
Land of Karchan

The Page's Present

Place: The Road
Date: 12/14

A very curious thing happens while Xuhixe is not looking. Almost in the blink of an eye, a mysterious package appears with a festive tag bearing her name on it. The package is in a shiny, shimmery red wrapping paper with a golden bow with spirals of silver ribbon. It's reflective, so the tiniest bit of light makes it eye-catching, more so than normal presents. It has perfectly square dimensions, and the longer it sits there, the more temptation there would be to open it. It seems that Xuhixe has a decision to make.

Xuhixe spies the present that was not previously there before she turned her head. The page eyes the package with a fair level of uncertainty before picking it up. She glances around herself for anyone around that may have potentially left the expensive looking item around or may have dropped it without noticing.

The package in Xuhixe's hands has a tag still with her name on it, and it has a nice weight to it. If she were to shake it, the woman would definitely hear some rattling around in there, almost like pebbles. Then, from inside the package, a very tiny 'help' can be heard, the voice barely there. The box vibrates a little in Xuhixe's grasp, and another almost pained 'help!' resounds from within the box with more urgency in the occupant's tone.

The Package shouts [to Xuhixe]: Help me please! I'm trapped!

Xuhixe notices the tag after no one is around to claim it apparently, and is stricken with surprise. Half because of the voice from inside of it and half because someone actually spelled her name correctly. Wait.. There is someone inside of it! "Oh no, I'm so sorry! One second I'll get you out of there!" She very carefully crouches down to place the boxed person on the ground, then cuts open the box very carefully with a small knife tucked into her belt.

Madeleine jumps at the sudden noise of the box shouting to Xuhixe, and backs away from the page.

When Xuhixe bravely attempts to free the being within the Karnmas Present, the box suddenly explodes into shreds. There are suddenly Karnmas elves everywhere with sharp, pointed fangs. They spy the two figures at the road and split into teams, three heading for Madeleine and three heading for Xuhixe, their little green outfits singed from the explosion. One elf moves to tackle Madeleine while the other two attempt to hold her legs in place to make the take down easier, while the three figuring Xuhixe out just attempt to climb her all at once. All six elves begin the process of trying to bite and tear at anything they can get their fangs into, and a seventh elf springs out of the box remnants with a javelin lit up with a red, shining nose at the bottom of it's length. He cackles maniacally and touches the javelin tip to a nearby tree, and it lights up with Karnmas lights that slowly burn it down to ashes. He sets his beady little sights on Xuhixe then, coming at her with the javelin...

Madeleine's eyes widen and she screams when the elf makes a break for her. A branch from the tree above her head cracks like thunder and flies across the roadway, slamming into the would-be assailant's stomach. "Leave. Me. Alone!" Her voice rises shrilly and she backs up as the two other elves grab for her robed legs. The psion kicks at them furiously. "Go away!" One of the little bastards bites into her ankle, only to be kicked hard in the face by a leather boot.

Xuhixe is so focused on helping the person flailing in the box that the explosion, as it might with anyone, completely catches her off guard and thusly explodes in her face. She half throws the remnants of the box while being half knocked back, too. Her face is burned and already slowly becoming red, as well as her arms, and even some of her hair is singed, too. The knife, sent flying another direction, probably over and past the board, is now nowhere in her reach, but while Xuhixe has that second to recuperate from stinging eyes, sort of, she already has her hand at her waist, holding something in her fist from the pouch attached to her belt. She can sort of see the result of the lance goblin's, as she sees them, tap against the tree. With that quick flick of her hand, she holds her breath and slings two glass orbs, one at the three sharp-toothed elves coming at her and one at the lance elf. Both flicks are aimed at the targets, but at an angle sharp enough that if it were to miss the elf, it would still shatter on the ground very close to them and release puffy cloud of sleep inducing gas. If she misses, their dodge will give her enough time to dash over and in front of the goblins pursuing Madeleine to attract their attention instead. Of course, they were already on the psion by then but Xuhixe does grab for the one that attempts to nab the frightened woman's ankles by the back of the head, looking less than amused, and still on guard of the other assailants in case the tree swinger and her splash potion had not knocked them out already.

Xuhixe is squinting very hard right now.

