
Land of Karchan

Trouble with your Dragon

DATE: 7/5/17
PLACE: The Road

Falke casually appears in a whirlwind of indigo hellfire.
Tyrose swoops in from the sky on powerful wings, landing before Falke with much grace.
Falke arrives at the road on top of his...pink dragon. He peers at the public board from his perch, but seems to be guiding his beast away. "Be mindful of your feet. Don't step on anyone! Remember what happened that time in Pendulis, when you accidentally stepped on her foot? Are you seriously telling me that wasn't accidental?" Tyrose wheezes, a little plume of hellfire flirting past his teeth and into the night's darkness in a display of indigo.
Colm wanders on to the road, dressed to the nines in his black attire, buckles and belts here and there - a large and evil looking sword strapped to his back, the hilt of it twisted in black metal. Thankfully it is encased in a scabbard just as dark as itself. His voided eyes find Falke and Tyrose, that look accompanied by a smirk. "Trouble with your dragon, Falke?" Reaching one hand out, he offers it to Tyrose for a pet of his snout.
Falke chuckles, then nods his head with a 'pssh' sound departing from his mouth, keeping out of the dragon's sights "Me? Trouble with Tyrose? Never!" He pets his dragon's neck, still shaking his head and making 'oh yeah', 'always', 'never ceases' formations with his mouth to get his point across in silence.
Falke adds that Tyrose lets Colm pet his nose.
Faith glances to the newcomers, mainly the man with the large pink dragon. "Interesting. "The teen utters as she moves toward the creature. She stare upon the pink dragon for a moment before turning to it's ower. "Is this the dragon's natural color or did you attire it's appearance somehow?"
Colm pats Tyrose's snout, pocketing his hand soon afterward with a chuckle to Falke. "Well he should be good, provided no toes do get stepped on." Those voided eyes sweep the road, "Sure is quiet for such a crowd." He then smiles to Faith, that expression making him all the more demonic - something he doesn't mean to do. "Ah, someone speaks. Hello there. This is a divine dragon of Victoria, so he is special."
Falke nods when Colm answers Faith's question, but he expounds on the answer. "My Goddess gives all of her cavaliers a dragon. Tyrose here was always this shade, and it's quite a dashing color. It fits him. He's a flirt and I can be too." He winks down at the elf, but it is all in good fun. "You can pet him, if you like. If you're a good person, he won't take your fingers." The cavalier grins roguishly and pats his steed's neck.
Faith as she looks to the dragon, shaking her head to the offer to pet him. Afterall, her robes are made from that of a dragon's essence. "I don't think I should pet him then." The teen often questions her moral standing, having spilled blood more than once in her young life. "So, he was created by a goddess. That's very interesting indeed." Turning to both demon and the dragon's ower, the teen narrows her eyes as she crosses her arms. "Tell me, what can a dragon created from a God do, that other dragons can't?"
Colm shakes his head to Falke and his flirtations, rolling those red reflective and voided eyes skyward. "Ever the flirt, Falke. All in good fun, eh?" The cavalier keeps his hands pocketed, looking to Faith again. "They have a fierce loyalty to their riders and are incapable of evil. They are completely dedicated to their cause for justice. Plus, they breathe some super cool hellfire."
Xenith says [to Colm] : Sounds like my cow, Lulu. Save for the hellfire.
Xenith says [to Faith] : Very interesting. I suppose though, I am less concerned about actual flames than I am the overbearing heat of the desert sun. And also, windstorms. Sandstorms. Could a cloth of air direct a sandstorm around me?
Falke looks suddenly alarmed as Tyrose backs his butt against the nearest tree. "What are you doing?!" He then proceeds to use it as a butt scratcher, shaking leaves and limbs alike from the sturdy oak. "I just called you charming, and here you are showing your bad manners. You're lucky you're cute or I'd ask Victoria to straighten you out, you rascal." Falke then calls down to Colm then. "How is Ember? I've been a little distant lately, and I haven't seen her around. You two are still dating, right?"
Xenith looks at you.
Xenith looks at Colm.
You wave to Xenith.
Xenith says [to Colm] : Hellfire sounds...ungood
Falke says [to Xenith] : Well, it was one of Victoria's specialties back in her Magii days. She was half demon and managed to create her own source of fire. To be blunt, it burns the hell out of evil doers. *wink* It doesn't hurt good people.
Falke dons a cheeky smile, the devil.
Colm says [to Xenith] : My mother is likely one of the best examples of good you are to find in this land. I can't imagine her evil in the least.
Faith lets out a sigh. "Hellfire, already know that spell." She smile to the two and dragon as she turns, making her way back to Xenith. "Sandstorms you say... Well yes, it could act a wind curtain. However, I have another form a fabric to show you. However, this fabric requires the essence of living creature, so more often than not, I sacarfice the creature entirely to make. If you're not opposed to this, I can show you."
Xenith shrugs his shoulders toward Faith, "I'm not opposed to killing a beast, or a monster. I'm not about to harm something innocent just to make new clothes though."
Xenith smiles politely back toward Colm and Falke, "I cast no judgment. I'm just saying, if you asked me whether hellfire sounded like a good guy ability, or a bad guy ability, I would not expect it to be a weapon of virtue. Because of the hell part in the name, you see."
Colm shakes his head, "I'm sure the Hellfire you know is different than the one Victoria has created. It is a special make for her Furies and following. I'm certain there are different variations, but this is it's own special thing." The cavalier smiles some, then directs his attention to Falke. "Ember is good. We're actually engaged now!" He calls up, "Quite the adjustment for her, but we are discussing wedding plans." Keston flies down from the heavens, landing at Colm's side with a plume of smoke emitted from large nostrils. His steed earns a pet to the snout.
Colm says [to Xenith] : No offense taken. I realize it is a difficult subject to understand, like most things in this world. However, you seem open minded.
Xenith says [to Colm] : Well, one of my very best friends is a demon who rides a fiery steed that trails scorpions in its wake. So I try not to judge.
Falke seems happy that Tyrose has ceased his scratching, though he does seem interested in Keston suddenly. The dragon walks over to Colm's beloved dragon and nuzzles him a bit. They're clearly besties now, because Falke has decided so. "Engaged? That's amazing! Congrats, Colm. I bet Victoria is thrilled, her son a cavalier marrying one of her furies. That and Ember is a great gal. I'm happy for you both. My last date never showed up. It surprised me. Lovely half-drow beauty that could fight and was smart as a whip. I'm sad I didn't get to know her any better. C'est la vie, right?" His smile softens and he nudges Tyrose away from Keston. "I think I'm going to take Tyrose home and stable him for the night. If I don't, our dragons may decide it is play time and tear through the forest. I'd like to avoid that ever happening again. We all remember the Calenwood incident." The cavalier casts a wink Colm's way before turning his attention back to Xenith. "My name is Falke. I forgot to introduce myself. I'd love to linger, but I can feel Tyrose's energy spiking, so it's best to depart. Have a good evening."
Tyrose expands his wings and takes to the sky, soon just a speck on the horizon, fading from sight.

Last modified on November 20, 2017, 13:00:06