
Land of Karchan

The Sky Realm of Esmeraulde


Up in the clouds, The Sky Realm of Esmeraulde has been devoid of almost all life for hundreds of years. To most, it is a rumor or legend, something that people have talked about but never experienced. It has an interesting history that eventually caused it to be closed off.

Powerful magicians once sought Godhood there, and they thought they had attained it when a single woman found a way to change her race and rise to immortality. She gave this knowledge to others, who became known as Weavers, and those able to perform the necessary spell and ritual work were worshiped. There was a problem however.

They were not Gods, and Almahvius, then known as God of Lust and Bloodlust, became angered at the Weavers' arrogance and sought to teach them a lesson. When the original weaver wouldn't confess she wasn't a god, Almahvius took his rage out on the entirety of the realm, slaughtering it's inhabitants and bringing it's infrastructure to ruin.

A mere handful managed to escape, and while everyone else died, Almahvius wasn't done punishing those who fled. He made the realm impossible to find by ordinary and magical means, ensuring that no one could return home in the aftermath.

After hundreds of years, the original Weaver traveled to Mahtohs, and in a rare display of humility, asked that Almahvius reveal Esmeraulde and allow it to be traveled to once more. There were conditions, but he agreed.

If one wants to travel to Esmeraulde, you need to find a certain book in certain libraries. A spell inside that book will send you on your way.

It's still in the process of being rebuilt.


Part of Almahvius' conditions for revealing Esmeraulde again, was that no Weavers were allowed to hold power there any longer. They can live and operate there, but no longer have a say in ruling matters. Instead, there is a council there of people who first found Esmeraulde when it was revealed. The council makes any big decisions for the realm, though they likely still ask Weavers for advice from time to time. The Sky Realm of Esmeraulde has a small police force, with a cavalier of Victoria named Leonidas acting as Sheriff. The Knights of Karchan do not rule here. They are invited to show up, however, if someone is eluding them. Keeps the riff raff out.

Sights to See

Though a good portion of Esmeraulde is still being rebuilt, there are some areas worth seeing in the Realm anyway.

  • Twinkle Twinkle Little Bar is currently ran by a council member, and she has it all figured out.
  • The Pegasus Field is a space where you can see an entire group of pegasi doing whatever they want to do. They reportedly love being fed apples (hint).
  • Visions Coffee & Tea is ran by Yliekiiel Gatewood and his husband, Rhyl. It is a coffee and tea shop where people can get their fortunes read by the acclaimed former Seer of Tiassale.
  • There are two mines somewhere in Esmeraulde. Good luck finding them.
  • Many more!

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Last modified on April 18, 2024, 18:03:00