
Land of Karchan

Reznor at Large


Xenith and new best pal Volgrim try to capture Reznor. And fail entirely.

At the Road

Xenith calls out to Reznor, "Have you prepared yourself, Reznor Kilmoore?" That's right. Xenith didn't call Reznor his friend. Tremendous insult.

Volgrim says : Kilmoore. Kill More. Is that really his name?

Calzier says : "Ah, so that is him."

Xenith says [to Volgrim] : I believe it's more of an adopted honorific.

Volgrim says [to Xenith] : Sounds orcish.

Reznor is amused. No, that is not really his name. "Prepare for what?" He asks of Xenith, calmly. No need to shout.

Xenith quietly removes his suit coat and hangs it from the coat tree he carries with him. He spends another moment unfastening his cufflinks and rolling up his shirt sleeves. "For me to test your blade work. I gave you notice when last we met, if you recall."

Volgrim stares at the bottle of blood and grudgingly takes it. He turns the clear container over in his hands, watching the way the red liquid catches the light. "I don't drink blood," he says to Joan. He sets the bottle in his pack; maybe some vampire will want it later. A second later he's looking back at Breece and Xenith. The question might be a rude one if Volgrim hadn't heard it a million times already. "I'm an orc," he says. He doesn't know the sign for orc, so doesn't bother. "Shape-changer, and orc." He might say more, but Xenith's conversation with Reznor. He reaches around to retrieve his axe and then stands beside Xenith. "We fighting?"

Breece frowns between Reznor and Xenith, and it only deepens when the big shape shifter puts himself in it. The small thing quietly moves to position herself slightly behind and to the left of Reznor, her eyes steady on the other two. She could already hear Reznor just fine.

Xenith frowns only a moment at Volgrim's favored weapon, but pushes past it. Different cultural mores and all, allowances must be made. He smiles to Breece, sure she's only moving to 'hear' her friends better, and nods at Volgrim's answer to her question. "I believe we may be, friend Volgrim. I should warn you, it's said the slightest cut from Reznor's sword can kill. I myself will likely meet my untimely end."

Calzier stands up and moves a few paces around, then behind the tree.

Calzier finds himself separating even further from the scene upon learning of the effect of Reznor's blade.

Reznor holds firm to his grin while Xenith removes his coat and cufflinks. Cute. "I need no tests," he answers coolly, hand falling to the grip of Templar sword. As Volgrim enters the picture, that grins fades slightly. Good looking couple.

Joan blinks voided white eyes, sword?! Was it not a dagger?! Confusion.

Xenith is operating largely on rumor and hearsay.

Volgrim snorts, a slight growl following the noise as he positions himself beside Xenith. "Probably not today," he grunts. The orc beast looks across the way at where Reznor stands with Breece. It almost looks like a duel, each combatant with a second, but the fine art of dueling is not something the orc beast has ever experienced?not really. "He's gonna need more than that to kill us."

Breece thinks it's all sharp not-niceness.

Xenith laughs loudly, from deep in his belly, and draws his own blade with a flourish. The dueling foil is very fine, set with a black gemstone on the pommel, the steel gleams with reflected light. It is also, of course, very thin, very small, and looks like a child's toy in his large fist. "The knights did advise me that I should stall you, Reznor, and wait for reinforcements. If possible, charm the location of your hidey hole from you so they might bring you to justice in force. Do you find yourself inclined to succumb to my charm?"

Reznor has both, actually. The sword came with becoming a Templar. The dagger was a gift from Yasec for being a part of the Sunbane. That's your history lesson for the day.

Calzier is unsure what to think about Joan but he nods to her answer anyway, albeit hesitantly. "I'm not the best with 'social things' at times.." he warns plainly before shrugging those shoulders of his. He turns face to Sloane and nods to her then. "I'm confident it will go well." Not that the same can be said of the confrontation in front of them. He smirks because of Xenith's words, then chuckles, but decides against commenting to him because of the nature of the situation. The mote's glowing sights sweep from human to orc to templar to siren (the one behind the templar) and keeps watch.

Breece cants her head at Xenith. When he draws his ...okay then...sword? Toothpick? Whatever that thing was, when it came into view, her claws grew at the ready beneath the folds of her cloak. Outwardly, she's still just standing there.

Reznor lifts both brows in mock surprise as Xenith draws his blade. "It's quite nice," he comments. Booted feet lead him lead him toward Xenith at a leisurley pace, hand still holding firmly to his own sword. When he finally arrives, he absorbs the much larger man with his signature amber colored eyes. "I have no 'hidey hole' as you put it. It's my home. So says the welcome mat at the door." His eyes fall to the sword. A sigh. Cor's is bigger. "Do whatever you wish."

