudora - Honored by the Sham El Naseeen Kabile
Karchan's Law and God Alts
The rules that apply to god alts are basically the same that apply to regular alts, but because of the importance of these particular alts and their role within Karchan's lore, it is important to reiterate 3 of Karchan's Laws.
- Thou art responsible for the actions of thyne character at all times! A god character is a special privilege! It means that we the deputies and Karn have chosen you -- and trust you -- to contribute in a truly special way to the lore of Karchan. This is an important job, and we know you'll take it seriously.
- Thou shalt treat what deputies tell thee as being law! Please keep us in the loop with your god-related RPs, as we are the 'keepers of the lore'. While of course we expect that you will chart your own course in terms of what you RP, please know that we may, from time to time, approach you with our own ideas. If, in the unlikely event we think you are veering off course for what is appropriate for a god character, we will let you know. Communication between everyone is key; we welcome your creativity and want to help in any way we can.
- Thou Shalt Treat Others With Respect! A god has great power, but playing a god comes with great responsibility. We trust and hope that you will use your god alt collaboratively, to build up others' RP, not as a trump card or way to put others down. A god shouldn't be used to block an RP from happening but should rather be used to help it go an interesting way. Remember that a god may have a bigger target on his/her head than an ordinary character. It goes without saying that your god can be killed in death duels, or via complex RP arcs. Though we do not recommend dueling and large scale fights with divine characters, should they occur both deputy and player played deity alts are expected to conduct themselves accordingly and if anyone has concerns about an incidents, reach out to one of the deputies. It is best practice to only engage in RPs that you intend to follow through on, and of course remember that there is no "godmodding", even for gods!
Last modified on September 11, 2024, 07:39:15