
Land of Karchan

The Half a Million Gold Goat

DATE: 6/5/17
PLACE: A Barn in Sjolen

Heileid is currently mucking the barn stalls. Her alpacas are out grazing in their enclosure. You look at Xenith.
Xenith walks slowly up to the barn, wearing a very fine suit, and having a goat slung across his shoulders. Because this goat is clearly too fine to sully it's feet walking. The goat is actually quite comfortable with this arrangement, barely fidgeting other than to lazily look around. Xenith must have a way with animals. He calls out, after having asked around in town, "Lady Toya?"
Heileid looks up from her work as Xenith enters the barn, giving him a once over. Her gaze is suspicious upon a glance at the man, but she forces a smile, wiping at her brow line with a clean handkerchief. "You're speaking to her. Can I help you?" Her own goat is in its pen, lapping up water and equipped with a giant cube of ice to keep it cool. This is apparently a pampered goat. "That goat over your shoulder...it male? If so, I'd like to buy it off of you."
Xenith stops abruptly, as the thought clearly had not occured to him. He lifts it off his shoulders a moment and tilts his head to check, then immediately regrets not lifting it further. Frowning he turns back to Heileid. "Actually, I've come to you today with much the same proposition. You see, as the bride price to take my beloved's hand, I must present her family with two goats. Only the finest goats will be accepted, and the rumor is there is none finer than your own." He smiles hopefully, tugging at heart strings.
Heileid is a cold, hard b***h, but her smile lingers - if a bit sarcastic. "She's not for sale. I plan on using her for breeding and making goat's milk products. While it's true she's a looker, It would be best if you went elsewhere. No offense meant, but if you're not looking to sell your goat, then we don't have much to discuss." The woman grips her broom again, cleaning out the alpaca stalls and falling quiet. She'll be a tough nut to crack.
Xenith scratches his chin quietly, "I'd be prepared to pay you half a million. And give you right of first refusal on any of their offspring." Of course, the goats will probably be stuffed and mounted before they produce any children. Xenith might not lie, but he into above adding something worthless to close a deal.
Heileid 's posture becomes rigid, and she freezes in place while staring at Xenith. "Did you just offer me half a million gold for my goat?" She asks, because that is an offer she most certainly did not expect. "Why is taking my goat from me that important?" Heileid rises to her full height then, her expression almost scathing. "I'm not turning your offer down, but I'm eager to hear your explanation." Because in her mind, no amount of love is worth a half million gold for a single goat.
Xenith rolls back his shoulders into a large shrug, smiling gently back to Heileid. "It isn't about what the goat is worth. It's about what the goat is worth to you, and clearly it is very important. Money is a crass, base thing, but that is what I have, and I would not want to dishonor your affection for the creature by offering a trifle."
Heileid studies Xenith for a time, the goat hanging out close to its giant ice cube. It's a hot day for Sjolen! She relinquishes her grip on her broom and leans against the wall of the barn, crossing her feet at the ankles to regard Xenith again. "I'm not really interested in money, though. I'm more of a trader. Bring me ten goats of high quality, two male and eight female, and I'll give you the goat in exchange." Because now she wants him to have to go the distance to acquire her prized goat. "I'll be waiting."
Xenith nods to Heileid, smiling back, "Ten goats, two male. This I can do. I imagine before the week is out. Thank you, Lady Toya." He bows an awkward, goat-balancing bow as he backs out of her barn.
Heileid goes back to her sweeping. What an odd man.
Xenith leaves south.

Last modified on June 6, 2017, 00:28:37