
Land of Karchan

Sold to the Highest Bidder

DATE: 6/5/17
PLACE: Gyllene Auction House

Xenith strolls through the area dressed in one of his finer suits, since today is a day of commerce rather than combat. What anyone who knows Xenith might find unusual, and anyone who had never met him would find completely normal, is that he is not carrying a coat tree over his shoulder.
NamelessNPC steps to the side of Fosco with a beautiful goat. It's clearly not meant for anything other than breeding, as it is clearly meant for pampering of the highest caliber. Fosco, the hobbit auctioneer, begins explaining. "Here we have a stunner of a goat, bred and raised here in Gyllene by a local breeder. Bidding starts at one thousand gold. Do I have one thousand?" A man in front raises his hand. "One thousand. Do we have a two thousand?" A man in the middle seat on the left raises his hand. "Do I hear three thousand?" A man in the back right raises his hand. "Do I hear four thousand?" A lady in the front row raises her hand. What a challenging offer! This must surely be an A+ goat!
Xenith steps into the center of the bidding floor, utilizing the unique set of skills bestowed on him in a mix of the blessings of nature and his time in bars to assemble a clear area around him. Hefting one hand, he demure calls out "Twelve thousand." While maintaining direct eye contact with the breeder.
NamelessNPC flicks his gaze to Xenith, but Fosco calls out, "Twelve thousand! Going once, going twice..." Then the first man raises his hand with an offer of fifteen thousand. Apparently the Gyllenians in the room are serious about this goat! The animal even stands there looking regal as hell on it's leash with it's cozy collar. A man in the back calls out, "Sixteen thousand!" Fosco points at him, "Sixteen thousand! Going once, going twice..."
Xenith clears his throat loudly as he raises his hand and calls out in a voice he dredged up from deep in his chest, "Forty eight."
NamelessNPC once again glances at Xenith, and as Fosco is about to say sold, that same woman from earlier peeps out a quiet, "Fifty."
NamelessNPC notes that the goat bleats.
Xenith scoffs loudly as he raises his hand, not breaking eye contact with the breeder despite how desperately he wants to cow his enemies into submission, "Well now you're just being silly. One hundred fifty thousand."
NamelessNPC wrinkles his nose a little. He knows a good looking goat when he breeds one! There is a hush that descends upon the room as everyone looks around. Did Xenith just...? The answer is yes. The hobbit motions toward Xenith and says, "One hundred and fifty thousand! Going once, going twice..." Long pause. "Sold to the large gentleman in the nice suit! You certainly cannot bleat that deal!" The auctioneer chuckles at his own silly joke. It appears that the goat was the final auction of the day, and Fosco waves Xenith over. "Make payment in the back and then Cornwallis here will give you the goat. Auction house takes a cut for use of our premises." Assuming everything goes as planned, Xenith will then be in possession of an amazing looking goat! This one may even look better than the others that Xenith was gifted! Huzzah!
Xenith delivers payment via three of the many little coin purses he keeps about his person, having learned the dangers (and benefits) of keeping all his money in one place in this land of thieves early on. He has a goat now, which is an unusual situation for him, but he affords the time to shoot withering looks to the woman and man who were most stringently bidding against him. Luckily, his time proven strategy of just tripling the last bid has won again. It's a wonder more people don't do it. He seeks out the breeder in short order. "Good sir, a brief word if you will?"
NamelessNPC is about to exit the auction house, even lighting up a cigarette, when Xenith approaches him. His hazel eyes focus on the bouncer and he nods to the door, indicating that Xenith should follow. Once outside, he takes a drag off of his cigarette, looking up at the page. "What can I help you with?" Cornwallis says, one hand leisurely seeking the right pocket of his overalls.
Xenith glances from Cornwallis to the goat, then back to the man. "I am not an afficianado of goats, which leaves me in the unenviable position of negotiating from a position of ignorance. I hope to bridge the gap of my knowledge by relying on my generosity and your good nature. You see, I need the finest goat. Not a fine goat, or even a beautiful specimen. The finest goat. If you have one superior to this animal, I will make you an offer. If you know another breeder who, in all honesty, has a superior specimen, I will pay you double the price of this goat for his name, and perhaps an introduction."
NamelessNPC looks thoughtful when Xenith speaks, exhaling a long trail of smoke to the side so as not to fill the space between the bouncer and himself. "I don't have any finer goat. I sold one much like this to a strange lady in Sjolen though. Had red hair and I got a weird vibe off of her. Lots of freckles. Said she ran a farm up there with alpacas and sheep to farm wool. Not sure what she needed with my goat, but she bought it off of me and we went our separate ways. Her name was really strange though. Can't remember the first name, but the last name was something like...Tori? Tora? Toya? I don't even remember. That's the best I can do you for. She was aggressive about obtaining the goat though, so I don't know that she'll sell. Best of luck to you, sir." With that said, the man moseys off while smoking his cigarette, disappearing into the hustle and bustle of the streets outside of the auction house. Apparently extra payment was not needed.

Last modified on June 5, 2017, 18:49:17