
Land of Karchan

Through to the Next Stage


Sloane and Gable chat about Olwen and her potential to join the highwayman group as they attempt to reband and grow in numbers. There is a few tests that they need Olwen to do but she is through to that stage at least.

RP contains bad language

The Roleplay

Sloane had had a long day and night at work and she was running on nearly two days of no sleep. As soon as she opened the door to the headquarters she had kicked off her heels, thrown her dress unceremoniously on the floor and tugged on a tank top. With a wide yawn, the highway woman threw herself on the couch and promptly fell asleep. Currently, she is still snoozing, the blanket having fallen off during her slumber; she's curled up in nothing but her panties and a tank top which had ridden up to reveal her stomach. Jeremy, the cat, was likewise sleeping curled up near Sloane's feet.

Gable had spent most of his coin living in the inn and had to cut the expense now. So suitcase in hand, a nod to Tom who seem overly amused though silent as Gable climbed the stairs. In his distracted state of deep thought, he doesn't even notice the scantily clad sleeping woman until he had set his suitcase down, wandered over to the drinks cabinet and fixed a rum for himself. It was the very first step towards the couch he notices Sloane, a surprised life of brows but approving and he weighs his choices, wake her softly, wake her quickly with a glass of water tipped over her head, save her pride and re-enter the HQ by making hell of a noise on the stairs to give her the belief that she had not been found in that state? Nope. None of those win. Instead he sits himself down on the arm chair directly opposite the couch she is sprawled on, grabbing the newspaper and busying himself with reading that to allow her to sleep and wake naturally though her pride would be severely maimed as there was no way she could deludedly convince herself he hadn't seen her. Looks like being a c*** is hereditary.

Sloane continues to sleep for a few moments, blissfully unaware of Gabe's sudden appearance. Jeremy, however, stirs, eyeing the man and begins to knead his paws into Sloane's leg. "Quit it..." she mumbles shaking her leg slightly. The cat doesn't seem to care and continues to nudge against her. With a low growl Sloane pushes herself on her elbow, purple hair tousled with sleep, and blinks a few times at Gable. It takes a few seconds for her to wake up enough before she gasps, quickly adjusting her tank and snagging the blanket off the floor to cover her lower body. "What the fuck are you doing here?" She squeals, sending the hissing cat under a table.

Gable glances up from the print, over the pages and to Sloane as she awakes and blurts out her words. A quiet and amused chuckle, turning the page as if he were just going to carry on reading the news, though the articles are particularly grabbing this week, more crime, death, drugs in Tiassale, it was hard to keep up. "Don't you remember, I said I might need to stay a few nights here? I can see you are testing out the couch for me, very sweet of you sunshine bunny." A nod to the blanket as he bluntly says "I have seen all that is underneath, a bit late for you to cover up. Though I am glad I didn't put the bet down that you wore rainbow print kitten panties or I would have lost. I will have to tell Titan, he wanted to put his money on pug dogs." A slow drink, newspaper folded and he leans back in his chair "Olwen. We need to talk about her too."

Sloane huffs in annoyance at Gabe and narrows her dark eyes at him, a small growl vibrating in her throat at that little pet name of his. "Sorry to disappoint, but I don't own character panties." Despite his assurance that he has seen everything she keeps the blanket firmly in place, her scowl deepened before she chews on her bottom lip. "Then I guess I'll have to find another place to stay," she says with a sigh and flops back down on the couch. "I don't like working with women," she answers in response to Olwen.

Gable stares at Sloane for a moment, expression frozen with an eyebrow lofted. There is zero movement from him and it gets to a stage where it had to be considered that the only way to get Gabe working would be to turn him off at the power and back on again. A blink though and he tries to remain nonchalant "You are staying here? Your home being redecorated or waiting for the exterminator to come?" He waits just a little moment for her to answer before he tries to recall the lady they interviewed "We can see if she is open for a sex change to keep you happy?" However he leans forward, reaching out to set his glass down and push it over the coffee table towards the highway lady for her to drink of some, expression changing to one more serious "We need numbers, regardless of gender. Now, I know my brother, he didn't like women in the group either but he knew their worth and that the honey trap is one hell of a successful weapon to have up your sleeve. So that was you wasn't it? I can't see Olwen being that adaptable. I think we need to put her through her paces, see what she has. It seems she likely has a few skills in fighting, she has magic too so we need to find out in what. We also need to see if she can be stealthy, cunning and adaptable. You can't say no just purely based on her gender? Are you sure you didn't sleep with Jer?"

