
Land of Karchan

Snake River

Snake River is the river that begins in the northern mountains and winds all the way down through Karchan's valley, feeding two waterfalls, only to retreat underground near the gates of Tiassale village. It's most commonly known in game as the five rooms that lie south west of the main road, begun by Snake River Falls and crossed by a bridge that leads to The Dark Forest. The HQ for The Rangers of Karchan is hidden with the southern waterfall.

In the old days this was a toll bridge that could be crossed with a traditional silver coin. This toll has been re-introduced today but the currency required in a specially minted coin that can be bought from any number of shops or vendors around the land, like at the moneychanger in Pendulis and in Ammerville. Be careful crossing without your fare. At the moment you aren't charged to travel west but if you try to cross east without paying then Keanur the troll will stop you! Try reading the list on the bridge itself if you get stuck. It might have the coin that you're looking for but you'll need money in your inventory to buy it.

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Last modified on July 13, 2022, 21:28:43