Xenith hesitates a moment, sword still held ready, head cocking just a bit to the side. He's torn between invetigative duty and battlelust, and finally voices his concern. "Might I ask where your home is? You'd think they'd have checked there as part of this manhunt."

Volgrim looks a little bemused. "Are we fighting or not?"

Xenith says [to Volgrim] : It's just, I'm really supposed to find out where he lives. I didn't think it would be as easy as asking.

Volgrim says [to Xenith] : What for?

Xenith says [to Volgrim] : Oh, he's a serial killer and one of his recently discovered victims was a former knight. So they're quite upset with him.

Breece reads the words between Xenith and Volgrim and obviously contributes nothing to it. She doesn't retract her hidden claws just yet.

Volgrim says [to Xenith] : Serial.....*scratches head* So just beat him and take him to jail.

Volgrim has no idea what serial means.

Calzier catches on because he has been in Volgrim's situation several times before, "Serial means he did it over and over again."

You say [to Volgrim] : Well that's the optimal plan, but in the event I lose I'd like to be able to perhaps write out the location of his home with my last breath so the knights can find him. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best sort of thing. I also don't have keys to the jail yet, I'm quite new.

Joan spares a glance towards Xenith, a brow arches, little did the bouncer know the ring the siren gifted him has been soaked in her blood and enchanted before she offered it to him. Something she fail to meantion.

Volgrim grunts at Calzier without looking at him. "But asking isn't fighting."

Xenith is wearing Joan's friendship ring on his right hand.

Xenith says [to Volgrim] : I understand, friend. But the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.

Volgrim says [to Xenith] : But if you don't stop him he's just going to serial kill more.

Xenith says [to Volgrim] : But I might try my best to stop him and still fail. If I fail to stop him, but am able to pass on useful information, that is a step closer to a future victory.

Volgrim says [to Xenith] : But we could take him.

Reznor is having a hard time taking the advice offered from one of the other Knightly lot. It's not easy imagining her face implanted on all that is Xenith. Cue another grin. "Where I live is where you're not allowed," he explains. "The Cove." That's where he will leave it for now. He's not going to describe the exact location of the house. The color. If it has picket fences and a lush green yard and what have you. "Did you get all of that?"

Calzier is content standing where he is off the side of the road as all four people ready themselves for some degree of violence--potentially carnage. He is drawing the scene, crossing every T and dotting every i in his attempt to grasp the scene and the anticipation building between the four.. or his own. He pauses and finds himself smirking and shaking his head to Xenith. He is writing the bouncer's words down for later. He nods in agreement with Volgrim's words, finding himself visibly amused by the use of the new word. The orc was not wrong, though. Perhaps that is why it is funnier.

Xenith grins brightly to Reznor, offering a final half-shrug to Volgrim. "Ah! Perfect, thank you for being so accommodating. Begin." Xenith slips a half step forward, bending at the knees and driving his foil forward on trajectory to slip between Reznor's ribs and through his heart.

Reznor half expected Xenith to act so brazenly. Which is why no maneuver is made to evade his attack. The cold steel passes through him easily. Straight out of his back. His eyes lower to that very plain white shirt that he wears, head shaking lightly at a spot of crimson that begins to seep from his chest. "Foolish." Comes his voice as his eyes rise to Xenith. They are no longer their usual amber. An almost too eerie viridian glow has arranged itself around his pupils. A pleasant warning of that's to come. The Templar/Saint's lips curl into a bitter snarl before laughing slowly, deeply. A flash of viridian keys his disappearance into flame. Gone is his weight from Xenith's sword as the green inferno lashes out at him, forming into a skull with an open maw. It looks like it could easily swallow him whole if he doesn't act fast. Fast enough to realize that Reznor appears behind him, both his sword and dagger drawn. The dagger, in his left, swings precisely for the back of Xenith's neck as he twists his torso in a half-spin. The sword in his right sings gracefully at a downward angle for Xenith's calf. hoping to cut it in half. It easily could.

Volgrim did not expect Xenith to act so boldly. Brazen is usually his area of expertise, but there the page goes with his pig sticker right at Reznor. The orc beast's eyes narrow when Reznor disappears and he half-turns immediately to cover the page's back an still keep half an eye on Breece. He hefts his axe as Reznor appears and swings the weapon. The darksteel blade glints ominously in the afternoon light as Volgim aims to parry the larger of the Templar's two weapons.

