Sjolen is a county in Karchan that is situated high up in the mountains to the north, a cold and airy forestland. It is accessible only by gondola. The Knights of Karchan maintain a small base there and have a teleport command that takes them there.
Lochstad is the only town in this mostly rural county. Though small, it boasts amenities unique to itself such as the toy shop, a confectionery, the bath house (different in style from the Ammerville spa), and a glass blower.
The town is the center of the province, and it sits bordering a large mountain lake. Surrounding the town are several farms, and surrounding those it is forested.
Since Sjolen is a county, it is ruled by a count or contessa. The position is hereditary nobility, and the current Contessa is an orphaned girl named Hyaline. The person occupying the position at any given time works closely with the Knights, who police the Land of Karchan as a whole. There may also be a mayor or magistrate for the town of Lochstad once restoration and resettlement have finished up. Hyaline is also looked after by the current Regent, Rhylmphidus. He oversees her care as well as helps with bigger tasks.
For a time, Sjolen was occupied by zombies, but with some help from a few different sources, Lanil managed to return the county to normal.
Hyaline named Phargos Raygriff as Mayor of Sjolen (2014) when he came to her and expressed his desires to help the town thrive. Yolaniken Gatewood serves as Sheriff at this point in time, given to him by Freya when she stepped down from the position.
Last modified on March 24, 2016, 00:49:03