The elves are all tittering like the tiny maniacs they are at this point, that is, until Madeleine gives one of them a well-aimed kick that punts them a good distance away. The wicked elf lets out a shriek of laughter - until its head hits the tree it lands against. The head bobbles around for a moment, then the tiny monstrosity's eyes bug out like it has been squeezed. A sound like a tea kettle whistling rings out, and the elf implodes...leaving nothing behind but a few shreds of silver ribbon that curls up into flakes of ash within a few seconds. Shoot for the head, apparently. The one that Madeleine kicks in the face tries to shake off the effects of her stomp, but the same tea kettle whistle sounds off and he too implodes into burning silver ribbons. The third elf sees what is happening and makes it a habit of staying out of the reach of both Madeleine's feet while also keeping on the lookout for crazy projectiles. He summons a little elf hat with a jingling bell on the pointed tip, straps it on like a helmet, and attempts to leap onto the psion's back. The elves currently working against Xuhixe spy the projectiles, but the sleeping gas doesn't seem to have the intended effect. Instead, it kind of ramps them up and they all giggle in unison. The one wielding the magic javelin manages to swing it like a baseball bat and connect with globe tossed his way, the orb fitted with Karnmas lights before exploding in a torrent of fire that singe's the tiny terror's formerly white eyebrows. He gives a little shriek and breaks into a run toward Xuhixe. Unfortunately for one of the other elves though, a piece of glass from the orb that exploded hits it right between the eyes and the angry kettle noise sounds out again, the elf's eyes bugging out as he implodes into silver ribbon. So now it is one versus Madeleine, and three coming for Xuhixe.

Madeleine continues to kick at the little monster biting at her ankles. The shoe to the face sends him flailing, but he's a tenacious little bugger, and doesn't let go so easily. The girl kicks and shrieks, too terrified to be of much use. The broken pieces of glass, Madeleine, and anything else within about a five-foot radius that isn't attached to the ground, including the elf grabbing her ankles, lifts into the air.

Xuhixe notices the lack of effect of her potions and frowns a bit, but Madeleine's batting skills and that kettle pop of the goblins assaulting her alerts her of that weakness. Their heads! The page removes her sheathed sword, still in the sheath with every intent to smack each goblin on the face, but then everything starts ... floating? "Um.." Up Xuhixe goes. She does not really... know how to properly handle this, but she tries! She uses the sheathed sword as a bat and swings it at the glass shard to smack the remaining three goblins chasing her in the face.. with glass. Its worth a shot!

The elves look momentarily confused as they float, but their sharp-toothed smiles suddenly look more shark-like as they swim through the air, still in pursuit of their intended targets. Xuhixe manages to catch one right in the mouth, and the whistling tea kettle sounds as the elf explodes into burning silver ribbon. One down, two to go for Xuhixe. Madeleine's pursuant uses the floating to try and grab her by the hair and hopefully bite into her neck, making little snapping noises as it approaches. Grubby little fingers attempt to twine into the psion's red hair to further mire himself in place. If Madeleine tries to telekinetically toss him away, he'll likely be taking some of her hair with him. The other elves swim through the air toward Xuhixe, one circling clockwise, while the other moves counterclockwise in a peculiar pattern. They too have now summoned jingling bell elf hats that serve as helmets, only they have upgraded to masks to go with. The masks look like Santa's face. One finally dives down toward the page in an endeavor to latch onto the woman's shoulder, looking to make a meal out of any purchase he finds. The other dives deeper, trying to sucker punch the back of Madeleine's knee in an endeavor to make her lose focus.

Madeleine continues to float higher and higher. The elf attached to her leg gets kicked off and plummets. The one grabbing for her neck gets a mouthful of red hair and fabric before she swats at him and sails away like a balloon, because her RPer has to go.

Madeleine left the game. Xuhixe oocly lols The Elves lol too...menacingly.

From the overcast sky, fat flurries drift downward in chilled flakes, dusting the ground with snow. As time rolls on, that dusting becomes a steady build of fluffy, white snow.

Xuhixe grabs at one of the goblins' hats to snatch it off and bop him on the head with her sheath. If the helmet is attached to him and she realizes this as she tries to take it off, she will instead try to swing the little menace at the goblin with the big pointy decorative weapon and 'parry' an incoming swing of the weapon or just smack the armed goblin in the side of his head instead. Maybe knock him away a little. By then, the third goblin is biting into her shoulder. Thank Karn she is wearing padded armor there because she can feel the points of its teeth pinching her shoulder and gradually biting through it. She just straight punches the small rascal in the face! That's when she realizes she is now... falling? Above her, she notices the frightened magical girl is just.. flying away for the situation, thusly removing their little antigravity circle of fun. Xuhixe notices this a little late though, and her attempt to tumble with grace, ends up just causing her to flop clumsily onto her side. Ow.

The main elf, the one with the super destructive javelin, gives a little shriek as his move to incinerate Xuhixe is parried, and in that piovtal moment, the javelin is knocked out of his hands and it tumbles to the side, completely out of the creature's reach. Then they are falling, and the elf lands with a loud grunt of impact, momentarily dazed. Once his wits are about him, he's sprinting as fast as his short legs can carry him to retrieve his fallen weapon, hoping that the elves attacking Xuhixe will give him enough time to reach the enchanted Karnmas javelin. The plummeting elf, the one that was in the sky after Madeleine, eventually bounces on the ground, swearing rather heatedly in a strangely accented version of the Elvish language. That final bounce causes him to bash his head on a rock, and he explodes like the others have, leaving ashes in his wake. When Xuhixe punches the elf biting into her shoulder, it screams in protest as her hand sinks into its caved-in face. This hiss of a tea kettle unsettles the vicinity and the elf implodes into cinders and crisping silver ribbons. This leaves time for the ultimate showdown. The only way to kill that last elf is with the javelin, and there is fear shining in the creature's beady black eyes as it races to retrieve what it has lost. Will Xuhixe fell the final elf? Or will the elf finish Xuhixe off? Time will tell.

