
Land of Karchan

The Road

The Road lies south of the Dwarven Village and is the main hangout place for most of Karchan's inhabitants due to the placement of the public board. A lot of RP occurs here, both good and bad, and you can actually be jailed by The Knights of Karchan for fighting here or cybering too close.

Dueling at the road is very much frowned upon and should be taken elsewhere, in The Enchanted Forest for example, which is just west of the road. RPers at the road may not want to read the duel while others may not realize that it is a duel and you the run risk of being interrupted.

This is a perversion of a half-remembered earlier rule, from when Karchan had a working in-game combat system similar to other online RPGs. Combat was initiated by using the command "fight <name>," and would generate enormous amounts of spam until one combatant fled or died. Thus, there was a rule against "fighting" at the road. After the implementation of scalable combat skill with character levels basically broke combat, because in order to hit with a weapon you needed to already be higher than level one, combat fell into disfavor, and eventually was removed from the game entirely. During this entire time, Dueling at the road was common, generally people would go to another room to avoid "spam" on the duelists' screens, from general chatter, rather than to avoid spamming the other people at the road with entertaining and well-written magic spells. Several famous duels took place at the road, including Obsidian's defeat of Zhanos. Today, many people will yell at you for dueling at the road. Some knights will threaten to jail you. Brawler beware.

The Public Board

The Public Board resides at the road, and it is where people leave messages for others to read. It clears once a week, every Saturday. There are at least four types of messages left often:

  • Serious RP messages - These are messages that actually relate to roleplay and advancing it.
  • OOC messages - When people usually say "Oh! Read the RP board!" or generally get their cyber knickers in a twist and go on a long, huffy rant.
  • LL's - LL means 'long live', so to put 'LL Karcas!' would be your character wishing Karcas a long life.
  • Advertisements - People recruit for their guilds often using the public board, and some offer other services of theirs such as charm making, fortunetelling, or an advertisement for their shop. Also, the occasional ho may advertise her goods, or lack thereof, here.

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Last modified on July 13, 2022, 21:32:51