Reznor Q Quale Pronto Xenith calls out to Reznor, "Have you prepared yourself, Reznor Kilmoore?" That's right. Xenith didn't call Reznor his friend. Tremendous insult. V... Q Quale Pronto Breece cants her head at Xenith. When he draws his ...okay then...sword? Toothpick? Whatever that thing was, when it came into view, her claws grew... Q Quale Pronto Volgrim looks a little bemused. "Are we fighting or not?" You say [to Volgrim] : It's just, I'm really supposed to find out where he lives. I didn'... Q Quale Pronto to me 2 hours agoDetails

Breece got caught up in tells. She's going to stand there for another minute with her cold, blank stare on Volgrim. You tell [to Evelyn] : ooc What's up, bouncy? Volgrim is waiting on Reznor. Mya appears. #Advertising space for rent! Joan wraps her arms around Mya, bringing her close in a special cwtch. Evelyn was drawn to the side of the road, blue-grey eyes glinting like steel as they flashed around, soaking in the scene with a barely-tempered smirk of devilish degree. The row, the tension, the hubris; she loved it all, and as she turned from the board, she leaned back against it, folding her arms over her chest to observe. Evelyn tells [to you] : ooc; Bouncy? You tell [to Evelyn] : ooc Bouncing them alts Reznor half expected Xenith to act so brazenly. Which is why no maneuver is made to evade his attack. The cold steel passes through him easily. Straight out of his back. His eyes lower to that very plain white shirt that he wears, head shaking lightly at a spot of crimson that begins to seep from his chest. "Foolish." Comes his voice as his eyes rise to Xenith. They are no longer their usual amber. An almost too eerie viridian glow has arranged itself around his pupils. A pleasant warning of that's to come. The Templar/Saint's lips curl into a bitter snarl before laughing slowly, deeply. A flash of viridian keys his disappearance into flame. Gone is his weight from Xenith's sword as the green inferno lashes out at him, forming into a skull with an open maw. It looks like it could easily swallow him whole if he doesn't act fast. Fast enough to realize that Reznor appears behind him, both his sword and dagger drawn. The dagger, in his left, swings precisely for the back of Xenith's neck as he twists his torso in a half-spin. The sword in his right sings gracefully at a downward angle for Xenith's calf. hoping to cut it in half. It easily could. Evelyn tells [to you] : ooc; I have too many alts, this is true. Evelyn tells [to you] : ooc; I have way more than I've logged into recently. 12 years of character ideas. Mya sings [to Reznor] : I think we are alone now. Doesn't seem to be anyone around! You tell [to Joan] : ooc If the ring is going to be relevant in this fight, just let me know You tell [to Breece] : ooc I know Volgrim's got something brewing, are you jumping into the mix this go around or later? Volgrim did not expect Xenith to act so boldly. Brazen is usually his area of expertise, but there the page goes with his pig sticker right at Reznor. The orc beast's eyes narrow when Reznor disappears and he half-turns immediately to cover the page's back an still keep half an eye on Breece. He hefts his axe as Reznor appears and swings the weapon. The darksteel blade glints ominously in the afternoon light as Volgim aims to parry the larger of the Templar's two weapons. Reznor says [to Mya] : My jam. Mya winks to Reznor. Breece will need another round. Still standing there. Sorry. Dep stuff. Breece tells [to you] : ooc Sorry. Not trying to ignore rp. :) Mya sings [to Breece] : I'm still standing, yeah yeah yeah. Xenith moves rapidly from elation to surprise, then hurls himself into a sideways roll when Reznor becomes a fire seeking to roast him. The bouncer complains loudly to the world at large. "'He's more than he seems' is not as helpful adevice as 'stabbing his heart doesn't kill him!" He swings about in a low crouched circle, not exactly anticipating Reznor's attack so much as preparing for a hidden foe, and lifts his blade to parry the dagger. Xenith surges up to his full height in a lunge from powerful calves, twisting his blade to force Reznor's dagger arm to one side. The large man reaches across his own chest to tear off the sleeve of his shirt, revealing a blue mandala tattoo encircled by an ouroboros, which begins degrading magical energy around the page. "Poor form bringing a fireball to a swordfight, Reznor." As the page employs that most noble of manuevers, a heavy boot to Reznor's groin.