Xuhixe is back on her feet again after some effort because fall. She rolls her shoulders with some hesitation because of the ache in her left. Looks like this is the final showdown assuming a mutated deer and another elf do not charge out of nowhere anytime soon. Because of the time it took for Xuhixe to stand again, the little javelin wielding goblin is able to grab his Javelin again. What will Xuhixe do? She grabs a couple rocks... and her sheathed weapon of course. She tosses the rock in the air a few times like an eager pitcher waiting for just the right moment to strike out the batter.. only this time.. again... she is also the batter. She catches the rock and points two fingers at her eyes then at the goblin. Clearly she is being completely mature about this. She then tosses both rocks in the air and bats them hard at the little frightened goblin. Just to to stir him up a bit, or hit him, really.

The last elf standing is able to reclaim his javelin, and he grins mightily, jagged teeth easily visible. The rocks that Xuhixe bats at him hit him directly in the head...but there is no satisfying pop to indicate that the elf is going to explode. With the javelin in hand, the elf lights up it's red-reindeer nose and approaches Xuhixe, walking a bit like a bulldog. Without accompanying chaos, it is easier to see that this elf is more hardy than the others. It's buff, even, and it touches things on its path to the page with gleeful, but dark, titters of amusement. A tree is lit up with beautiful Karnmas lights only to burst into flames, and the elf grins, suddenly hefting the javelin up and winking to Xuihixe before leveling it at about her midsection, giving it a powerful through toward her abdomen. The elf fully intends on making Xuhixe into a pillar of burned flesh, apparently! The javelin sails through the air and the elf stares expectantly, hands clasped together in hopefulness.

Xuhixe waits patiently, watching the goblin while he pokes and incinerates things in pretty lights. The thing about ranged weapons is that they are great at range, which is why she waits for him to get closer, her stance at ready for the thrust or swipe of the javelin. When he comes just close enough, leveling the point at her midsection, the page has a fair prediction he intends to stab and not slice, so just as his body tenses at the start of the thrust, she evades right, stepping closer to him and promptly grabs the handle of the lance, using the inertia from her step forward to step into the goblin's chest and pull it free from his hold as he is pinned there. If she succeeds, she carefully arches the javelin over her head until the pointed tip is aimed right at his nose. If he does not escape, she states simply, "Can you speak common?"

The elf stares defiantly at Xuhixe when she poses her question, content not to respond. He does, however, try to grab his javelin back, moving as if to bite the page's fingers where they hold it.

Xuhixe raises a brow and lifts the weapon just out of reach, her fingers along with it. "You know. I can put a collar on you and make you carry my groceries. Or put you in a big box for a long time. I suggest you answer me."

The elf fidgets for a moment when Xuhixe says what she does, and while he doesn't understand the words, he doesn't appreciate her tone. In the blink of a Karnmas light, the elf is suddenly towering over Xuhixe and built like an ogre with pointed ears. His jaw is slightly skewed to the left and he roars something absolutely foul in butchered Elvish at Xuhixe that is best left without description. The elf-beast reaches forward as if to grab the page by her throat, eyes blinking from red to green to white to gold, opposite hand reaching once more for the javelin where Xuhixe has it gripped. The elf is tired of playing around now and it shows...

Xuhixe just sighs when he grows hugenormous. She has dealt with orcs before and most were not very reasonable when angry. So as he roars angrily at her, she jabs him in the skewed jaw with the javelin. Even says, "Boop." assuming he will just go poof, but she does also step backwards as he reaches for her throat.

Hulk-Ogre-Elf roars when Xuhixe boops him on the nose, obviously infuriated. However, his hands fall to his sides as he watches a string of Karnmas lights wrap around him securely, eyes wide and glossy. He fidgets desperately in their old, but soon he is an inferno, exploding into burning red ribbons that are easily snuffed about by the steadily falling snow. The threat has been vanquished. Xuhixe is victorious. The road, however, is a disaster, with ash and ribbon remnants everywhere.

Xuhixe just sort of stares at the terrible weapon she just acquired by force for a moment after the giant goblin..orc-shifter explodes into flames, ash, and ribbons. She casts a glance around herself in case there are anymore 'gifts' around, then struts up to the board to leave a very important message for the rest of the community: For your safety, do not open any strange, suspicious, or unusually random presents. Report them to the Knights of Karchan immediately.

Xuhixe quickly makes her way to the castle.

Last modified on December 14, 2017, 08:20:33