Sloane focuses on the ceiling for a moment before turning her head sideways to look at Gabe again. It was time to swallow her pride a bit. "I don't have a home," she admits with a quiet sigh. The suggestion of Olwen going for a sex change manages the smallest of smiles from the woman who hoists herself back up in favor of the offered alcohol. "She mentioned a bit of an anger problem," she reminds him more seriously. "If we're going to put her through the paces one should be a high pressure situation so we can see if she loses her cool." Sloane runs her fingers through her hair, smoothing it slightly before fixing Gabe with a stare. "No we never slept together. Why do you keep asking that?"

Gable winces at that revelation and takes a moment to scratch at his jaw in thought, gaze darting over the room they are in for inspiration "Okay sunshine bunny, how about this, I won't stay here for long, as soon as we get money coming in then I will get my own place but for now if we both stay here? We can cordon off that side of the room ...." Cue a point to the far side "Hang a curtain up for some privacy, stick a bed there for you unless you really like the couch. Then that way you have your area and I will just stay here as short as possible, how does that sound?" The purple haired lady is right though with Olwen's anger issue and he gives a solemn nod in agreement as words turn back to business "Okay, any proposals on how to test that? I was thinking of a couple of tests, one where she has to give up her weapons, not use magic and has to get ten gold coins off different people by different methods, one by charming, one by pick pocketing, one by conning. Also we need to take her to the woods to see if she can single handedly stop a carriage....she needs to know how to ride a horse but that can be learnt. How are we going to test her temper? She did also say that she had a loose tongue, we need to test that too.....your friend....employee...we can use him to see if she will spill? As for you and Jer, well you have the same sort of thoughts on working with women."

Sloane gives her head a small nod in agreement with Gabe's suggestion. "Sounds good. I'm hoping to get a place soon but I've been sending all my wages to..." Slim freezes for a moment. "...my mother." Hoping to change the course of conversation she nods at his suggestions. "I like all those. I'm sure Cas will help if I ask. He's young but eager to help I think. As for her temper?" Slim taps her chin thoughtfully. "Maybe we can see what really frustrates her in these tests and then escalate it in another one? Really push her buttons." Going back to Jeremy, the club manager smirks. "The most intimate I got with your brother was punching him in the face and kneeing him in the balls."

Gable clearly wants to ask further about the whys of Sloane's wages being sent away but whether it be sense or not, he opts not to but stores that away in his mind to try to casually bring up, probably at a time where Sloane has consumed most of a bottle of booze than not. Leaning forward and elbows on knees as he sinks into thought, absentmindedly rubbing his mouth "It needs to be a situation where she understands that she can not lose her temper. Seeing as you are a woman, what makes you lot lose your temper?" Though his laugh is heard again, amused at the antics of his deceased brother and Sloane "Now if he was around, it would be easy to test her temper. Though it is clear you have hell of one too."

Sloane stands from the couch and points a finger at Gabe. "Don't look," she says, throwing the blanket off of her once she believes his eyes to be closed. She moves off to the corner, her back to Gabe, and she fishes out a pair of leggings and pulls them on before returning to the couch. "I can have a temper," she admits. "But I can generally hold it in for a long time. Allows it to fester," she says with an innocent smile. "I think what really agitates me the most is when men shrug me off and downplay my abilities. She seems like a tough chick, I'm sure if someone applied she was weak or incapable she might get angry."

Gable takes his sweet arse time looking at Sloane when she orders him not to and waits for him to obey, though when it seems like he was just about to not, he closes his eyes though just to wind up, even though he can't see, he still gives a wolf whistl just to put the fear of Karn into her as if he were peering. Yet he can't help but say "Ah a festering anger type woman...therefore you are the kind of woman that when asked how they are, if you say fine, then we need to evacuate a ten mile radius of you." Once it is clear she has returned to the couch, his head lifts up and eyes open "It is settled then, woman or not, she is through to the next stage. Do you want to put a notice on the board to say? Funny thing is, she still doesn't know the job she has applied for."

Sloane throws her head over her shoulder to give Gable a glare at that wolf whistle but it is short lived when she realizes he isn't looking, even if he had seen it already. "Just don't piss me off and we're all good," she informs him as if it were the easiest thing in the world. "Right, I can make a post on the board." Slim begins to idly twist the longer parts of her hair into a braid. "Poor thing, having to deal with you," she teases with a smirk. "You aren't as bad as Jer though."

Gable places his hands on either arm of the chair he sits on, a push and rising himself up into a stand. Though as if he had not even heard her advice she had given to him, he says "And you might be more than just a pretty face for a honey trap. Not entirely sure though." But before Sloane can go to her default move of a punch and a knee to the balls, he seamlessly moves on "You put the notice on the board. Go buy some bed sheets. I am going to get a horse and cart, you can meet me outside here in two hours, we will get your bed." Of course there will be no purchasing of it, no, instead there would be a hijacking of a furniture delivery cart but Sloane would piece that together because for now, Gable departs.

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Last modified on March 30, 2017, 14:24:08