
Land of Karchan

The Knights of Karchan

Chief Knight: Cascade

The Knights of Karn serve as the Law Enforcement for all of Karchan and uphold Justice as they serve Karn and his Deputies. For a list of laws and the average jail time sentenced for breaking the laws can be found here. The History of The Knights

At one time in the KoK history, Torko led the guild as Leader.

By early 2002, the guild had been stagnant for many years. There was a lone squire by the name of Sapphire who was often seen defending the righteous. Bladestorm was very occasionally seen. Aside from these two, none of the Knights of Old had been heard from in a rather long time. Toward the end of 2002 and beginning of 2003, Torko returned to Karchan. Being himself a Knight of Old, he sought out his guild in hopes of rejoining. He was dismayed to learn that for all practical purposes, they were no more. He then approached the deputy Kass and requested permission to take over the shell of what was left, and thus was born the current incarnation of the Knights of Karn. At first, he added several people to the guild without requiring anything as a means to build up the guild's numbers. Kasmira, who had been a page or possibly a squire in the old days was welcomed back as his own squire. He found Metal_Sabre and Petra from the old days as well. Elsie also joined immediately, starting out as a Petra's squire and earning Knighthood within a very short amount of time. Metal_Sabre took Sypher as his squire later on. Alicyn had also joined not terribly long after, as well as Phae. Ramah, Jendayi, and nate also joined early on.

As the Knights grew and became a functioning guild again, problems ensued. Torko viewed his role as the leader to be just that - the leader. There was a fundamental misunderstanding between he and those who served as Knights. Prompted by the memories of how things were as told by the Knights of Old, such as Kasmira, the Knights felt that their proper role was to be a guild of equals that was only administrated by a Spokesperson for paperwork purposes. This very likely would never have become an issue had Torko been a more tactful or wiser leader. As it was, he fell into a habit of making flighty, off-handed, and downright strange decisions without consulting or even telling other Knights about them. Discontent grew to an astronomical level.

As oblivious as Torko was as a general rule, eventually the discontent grew great enough that even he became aware of it. He wanted to step down, but he did not believe in quitting. Sometime during the second half of 2005, Obsidian captured Torko's daughter, Eamane. He offered Torko a deal - leave the Knights and join his service, and his daughter would go free. Somewhat relieved at this opportunity, though also rather upset and feeling as though he was being forced out, Torko passed his mantle of leadership onto Elsie along with a special charge to "Hold the Knights together, and make them great again."

Elsie had already been in consultation with Kasmira about how best to salvage the guild. She felt that she would be more effective in her special charge to hold the Knights together and to make them great again if she lead from behind the scenes, and both she and Kasmira recognized that the level of discontent among Knights had grown to such a staggering level that nothing short of a complete overhaul would save them. So they held a brief election in which Kasmira was given the title of Spokesperson, and then instituted the current system of voting by which the Knights now make all of their important decisions. After that, the position of Spokesperson came to be regarded as purely an administrative role - the person who does the paperwork.

In 2009, Litheramith became the Spokesperson, taking over the job as Midevia handed it to him. In April 2012, Litheramith retired from the position of Spokesperson, passing it back to Elsie. When this was decided, it was also decided that Elsie would be the official leader of the knights as Torko intended before his untimely demise. Also, the title of "Spokesperson" was eliminated; and Elsie designated her rank as "Chief Knight" instead, to reflect the change in paradigm.

The Knight's Magic

The Knights have their divine mandate from Karn through his first deputy, manatoba. Karn gave the mandate, but manatoba was the representative who picked the original Knights and gave them a kick start in the Land of Karchan. This is also significant in light of the history of the Knights - at one time, they operated more as mini-deps than as an in character institution. As the first deputy, manatoba was basically handing out power for people to help him out.

The Knight's Castle

Karn resided in the Knight's Castle during the times he visited the land more frequently, and it was widely known that the castle could not be harmed or besieged. Assuming that was simply because God was inside, the castle still should retain some sort of sacred protections. It was considered a secure place even while Zhanos was lurking around. At some point, Elsie cast a spell to make the castle fireproof, using Verity's power to do so.

Guild Ranks

Chief Knight: The Chief Knight is responsible for collecting votes that are cast by the rest of the Knights on important issues, and also for giving the guild a push here or there when decisions seem to stagnate. If there is an even tie of opinion, the Chief Knight will break it based upon his or her own best judgment, keeping in mind the thoughtful responses that have been argued out. In times of extreme distress, The Chief Knight can override or veto majority decisions by the rest of the guild if there is a case of extreme circumstances, although this has yet to occur. Finally, the Chief Knight will make decisions and appointments relevant to the guild's duties (e.g. appointing the Sheriff of Pendulis or accepting new pages into the guild) if other Knights are inactive or unable to cast their votes within a timely fashion. What the Chief Knight DOES NOT DO is interfere with the daily duties, investigations, or decisions of individual Knights. Each Knight has full authority to represent the guild as a whole to the public, and their actions should be supported by others in the guild (they shouldn't fight or argue in front of citizens).

Knights: Only the dedicated and the hardworking, the cream of the crop, ever make it to the rank of Knight. Many remain in the guild for years and never get close to obtaining the title of 'Knight'. Only those who are Knights have the ability to arrest and release people from jail.

Current Knights

Cascade, the Porcelain Knight, Shield of Prudence.
Ean, the Celestine Knight, Shield of Defense.
Elsie, the Crystal Knight, Shield of Mercy.
Niste, the Moonlit Knight, Shield of Justice.
Wedcik, the Hemlock Knight, Shield of Courage.

Squires: Are selected by Knights. While the training a Squire receives is largely dependent upon their Knight, every Squire is expected to complete the same core training to guarantee everyone has had at least some fundamental training. A Knight can and should place additional requirements on his/her squire in addition to their 'core training'.

Pages: Everyone in the Knights is required to start at the rank of Page. A character must exist for one month before they are permitted to join the guild and become a Page. This is the bottom-rung rank in the guild.

For history, the virtues, and our beautiful 'Fun Pics' section, please visit our website here: https://www.geocities.ws/knightsofkarchan/

If you wish for your character to join, simply send a MUDmail to Cascade or inquire with another knight about the process.

See Also

Last modified on April 18, 2024, 17:56:58