
Land of Karchan


Education in the Land of Karchan comes in many forms, and there is an emphasis on apprenticeship for youngsters who wish to go into guilds or specialized trades.

Regarding traditional "book learning," however, The University of Pendulis oversees the majority of educational concerns. It is known that the University of Pendulis is part of a wider network of academies, research foundations, and educational institutions across the world that is known as the Fellowship of Academia. Within the Land of Karchan, however, the U of P is the parent body for much of the local schooling.

The university sponsors a wide range of primary schools, going so far as to supply teachers and review curriculum to make sure it meets appropriate standards.

The largest of these primary schools can be found along the road between the dwarven village and the city of New Pendulis, near the Knights' castle. This school boasts two classrooms as well as an office. It is considered to be the founding Primary School in Karchan.

Some other primary schools can be found in the following places:
Dunholm, Calenwood Forest, Ammerville, and Crocodile Cove. (Please feel free to add more known locations for primary schools).

Education is NOT compulsory in Karchan, though certain guilds (such as the Knights of Karchan), may require younger members to attend. Additionally, some city-states or municipal governments may have specialized requirements for their youth.

Youngsters who do pursue an academic education usually attend between the ages of 9 and 15. Younger or older students may be accommodated on an individual basis, and the University of Pendulis will begin to admit graduates of a primary school who are as young as 15. There is no upper-age limit to the university.

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Last modified on May 3, 2016, 05:10:18