Reznor had kept Xenith's boyfriend, Volgrim within his keen peripheral as he spun toward Xenith. Flame on, Reznor. The Templar's form dissipates with just enough time to catch Volgrim's axe in the act of crashing down, his boot used to kick and redirect the hefty weapon toward Xenith's already rising boot. There's no hesitation as he gathers himself once more--this time behind Volgrim where his sword swings ruthlessly toward the orc's right side while the dagger aims at Volgrim's spine.

Xenith makes a snap estimate of Volgrim's strength and combat efficacy, quickly repurposing his kick to plant his foot on the blade of Volgrim's axe, left hand on the orc's shoulder, and launches his bulk up over the head of his ally and enemy. His thin foil darts out as he sails above, seeking the back of Reznor's neck, where spine meets skull, while the Templar's blades are busy with trying to eviscerate Volgrim.

Volgrim ?s momentum is curbed somewhat by Xenith using him as a launch pad. As soon as Reznor is gone the orc turns, bringing the axe up in time to block the sword. The darksteel head flickers momentarily green, but that light Is gone as quickly as it came. He has nothing to parry the dagger with though, and it bites into the meat and mail of his arm. The armor dulls the bite of the blade somewhat, but not enough. Blade pierces flesh and the orc beast snarls. He rushes forward despite the sudden pain of the injury and swings at Reznor's middle, aiming to cleave the Templar while Xenith stabs at him.

Reznor watched with casual wonder as Xenith flipped over he and Volgrim both. He hadn't the time, however, to catch Volgrim's axe deflecting the blow from his sword. That dagger, he'll feel that one for some time to come as the flesh begins to instantly rot underneath all that protective mail. There's no time to celebrate though as there is a blade on its way toward the back of his neck. There's Volgrim too--with his heavy axe coming to his midsection. He could easily dissipate again and let the two run into each other...but what fun would that be? The gravel of the road finds his leathered back as he drops downward, evading Xenith's foil and Volgrim's incoming axe...for the most part. The sword in his hand is parted with as his hand rises to catch the joint of which Volgrim's axe blade was fastened. He had much respect for the Orc's strength, which he knew would pull him up from the ground and behind him from the backswing. Of course, the chance of both Xenith and Volgrim running into each other is likely. Reznor's body would look like a ragdoll at first, but would steady as he uses Volgrim's momentum to propel him at Xentih. No sword, but the dagger is there, reaching out to slash at that ridiculous tattoo as he passes by him. A nearby tree is where he will land against...not so gracefully.

Xenith is certainly not in the best position, airborne with no means of arresting or redirecting his flight, Reznor proving especially agile. But then, a lifeline! Xenith reaches his left arm out to snatch at the inside of Reznor's wrist, which would keep that foul blade from his tattooed shoulder. Now, a lot about Reznor is a mystery. How strong is the templar, what powers does he have, where does he get his clothes tailored? But Xenith does represent a nearly three hundred pound weight headed in one direction while Reznor swings on a slightly different vector toward a tree, and the anchor point of that weight would be the normally frail bones of Reznor's wrist. Xenith seems content to let physics do the damage as he prepares to hit the ground.

Volgrim growls deeply. He can feel the change in his arm already as Reznor's foul sorcery combats his natural, very virulent regenerative properties. It is still sturdy enough to swing that heavy axe even with Reznor attached to it and, as expected, he is swung with the weapon in the backswing.

Reznor has an extensive list powers at his disposal. He's be around awhile. Okay, he's old. I'll admit it. He also has venerable strength--which he chooses not to use as Xenith takes hold of his wrist. Remember that flame act that used earlier? It comes to play once again, relieving him from Xenith's grasp. He reappears somewhere out of range. Blood trickling out of his nose from the 'power' wasted. Perhaps he did have a weakness after all. That being age. Whatever. He has actual work to do in the real world and must get it done quickly IF he wants to get home soon. A grin is all Xenith and Volgrim are left with before taking off.

Reznor leaves south.

Volgrim growls a little to himself and takes a few deep breaths. Swinging people around like that exerts even him. He puts the axe away and removes the mail to get a better look at his arm. That dagger cut is black, the skin patched here and there with dark green.

Xenith hits the ground rolling, fouling his nice shirt further, and rises to his feet with a bright grin and a ready blade, but Reznor is no more. The bouncer let's out a deep sigh, tucking away his foil and coming to inspect Volgrim, "How is it, friend Volgrim? I'm sorry to have left you at his whims after you so skilfully defended me, but I tkhought I saw a chance to end him. Do you need aid? "

At this juncture, Xenith's rper failed to properly save the remainder of the rp. Volgrim left in search of a healer while Xenith was left to find his tailor.

Last modified on May 9, 2017, 13:25:34