
Land of Karchan

The Wiki of Karchan

Welcome to the Land of Karchan MUD, a land filled with mystery and enchantment, where weapons, magic, intelligence, and common sense play key roles in the realm. Where love and war can be one and the same. Where elves coexist peacefully with the humans, and make war with the dwarves. Where the sun rises, and the moon falls. Where one can change into a hero with a single swipe of his sword.

The Land of Karchan MUD has existed for over 30 years, and as such has seen many changes. This wiki serves as the official history and record of those changes. All of Karchan and the World of Kuri's lore is contained in these pages.

Having Trouble?

Is the game eating your posts, or you're getting a websockets error in the upper right corner?
  1. Click "Settings" in the navigation bar.
  2. Scroll down to mid-page and look for the "settings" heading.
  3. Look below the dark mode button for the heading "websockets" and a blue check mark.
  4. Click the check mark to turn the box white; this turns websockets off.
  5. Click "save" below the debugging heading.
  6. Click "play" in the quick links (blue) bar over on the far right to return to the game.
Note: You may have to log in and log out to get things working again.

New Players

Never roleplayed before? Don't know what a MUD/MUSH is? Have no idea what you're doing here? Check out our What Is Roleplay Guide.
New and returning players should give the Newbie Guide a gander! Even if you're a seasoned veteran of Karchan, some of the things there might be surprisingly helpful.

Register To Be A Wiki Contributor!

Anyone who has a Land of Karchan character is already registered on the wiki. Follow these simple instructions to get started:
1. Log in to your character.
2. Click the "Wiki" title in the Site Navigation Menu instead of "play". Already clicked play? You can go back to the home page by clicking on the dragon icon at the top of the page.
3. Choose either "Main Page" or "Search" from the menu.
4. Navigate to the page you wish to edit.
5. Follow the guide and instructions on how to edit or create pages in the Wiki Etiquette and How To Guide.
Remember that all edits are recorded and logged. Game rules and expectations of conduct also apply to the wiki and its content.





Myths and Lore


Current Active Plots

Duels and Tournaments

LoK Funny Files

Models In Use