
Land of Karchan



Weavers were once normal people, ages ago when they were plentiful. They were well-versed in magic in a long-forgotten realm ( The Sky Realm of Esmeraulde ) that was suspended way high in the clouds over Karchan. It was a place of calm and it was a place where magic knowledge was highly favored in its people.

These powerful magic users sought to find a way to alter people and utilize the ability of deities to create new beings of their own. No mortal or immortal other than a deity can accomplish the full creation of new races, however, so these witches and wizards decided to utilize other abilities instead to perfect their plans.

They began collecting essences from people from varying races. They defined essences as spiritual energies, hair, or other pieces of a person or animal?s body that they could manipulate. With these bottles of essences collected, they begin experimenting with combining them. Over time, they developed a power they called weaving. They could weave the essences they had collected together and create new beings, and though it should have been a time to rejoice, it wound up making things increasingly difficult for them as a people.

Once they perfected their weaving technique, it changed them. They became a different race themselves, that they appropriately called Weavers. It was not without hardships though.

Being able to create new life with their hands, those who had undergone the change in race personally were no longer able to have children. They became barren or sterile. To make things more frustrating, they found out the hard way that trying to weave their essence with another person?s essence to make a child did not work. It actually caused the weaver to be reborn as a child instead, leaving them without knowledge of where they came from. Most weavers raised the young weavers and taught them their history and who they were before, but tragedy was about to strike twice.

Furious that Weavers had found a way to create life, specifically from the essence of incubi and succubi, Almahvius went to their cloud city and destroyed most of the population, save for a handful that lived. Not even the witches and wizards who did not dabble in weaving were spared, leaving the city desolate and barren.

The few that survived fled their beloved city to the various reaches of Kuri, still weaving in defiance of the deity that smote their beloved home and most of its inhabitants.

Some chose to be reborn and wove their essences elsewhere, fearful they would be found again by Almahvius if discovered.

Almahvius himself, a century later, expressed regrets and tried to make amends by finding their city and restoring what he could of it, but due to his somewhat unpredictable and often short attention span, he has yet to make good on this promise to right things.

If you are reading this, you have the opportunity to play a weaver, so reach out to Victoria via the Discord or MUDmail. The rules are below.

Rules of Weavers

  • All weavers are barren or sterile. There are no exceptions to this rule without divine help. They cannot create their own children either, as they would simply become the child when their essence left their body. Weavings are also sterile and cannot procreate.
    • You can only have ONE Weaver character PER PLAYER. The only exception to this is Victoria, but ONLY because she made two before she decided to open up the race for others. Weavers are a limited and rare race, so multiples are not allowed.
  • You cannot weave with more than four essences without possibly making your weaving unstable. It?s possibly to weave with a maximum of four, but four is dangerous 90% of the time. Most prefer to stick with two essences as a result.
  • There are only five of the original weavers left. Majo is one (the original), (Placeholder), Qaina, Sylran, and Hampton.
  • Once you have woven a being into existence and that being is played, that character may do whatever he or she pleases IC. If you want to bind them to you, do it early on or roleplay it. You cannot control someone else?s character unless you have good reason. Example is: Majo?s business runs on her binding her weavings to poppets and selling those. If the poppet gets destroyed, so does the weaving, so they will obey whoever has it. You may bind however you like, but that is Majo?s thing above, so try to figure out what works best for your character that is original. Also, you do not have to bind your creations to anything at all. You can simply create and let them do whatever they like.
  • You can weave essences from plants, animals, and people. Even mix and match those three. Example: Xavierre creates people she calls Blooms that she makes from flower x human.
  • No weaver is stronger than another, but some are older and more experienced with more knowledge at their disposal. The original five are considered the cream of the crop, as they are the only weavers left of the original batch.
  • There are no royals/monarchs/leaders/rulers of the Weavers. They are all considered equal, though the five original weavers are often sought out as elders for advice or counsel.
  • Weavers CAN die. They are immortal, but only in the aspect that they do not age and age will not kill them. They can still be killed in ways that a mortal can be killed.
  • Weavers cannot create other weavers alone. It has to be done by one of the original five weavers channeling their power into the weaver hopeful as only they retain the knowledge of how to do this. It takes the agreement to do so from all five (or however many are active at the time), and the weaver hopeful cannot already have a weaver character as it is only one per player.
  • The original five weavers are incapable of telling the secrets on how to make an existing person a weaver. The knowledge has been forbidden by various deities, so they cannot pass it on without being smote. If you play one of the original five and you tell others how to make weavers, your character will be smote by a random deity of Victoria?s choosing and the new weaver turned into a donkey.
  • Weavers are Victoria?s intellectual property. You may write them only within The Land of Karchan MUD or short stories that you do not intend to publish.
  • By playing a weaver, you are agreeing to the above rules with the understanding that if you break any of them, your weaver will be turned into an ordinary donkey.

Official Weavers

Give your weaver a title.
If your character is not on this list, they have not been approved to play a weaver by Victoria.

Majo - The First and The Chaotic.
The Second (Reserved)
Qaina - The Third and The Shaping.
Sylran - The Fourth and The Knowledgeable.
Hampton - The Fifth and The Creative.

Xavierre - Creator of Blooms.

Akrivi - (Unknown Essences) - Created by Qaina
Brand - The Morrow Coven - Demon/Werewolf - Created by Xavierre
Cascade - Porcelain Knight of Karchan - Banshee/Siren - Created by Majo
Hatsukoi - Giant/Werewolf - Created by Majo
Orville - Dragon/Cockatoo - Created by Sylran

© The Land of Karchan | Nettie Bell 2020

Last modified on June 8, 2024, 09:47:30